"My brother is famous for being an iceberg. It's really amazing that you can handle him."

Fang Qingyan was speechless, how could she know how her cousin met such a strange person as Gong Mohan?

However, there was no panic on her face, on the contrary she was quite calm.

From this tone, Gong Shuangshuang knows her cousin?Is this testing her?

"Of course my daddy and my mommy are destined, and I'm the witness."

Gong Shuangshuang looked at Fang Chenchen with a smile on her face, but she sneered in her heart.

Gong Mohan is a useless thing, after so many years, he still only acts like this.

He actually married a woman who gave birth to someone else's bastard.

This kid still calls his daddy so happy?
This useless thing will only be deceived by women, and it will be domineering at home.

But that's good too, it seems that Gong Mohan is not as restless as his mother said, and married this vain and worthless woman.

The worry she had been worrying for a long time was greatly reduced.

"Chen Chen is right, my sister-in-law is good-looking and has a good temper, and it's normal for elder brother to like you.

Chenchen is so cute and handsome, she will never be worse than her elder brother in the future. "

Gong Shuangshuang said a lot of good things, but anyway, these words don't cost money.

On the contrary, Fang Qingyan felt a little overwhelmed: "No, you won the prize."

Fang Chenchen looked at this so-called aunt from the side, her little head turning.

In the past, he only had his mommy as his relative, but now he has a daddy and an aunt.

Although this aunt doesn't look very good, since she and Daddy are brother and sister, she can reluctantly accept it.

Out of the corner of Gong Shuangshuang's eye, she saw the cold figure on the stairs, and she exaggerated:

"Sister-in-law, let me tell you, my elder brother used to be cold, and only you, sister-in-law, can melt his big iceberg."

Gong Mohan hadn't even reached the living room when he saw Fang Qingyan talking and laughing with Gong Shuangshuang.

Gong Shuangshuang took Fang Qingyan's slender and tender hand with one hand, and Chenchen's chubby hand with the other.

His heart tightened all of a sudden, he really wanted to go over and break Gong Shuangshuang's hand directly.

He glanced at Fang Qingyan, and a ball of anger ignited in his heart. This woman is really capable and can strike up a conversation with anyone.

Doesn't she know what kind of person Gong Shuangshuang is?Still taking the child to joke with her?

Did she really not know what Gong Shuangshuang did to her elder brother before?

Just because Gong Shuangshuang's surname is Gong, you have to go all out to curry favor with her?
He walked over slowly.

"Daddy, my aunt said she would buy me a drone." Fang Chenchen told you excitedly.

"Who told you to call her aunt!" Gong Mohan broke out completely.

Gong Shuangshuang, mother and daughter, never want to have anything to do with him!
Fang Chenchen was terrified, he had never seen such a daddy before, his eyes looked like he wanted to eat people!
Fang Qingyan couldn't help being angry: "What are you doing? Aren't you Shuangshuang's brother?"

Crazy!Didn't you see it scare the child?

Gong Mohan couldn't restrain the anger in his chest, he wished he could strangle this woman to death.

Is she teasing him?
Gong Shuangshuang, that bitch, he wished he could tear her into pieces!

"My sister, is she worthy too?"

"Brother, you never treated me like this before." Gong Shuangshuang wiped away tears sadly, but her eyes were icy cold.

She had found out a little about the situation just now, so what if Gong Mohan gets angry again?
She was a little disdainful, what else could she do besides roaring?Gong Mohan is really useless.

Whether it is the silence in the past or the rebellion today, his father will not give him a good face.

It's a bit pitiful when you think about it.

Fang Qingyan hugged Chenchen tightly, feeling a little nervous.

Gong Mohan didn't know what kind of style he was taking, but when he got here, his mood became very unstable?
He had already frightened Chenchen to such an extent that he didn't hold back at all, and even approached Gong Shuangshuang.

Could it be that he and Gong Shuangshuang have any problems?
Just now I searched for Gong Mohan's information on the web, but no one said that he has a younger sister.

It's hard to say whether it's because of hatred, or to protect the younger sister.

"Gong Shuangshuang, put on a few good looks, and you, a bitch, will be whitewashed?"

If it weren't for you, a bitch, how could my brother become a disabled person?Now it looks like it!
Gong Shuangshuang couldn't help being stunned, she had never heard Gong Mohan say such a thing.

Call yourself a bitch?
He has really become too thorough!
"Brother, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all." She looked innocent.

Gong Mohan stared into her eyes, his voice was cold:
"What? Tell yourself every day that you didn't do it, so you don't feel guilty?"

Gong Shuangshuang was startled by the look in his eyes, she was so frightened that she had the urge to run away immediately.

She was shocked, how could Gong Mohan know what happened back then?

At that time, he was so weak, otherwise she wouldn't be able to easily win him.

What's more, with her mother Li Yuzhen protecting her, there is absolutely no way for him to notice.

Perhaps, what he was talking about was all the bullying she did to him later?This should be.

Fang Qingyan watched all this from the sidelines, if she couldn't see the tension between the siblings in such an atmosphere, she would be really stupid.

This Gong Shuangshuang couldn't deny it, she must be sorry for Gong Mohan, her eyes kept flickering.

But Gong Mohan's eyes were full of hatred, the same as when he looked at her.

What happened, who hurt him, made him hate him so much?
She suddenly remembered the person Gong Mohan had taken her for before, was it that woman?

The person in Gong Mohan's heart...


She suddenly came back to her senses and hurriedly shook off the thoughts in her heart. She shouldn't care about these things, let alone get involved with him.

She suddenly remembered that Gong Mohan had told her before going upstairs, not to trust people here casually.

Only then did I feel a little regretful, I seemed to have gotten into trouble, it seemed that the life of the rich and powerful was not easy, and I was involved without paying attention.

"Mummy, what did I do wrong? Why is Daddy angry?" Fang Chenchen asked a little aggrieved after all, he was a child.

Gong Mohan was so scary, of course he didn't dare to lean over.

Why is daddy so bad?so fierce?

very scary.

"Chenchen, don't be afraid." Fang Qingyan comforted him:
"Because Daddy encountered something that disturbed him, and Daddy will definitely explain it to you when the matter is over."

Fang Chenchen also saw that there was something wrong between Gong Mohan and this so-called aunt. Could it be that aunt is a bad person?
He could only watch and didn't dare to ask, which was so strange, it was completely different from the grandparents' house that other children said.

Also, why is Daddy here on crutches?He clearly has good legs!

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