Fang Qingyan looked at this old face, as if she saw her father back then, and just wanted to make up for everything that was owed.

"I don't want to be disobedient either, but if anyone bullies my husband, that's not allowed."

Gong Mohan looked at her serious appearance, as if he really regarded him as her husband, and his heart fluctuated again.

But the contradiction in his heart was still there, and he knew that he should be more vigilant.

I don't know what this woman is planning. This should be her way of winning people's hearts, right?
On the other hand, he couldn't control the feeling of his heart beating.

Of course Gong Chengye knew that Fang Qingyan was right, but how could he easily admit his mistake?
He didn't continue talking, but snorted coldly.

Li Yuzhen also noticed Fang Qingyan, and immediately saw Fang Chenchen behind her.

She was slightly stunned, and then sneered in her heart, Gong Mohan really wasn't picky, this kind of guy had married into the door.

She was thinking so in her heart, but she didn't show anything on her face, but leaned on her affectionately:
"You are Xuexin, right? You're so beautiful."

Fang Qingyan was extremely vigilant, Gong Shuangshuang had become so bad, this Li Yuzhen was by no means a good person.

She smiled politely: "Thank you for the compliment."

"The child looks so good." The next moment, Li Yuzhen's eyes fell on Fang Chenchen:

"I don't know if it's Mo Han's child or yours?"

Seeing Fang Chenchen's appearance, she almost laughed out loud.

This child doesn't look like a member of the Gong family at all, this Cheng Xuexin is really shameless.

It's not her fault, it's Gong Mohan himself who brought it up, so of course she won't be polite.

"This is my son." Fang Qingyan clearly felt Li Yuzhen's malice.

The old woman definitely had no good intentions when she asked such a question.

"Your child?" Li Yuzhen raised her voice suddenly, with an expression of disbelief:

"Chengye, both boys and girls have to be clean and self-respecting, good..."

She didn't finish the sentence, but the meaning was obvious.

Really good at pretending, with an anxious look on his face, half-spoken, it really is amazing!
"Gong Mohan, should you give me an explanation!" Gong Chengye was furious.

The kid said he wanted to marry Cheng Xuexin, but he reluctantly agreed, but why did he bring the child with him?

Where does this put his face?
"Chengye, you can't blame Mo Han for this!" Li Yuzhen said earnestly:

"Xuexin, how can you say that your family is considered a respectable person, how could you do such a thing!

Now you bring this child to my house, do you know what people outside will say?
They want to say that you are shameless and brought a bastard to my house! "

After Fang Qingyan heard this, she really wanted to slap Li Yuzhen's old face. Does this old woman have any education?
Gong Mohan frowned slightly, of course this woman Li Yuzhen couldn't say anything nice.

However, his father's reaction made him even more chilled.

He didn't stop him with a word, obviously thinking so in his heart.

Back then when my elder brother became lame, it was actually Li Yuzhen's mother and daughter who did it. As the head of the family, how could Gong Chengye not know anything?
But he didn't even ask a word, just favoring Li Yuzhen's mother and daughter so openly.

No matter how good-tempered Fang Qingyan is, her complexion is not good-looking anymore.

Chenchen is her darling, she herself is reluctant to say a harsh word, why is this old woman Li Yuzhen?
Fang Qingyan was about to speak.

"Mommy, what is a bastard? Is she also a bastard born by her mommy?" Chenchen suddenly pointed to Li Yuzhen and asked.

Fang Qingyan laughed immediately: "Chenchen, you can't say such things, only dead parents and uneducated people would say such things.

And some people are such people themselves, so they think about pouring dirty water on others. "

Li Yuzhen originally wanted to use the topic to humiliate Fang Qingyan, and she did something shameless, so she put her tail between her legs.

But she didn't expect Fang Qingyan to be so shameless, with a bastard, and dare to show off so much, she was about to go crazy.

She wished she could tear the mother and child in front of her into pieces and feed them to the dogs!
"Who are you talking about? You are uneducated. You dare to contradict me. I'm your mother-in-law!"

Ever since Gong Mohan entered this house instead of her elder brother, she has never treated Li Yuzhen as a person, she is even worse than a bedbug.

Li Yuzhen considers herself the mistress of the family, and she has to make everyone treat her respectfully. Now she still wants to make a fuss about his son?

Even if Chenchen isn't his child, it's not Li Yuzhen's turn to talk about it, let alone, Chenchen is her brother's own son.

He sneered: "You really know how to put gold on your own face, what kind of mother-in-law are you?"

"Mo Han, do you have to talk to elders like this?"

Gong Chengye's face darkened. This child doesn't look like anyone from their family at all. After all this, he has already favored Li Yuzhen:
"What your Aunt Li said is indeed a bit harsh, but..."

"There's nothing wrong with it." Gong Mohan directly interrupted him: "Chenchen is Xuexin and I's child."

This so-called father is always selfish.

Every time he gets along with him, he can understand how much his brother has suffered and suffered.

It was also because of the father's negligence that his elder brother was disabled by Li Yuzhen, the mother and daughter.

And the father even looked down on his elder brother because of his disability, saying that his elder brother was not a qualified heir.

Li Yuzhen's mother and daughter also just found this excuse, she has always wanted to use Gong Shuangshuang to fight for the family property.

She is the culprit of everything, and it's time to let her know what it means to reap the consequences of herself.


Both Gong Chengye and Li Yuzhen were surprised.

Gong Chengye was ecstatic, but he also had doubts.

Li Yuzhen couldn't believe it at all, and she was full of hatred.

"I know Dad won't believe it." Gong Mohan took out a page from his body:

"This is a paternity test, Dad can take a look."

He completely ignored Li Yuzhen and handed the paternity test to Gong Chengye.

Didn't Li Yuzhen always want to inherit the right?
Then let her know what it means to lose the fat in her mouth. There has never been a precedent for a woman to be the heir in the Gong family.

Gong Chengye looked at the appraisal certificate, and then looked at Fang Chenchen, his eyes were a little different, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

His attitude also changed, with a smile on his face: "Good boy, come to Grandpa quickly."

"Grandpa." Fang Chenchen called obediently.

Gong Chengye's heart melted when he heard that, he has a grandson!
Speaking of which, he hardly ever comes into contact with such a young child.

At this moment, she knew that Chenchen was her grandson, and she had already forgotten the dislike she had for him just now, and she liked everything about him.

"Chenchen, tell grandpa how old are you?"

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