Why is this man in heat anytime, anywhere?

"I'm hurt, don't mess around!"

Gong Mohan's face was livid, what is this woman thinking?He just wanted to drug her.

"What? Did you forget that we're married?"

"Are you human? I've been hurt like this!"

"It hurts on the neck, but everything else is fine."

Fang Qingyan struggled subconsciously, but she didn't know that this movement made her chest heave even more.

Gong Mohan's breath became heavy when he saw it: "Don't move around."

Fang Qingyan realized that he was applying medicine to him, and couldn't help being a little embarrassed. It turned out that she was thinking too much.

The man's magnified handsome face was in front of her eyes, and she saw his long eyelashes when she lowered her eyes. From the side view, his nose bridge was even more straight.

Why are these eyelashes so long, thick and curly?Does this guy have some foreign genes?
No wonder Chenchen's eyelashes are so long, she will never be able to catch up with her in her life, genetic inheritance is really a good thing.

But speaking of it, Chenchen doesn't look similar to him, only from the subtle places like the corners of the eyes and the tip of the eyebrows, it can be seen that she resembles Gong Mohan.

"A nympho?"

"I was just thinking, with your moody personality, I...how could I have fallen in love with you at that time?"

This man is good-looking, but my cousin can't be so irrational, right?

Falling in love with him is life-threatening at any time, cousin is really desperate?

"You still need to ask me? Shouldn't you tell me? Why did you change your mind so quickly? Is it because you have lost your conscience?"

Fang Qingyan blinked her eyes, could it be that her cousin played tricks on him, so he was unbalanced?
This is clearly a love-hate drama, she is too unlucky, she has done nothing, but she has to suffer for others:

"Then you... haven't changed your mind yet?"

"Who do you think you are? I have no feeling for you for a long time."

Gong Mohan looked at the ointment in his hand, and felt that what he said seemed a bit untrue, so he raised his hand and threw the ointment into the trash can, turned around and walked away.

"I think you are a cooked duck, you have a hard mouth!" Fang Qingyan muttered and cursed.

Could it be that Gong Mohan wants to have a sadomasochistic relationship with his cousin?

But the point is that you have to abuse your cousin, what's the matter if you abuse me?

She fell asleep on the big bed, what should I do?Who can help her subdue Gong Mohan?

Forget it, it's impossible.

It is more reliable to find a way to rescue the aunt's family.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Fang Qingyan turned over, pressed the button beside the bed, and the door opened automatically.

"Cheng Xuexin, you should get up!" Yan Shuya walked in from the outside.

"I don't want to get up, I'm tired..." Fang Qingyan hugged the quilt with a listless face.

"Wow, it seems that Gong Mohan's strength is not hidden."

Yan Shuya's eyes widened, Gong Mohan was really sultry, he had an abstinent look on his face just now, he could really pretend.

Fang Qingyan was a little speechless, Shuya really could say everything: "I told you we didn't do anything."

"Yes, yes." Yan Shuya would never believe it: "I see, you just did some exercises to enhance the relationship between husband and wife."

Fang Qingyan clutched the quilt, she couldn't explain it.

Yan Shuya sat down beside the bed: "Don't give me dog food, or I won't tell you this secret."

"I don't want to hear any secrets, or I will die soon." Fang Qingyan directly refused.

She didn't want to get involved in any rich family dispute.

"This is related to your life safety, you really don't want to hear it?"

Fang Qingyan couldn't help shaking, who wants to kill her?
She must be at odds with Gong Mohan. Ever since she got to know him, everything she encountered was bad, and nothing went well.

"You have to watch out for Gong Shuangshuang."

Fang Qingyan had a question mark on her face.

Yan Shuya felt that she really didn't understand what evil is in people's hearts, and she didn't know why, but she liked this woman quite a bit.

Although she had heard how hateful Cheng Xuexin was, when she saw her in real life, she felt that this woman was nothing like the rumors.

She paused for a moment before speaking: "However, I have one condition."

"What condition?" Fang Qingyan had to be cautious when her own life was at stake.

She simply sat up.

"You must treat Gong Mohan well. You must not dislike him, and you must not have any relationship with other men. You must take good care of him and stay with him forever."

Damn, what's the request?
She couldn't agree.

Gong Mohan wanted to kill her every second, how could she depend on him for life?This is simply difficult.

However, why did Yan Shuya also say that he had a problem with his legs?
He's obviously pretty good, especially when it comes to her, don't try too hard, okay?

"If he can do this to me, I'm sure I can do it too."

Fang Qingyan could only answer this way: "But his legs, have they always been like this?"

When Yan Shuya heard that she was concerned, her expression became closer:

"His legs were fine when he was young, but that bitch Li Yuzhen caused him to be like this."

Yan Shuya still remembers how Gong Mohan lay on the bed and almost died.

Speaking of which, she was only a little older at that time, and she still didn't understand some things.

However, after so many years, everything has come to light.

Gong Mohan's leg was caused by that vicious woman.

"Then he won't be able to stand up for the rest of his life?" Fang Qingyan felt as if she had fallen into a whirlpool and couldn't get out.

"It has been like this for so many years, and he has tried everything. I'm afraid he really can't stand up."

Fang Qingyan made a sudden movement and hit her head on the bed.

"Are you okay? Why are you so careless?" Yan Shuya quickly helped her up.

"It's okay, I just didn't pay attention." Fang Qingyan rubbed her forehead.

What a mess is going on in this family, why does Gong Mohan keep the secret of his legs?

Does Fang Qingyan feel that she should stay away?But how to leave now?
"You don't have such a big reaction because you dislike Gong Mohan's legs, do you?" Yan Shuya was a little worried.

Fang Qingyan really didn't know what to say, should she tell her not to worry about that man, that man's disability is fake?
That definitely won't work.

Her mind was in a mess, and she had never encountered such a complicated thing in half her life.

"We can be friends, but the premise is that you must stay with Gong Mohan forever."

She and Gong Mohan grew up together and witnessed how he came out step by step.

Except for the few years of studying abroad, she was always by his side.

They are already like brother and sister, and she wants him to be happy.

"I don't dislike him, but I want to tell you that friendship is friendship, there are not so many additional conditions."

The thoughts in her mind were scattered, but it was undeniable that Yan Shuya was the friendliest woman she had met since returning to China.

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