Six years later.

Domestic, Dongfang Airport.

All kinds of people shuttled through it, among them, two figures, one big and one small, always caught the eye and were enviable.

The woman's skin was whiter than snow, she was wearing a fairy-like white long dress, and her black hair moved with the wind.

With his left hand, he is holding a pink and tender boy with a sporty style. His big eyes are sparkling, so cute.

Still and moving, but it doesn't seem contradictory, on the contrary, it's so beautiful that it's amazing.

"Chenchen, please be polite when you see your aunt and grandma later."

Fang Qingyan turned her head to talk to Fang Chenchen, while pulling the suitcase outside.

Fang Chenchen nodded, then smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Mommy, Chenchen is already very old, I know I'm going to call someone."

"Good~" Fang Qingyan rubbed his head in satisfaction.

In my heart, a bit of haze gradually appeared, even the breeze from the airport couldn't dispel it.

The things of the past are projected before the eyes again, whether they are bright or ugly.

Six years ago, her half-sister took her fiancé away, and her father sold her to Uncle Chen, who was decades older than her!
Fortunately, my aunt Li Fangyue rescued me and escaped from the evil clutches.

Before that, she also lived in Li Fangyue's house for a while, she was about the same age as her cousin Cheng Xuexin, and had a good relationship.

But this time, Cheng Xuexin's wedding was approaching, and she just came back.

The friendship with her cousin when she was young, plus the kindness of Li Fangyue who helped her rush to the airport to escape marriage.

In this wedding, she has to show something!

And the Fang family...

She couldn't see it, and she didn't want to provoke them too much!

However, if they still come forward, don't blame her for being merciless!

After all, she is no longer as soft and persimmon as she was back then!
After leaving the airport, Fang Qingyan saw the person who came to meet her.

However, she had never seen the person who came, and it was very strange.

"Where's my aunt?" she asked, subconsciously looking at him.

The man who picked up the plane noticed her defense, but he still said without changing his face:

"Your cousin is preparing to be a bride. She can't spare time, so she asked me to come. If you don't believe me, you can call her and ask."

Fang Qingyan believed his slightly sarcastic tone, but just in case, she took out her mobile phone and called.

No one heard.

The man stood tall and tall, smiled at her, and seemed very patient.

It made Fang Qingyan feel embarrassed, and felt a little guilty in her heart.

At this moment, Fang Chenchen yawned slowly, and said, "Mum, I'm a little tired..."

After more than ten hours of flying, adults are exhausted, let alone children.

Fang Qingyan heard the words, the last trace of worry was gone, she hugged Fang Chenchen and got into the car.

The temperature in the car was very comfortable, and Fang Chenchen fell asleep quickly.

Holding the child, Fang Qingyan also felt sleepy.

In any case, she felt that her eyelids were heavy, and she couldn't cheer up. After struggling a few times, she also closed her eyes.

In the drowsy sleep, I only felt that my arms were empty for a moment.

Fang Qingyan woke up suddenly!
When I opened my eyes, I realized that it was already dark outside, and I was in a completely enclosed strange room.

However, there was a big red happy letter on the wall, and she was wearing a snow-white wedding dress!
She was so frightened that her spine shivered, and her mind was reminiscing about the time at the airport at high speed.

That man is indeed a liar!

But, this person is from my aunt, could it be...

Not daring to think about it, she was so anxious that tears were about to fall, she quickly took out her mobile phone with trembling hands, and called Li Fangyue.

However, no one answered several times in succession.

Just then, the phone rang by itself.

Fang Qingyan was taken aback, and looked closely, it was a completely unfamiliar number.

Normally, she might still hesitate, but now at this very opportunity, she picked it up without any hesitation!
"Miss Fang, if you still want to keep your son, just stay there and don't try to escape..."

As soon as her son was mentioned, Fang Qingyan suddenly felt a chill in her heart, and asked tremblingly, "Who are you guys? Where is my aunt?"

From the other end, came a sneer:
"Miss Fang, as long as you behave well, neither your aunt nor your children will be harmed in the slightest, but if you resist, it's not necessarily so."

Fang Qingyan heard the meaning, and suddenly felt thunderous!

Who is it?

She has been abroad for many years, and she didn't have many friends, nor did she offend anyone!

Who will deal with her?
One can only imagine that at that time, Fang Baoguo forced her to marry, which is similar to today's situation... Could it be him again?

She was puzzled and flustered. The man on the other side couldn't wait and said impatiently:

"Listen up, there will be a wedding later, you have to go through all the procedures for me in a wedding dress, and you are not allowed to escape in the middle!

I'll let them go when it's done, or...hehe. "


Fang Qingyan frowned and said nothing.

"Hehe." Seeing that she didn't answer, the man sneered again, "Is it so difficult to decide? It seems that I have to help."

The next moment, a childish and flustered voice came, shouting: "Mummy, save me!"

Fang Qingyan's heart tightened.

That's right, it was Fang Chenchen's voice!

"Enough!" The affection for her son overwhelmed her rationality, making her unable to hesitate any longer, and shouted loudly:

"I promise you, you will let my child go..."

The man was satisfied now, and said in a long tone, "That's right, don't worry... as long as you follow the instructions and finish the wedding.

I will guarantee your son to return home safely, but it is easy for me to kill him, it depends on your performance..."

"I will definitely do it! You don't hurt him! Don't..."

Before Fang Qingyan finished speaking, she heard a busy tone and the phone was hung up.

She couldn't help but burst into tears, Chenchen, it's all because Mommy didn't take good care of you...

Gradually, as dawn came, the sky turned white.

The door was opened from the outside, and two strong maids walked in, saying coldly: "It's almost time, let's go!"

This voice sounded like a weak maid!

After a few steps, Fang Qingyan was arrested.

Fang Qingyan tried to struggle a few times, but it didn't work at all.

Had to be detained to the wedding scene.

Except for a priest standing on the stage, the entire scene was empty, and even the groom who was supposed to walk hand in hand with her did not appear, which was extremely strange.

The priest in black looked calm, and didn't seem surprised by this situation.

And this is the most disturbing!
Fang Qingyan's thin figure stood on the stage, listening to the priest recite the wedding vows.

She felt a gust of cold wind rushing towards her, making her shiver under suppression, and her whole body was icy cold.

But Chenchen is still in the hands of those people, she can't escape!

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