Fang Qingyan looked at him, and slowly felt something was wrong:
"Why are you blushing? Your ears are also red? Are you sick..."

Gong Mohan couldn't hear what she said at all, he just stared at her slightly moving lips, and could no longer restrain himself from leaning closer.

Fang Qingyan's whole body was shocked, she only felt that her mind was blank, she reached out her hand to his chest and wanted to push it away.

But how could Gong Mohan let her succeed?

Her strength is like a mayfly shaking a tree, not even half of it.

On the contrary, Gong Mohan deepened his attack.

Fang Qingyan gave up resistance slowly, her mind was in chaos, her body seemed out of control, and her eyes became foggy.


She made a sound involuntarily.

Gong Mohan looked at her, his expression softened: "It's you..."

Fang Qingyan woke up suddenly, she didn't know who he was talking about, but it was definitely not her.

Gong Mohan regarded her as another woman?

For some reason, she suddenly remembered what happened back then. When her eyes were about to heal, that man was like a crazy beast.

Regardless of her resistance, he did that to her...

At that time, she was so helpless, but now, she is so embarrassed.

He is Chenchen's father, so what?

Fang Qingyan, to you, this man is just an enemy and has nothing to do with him!
Gong Mohan also woke up, with indifference and alienation on his face.

He got off the bed from her body, and walked out without seeming to see her injury and loneliness.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, he lit a cigarette, and the rising smoke blurred his handsome face.

I haven't been so irritable for a long time, and it seems that cigarettes can't ease this mood.

Gong Mohan felt that he shouldn't be like this, probably because he hadn't seen Beibei for a long time, so he recognized the wrong person?
How could Cheng Xuexin be like his Beibei?What a joke!
He calmed down, and when he returned to the bedroom, it was almost four o'clock in the morning.

On the big bed, the little man was nestled in Fang Qingyan's arms, with a peaceful expression on his face.

Fang Qingyan closed her eyes, frowning slightly, her long eyelashes were like black crow feathers.

Such a defenseless innocent appearance made Gong Mohan's chest suffocate.

Such an atmosphere was so wonderful that he almost forgot what kind of vicious woman Cheng Xuexin was.

Just this time, just to satisfy the child's wish, he told himself in his heart.

early morning.

Fang Qingyan moved in her sleep, feeling itchy on her face.

She woke up suddenly, and saw Chenchen touching her face with a smile.

"Wake up so early?"

"Mommy, you are a lazy pig. Today I am No.1, Daddy is No.2, and Mommy is the last." Fang Chenchen smiled happily.

Waking up early in the morning to see a father and a mother feels so good.

Fang Qingyan sat up and looked around vigilantly, and found that Gong Mohan was not in the room, so she relaxed.

"Where's your father?"

"He's in the kitchen, Mommy, do you want to try Daddy's breakfast?
Mommy, it was Daddy who took me to wash. Daddy even squeezed out the toothpaste and connected the water for me.

It's great to have a daddy, I love it so much. "

Fang Chenchen was extremely happy, it was a joy that came from the bottom of her heart, and the corners of Fang Qingyan's eyes were sore, this child really lacked a father's love.


We can't go on like this forever!
Fang Qingyan wanted to tell her son that she could not get along with Gong Mohan peacefully, and she did not want to continue living with him.

However, seeing her son's happy face, she couldn't speak.

Moreover, she can't tell Gong Mohan the truth yet, because the gangster has warned her that she has to take care of the lives of her aunt's family.

"Your daddy is the best." Fang Qingyan was a little annoyed.

"That's for sure, my daddy is the best daddy in the world." Chenchen said this from the heart.

Daddy is a great god, he wished he could hang on him all day.

"Your father is not a good person." Fang Qingyan said sourly.

"Mummy, you can't say that, you can't say that about Daddy!" Chen Chen immediately raised her opinion.

"Turn your elbows out." Fang Qingyan was a little bit heartbroken, raising her so big for nothing.

"Chenchen, did your mommy speak ill of me again?" Gong Mohan walked in with slender legs.

He was dressed casually, and looked like a good man at home.

Fang Qingyan snorted coldly in her heart, such a bad character, what a waste of such a good skin.

She remembered what happened last night very clearly.

There is clearly a person in my heart, but I have to do that with another woman, it's really awkward.

Only he himself believed it, right?
She glanced at Gong Mohan: "If you have an ear problem, go to the hospital to have a look, but I didn't say anything."

"Chenchen, what did your mommy say?" Gong Mohan looked at Fang Chenchen who was on the other side of the bed.

This little guy is getting cuter and cuter.

Fang Qingyan wished she could block the sight of the two of them, and felt angry.

Gong Mohan made use of Chenchen's liking for him to do this on purpose, Chenchen will not always like him, it's just a novelty for a while.

Chenchen was her own, and she had a mother-child relationship since childhood, this man would never want to intervene.

"Daddy, Mommy said you are not a good person."

Fang Qingyan's mentality almost collapsed, does this brat still have a conscience?
She is sad, she refuses to accept it!
Gong Mohan looked at her slumped face, couldn't help but feel complacent, and looked at her provocatively.

Yesterday, this woman looked like she was about to cry, but Chenchen wanted to chase her away without even thinking about it. This little guy has a conscience, and today he is facing him.

"You don't understand, your mommy isn't scolding me." He walked over with a smile and patted Chenchen's little head.

"Aren't you a good person or a curse?" Fang Chenchen couldn't figure it out, isn't this a good thing?

"Beating is kissing and scolding is love."

Fang Qingyan wanted to kick him to death, how thick-skinned was she?
Does she really think that he is not a good person?
He also had the nerve to explain this to a child, so he lied to the child.

She pulled him over, because the child was watching from the side, so she didn't want to be fierce.

"I said can you restrain yourself a little?"

Gong Mohan looked at her sideways, so that Chenchen couldn't see his expression, his eyes were sharp:
"Cheng Xuexin, stop arranging me in front of my son!"

He and his son have not been together for a long time, and the relationship is not so strong now, so this woman can't try to sow discord.

"You are such an adult, how about you face the reality?" Fang Qingyan will not compromise.

"The reality is right in front of your eyes. Chenchen is my son, and I will be the best and best father."

Gong Mohan raised his head as he spoke, with a proud expression on his face.

"You know we have no chance, we are not the same way at all!"

"so what?"

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