Gong Mohan couldn't fall in love with her, but in front of his children, he would act as a good husband and even a truly good father.

Finally, he nodded: "OK."

He didn't know what would happen in the future, if the two of them separated, who would Chenchen choose?
Gong Mohan couldn't help but asked: "If Daddy and Mommy won't be together, who would you like to be with?"

"I don't want you to separate..." Fang Chenchen panicked immediately, with fear written all over her face:
"Daddy, don't let me choose, I want you to be together forever..."

Isn't this what parents often ask their children before divorce?
He didn't understand, Mommy had already confessed her love, and Daddy was also very happy, why would she ask such a question?

Can't the adult world be simpler?

He was a little pitiful, but looked at Gong Mohan hopefully, he didn't want to hear the words of their separation.

Gong Mohan looked down at him, as if the little guy would cry if he opened his mouth.

"I'm just asking casually, I will stay with you with your mommy." He couldn't bear it, so he had to say.

"Really? Daddy, you can't lie to me." Fang Chenchen instructed with a sense of insecurity.

He knew that Dad and Mommy were not that close, if there was only one Mommy by his side, he would choose Mommy without hesitation.

But after enjoying his father's love, he really couldn't get rid of this feeling, and he didn't want to be separated from any of them.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, you have to remember that Daddy and Mommy will always love you."

Fang Chenchen froze for a moment, he understood a little bit, Daddy loves him, but he doesn't want to love Mommy.

"Daddy." He became serious: "Can you share some of your love for me with Mommy?"

How great would it be if love could be exchanged in equal value?

He can share half of the love that Daddy and Mommy have for him, so that the three of them can be together forever.

Unfortunately, he also knows that this is impossible.

He is a little sad.

Gong Mohan was a little speechless, but the childish words were worth his deep thinking.

His brother's dying words rang in his ears again, and his brother told him to take good care of Cheng Xuexin.

And Chenchen's small face in front of him seemed to overlap with her brother's face.

Gong Mohan's heart became heavier.

What magic power does Cheng Xuexin have?Rang brother didn't complain about her until his death, and Chenchen also protected her like this.

"That's the love Daddy gave you. Are you so generous? I'm going to be sad." Gong Mohan was a little jealous.

Fang Chenchen frowned, and kissed him on the neck:
"I can work harder and ask Daddy to give me more love. Anyway, I'm very likable, right?"

It hasn't been long since he came back, and Daddy has been so kind to him, so it's probably not that difficult to eat Daddy to death, right?
No matter how smart he is, he is still just a child, thinking things are still so simple.

Gong Mohan laughed and pinched his little face: "Then you have to work hard, I'm not that easy to talk to."

"No problem, Daddy, just watch."

The little guy ran for a long time, felt comfortable after taking a bath, and soon fell asleep in his arms.

Gong Mohan looked at his little face, even when he was asleep, there was a smile on his face, looking very happy.

Looking at this small face similar to Fang Qingyan, Gong Mohan's thoughts drifted away uncontrollably.

Although this woman is not very good, she taught the children very well.

He couldn't restrain the feeling of wanting to be soft-hearted to this woman, and even thought of that incident again.

If this woman wasn't Cheng Xuexin, how good would it be?

If she was another woman, would he be able to face all this?Can you be with her confidently?

He shook his head and shook off these thoughts, feeling a little melancholy: "What should I do..."

I looked at the Moments post again, is it complete?Is what she said true?

I really don't know what to do, he said that he would never let her go in his life...


It's been a day.

Fang Qingyan was lazily leaning on the balcony to bask in the sun. Originally, this time should be very comfortable.

But thinking about Fang Xiulin's words, he couldn't calm down.

After so long, she didn't know if her cousin would find out, if there was no news, then what Fang Xiulin said was not true.

But what if the cousin actually showed up?
These things were going back and forth in her mind, and she really couldn't wait to know the answer.

The phone suddenly rang.

With a jump in her heart, she hesitated for a moment while holding the phone, and finally connected.

I didn't expect it to be an insurance salesman.

"No, thank you." She hung up the phone very simply, and lay back down again.

Looking at the morning sun, she gradually calmed down.

How could my cousin do such a thing?Fang Xiulin must be talking nonsense and deliberately sowing discord!

Otherwise, how could there be no news after a day?

She breathed a sigh of relief, because she didn't sleep well at night, she fell asleep as soon as she relaxed.

Soon, she fell into dreamland.

She seemed to hear Chenchen's voice in her sleep, she quickly opened her eyes, and saw Chenchen talking on her phone.

"Chenchen, whose call is it?"

She got up hastily.

"She said she was my aunt?" Chenchen replied.

Fang Qingyan couldn't help but startled, Auntie?
"Mummy, what's wrong with you?" Fang Chenchen looked at her suspiciously.

Fang Qingyan came to her senses and walked over to answer the phone: "Hello?"

There was silence on the other side, and no one spoke.

But she suddenly thought that if Fang Xiulin was here, she might have started to sneer, right?
"Cousin, is that you?" Fang Qingyan couldn't help asking again.

"Qingyan, it's me..." Cheng Xuexin's voice trembled, as if she had been tortured and frightened.

Fang Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief, but because of the fear in her tone, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous:

"How are you, cousin? Are you okay? What about my aunt? Is she injured?"

The other party was silent for a moment.

After a while, Cheng Xuexin came back to her senses:
"They...they are terrible...they tortured me and my mother, my mother...my mother is still in their hands..."

Fang Qingyan involuntarily clenched her phone tightly.

She was worried, but already suspicious.

Before, I couldn't get in touch with them.

Why can my cousin call her after posting a circle of friends?

But what if all this is just a coincidence?

Fang Qingyan felt a little headache, she couldn't tell which side she should choose to believe for a while.

In the end, she still believed in her aunt and cousin, after all, this was the only family relationship she had left.

"How is your aunt doing now?" she asked.

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