"Old Leng, I'm not talking nonsense, I have a good friend in the tax department.

He told me to be careful of the Leng Group. I think they have evidence in all likelihood of tax evasion.

I believe in your son's character, but I don't believe he would do such a thing.

But the tax evasion incident may not be groundless. It would be outrageous for him to have no knowledge of such a big loophole. "

Old Gu Hen looked at Leng Gongchen indifferently.

Lin Shengsheng's face turned pale, and his hands and feet became weak: "There is really news that tax evasion is true? Doesn't that mean that Leng Gongchen will be sentenced?"

20 billion ah 20 billion, isn't this going to be imprisoned?
If such a large amount is confirmed, the fine will be several times higher.

But now that their company's cash flow is so tight, where does the money come from to pay the fine?
Lin Shengsheng's eyes went dark, and his heart seemed to be immersed in a bottomless abyss.

She suddenly remembered something and jumped up:

"This has nothing to do with Leng Gongchen, he only took over the company a year or two ago, and I was the president for the previous four years.

If it is tax evasion of 20 billion, it is impossible to achieve it in such a short period of time.

Now it seems that the biggest responsibility lies with me, and I will go to jail when the time comes. "

Leng Gongchen said in a low voice: "Sit down! What does it have to do with you. It is not yet known when and who stole this tax."

"But you are the legal representative." Lin Shengsheng choked up and said, "Then let's change the legal representative immediately, and just replace it with me."

The veins on Leng Gongchen's forehead were throbbing: "What are you fantasizing about..."

They made a lot of noise, making Leng Xuri's brain ache.

He finally couldn't help but patted the table, blowing his beard and staring:

"It's not the worst time yet, why are you so busy grabbing the blame?"

Fu Xuan also said:

"Yes, there may not be no room for maneuver. Isn't the purpose of our shareholders' meeting to solve the problem?"

Chen Junkai sighed and dialed his parents directly:

"Dad, Leng has encountered something recently and needs money urgently.

Can you see if we can transfer part of the property of our Chen Group, and how much can be transferred. "

The meeting room was shocked, and Leng Yuanyuan burst into tears:

"Jun Kai, how could you do that? The Chen Group is the lifelong painstaking effort of your father-in-law and mother-in-law, how could you..."

Her voice choked and she could barely speak.

Chen Junkai hugged her into his arms and said pitifully:

"Don't cry, we will come back after all the money is gone. We are a family, and we can only hope if we keep our family. I will not let my elder brother go to jail.

Now the Leng Group is in turmoil. My eldest brother gave me part of his shares before, but I managed the company like this.

I am also responsible for this. Someone must fill in such a big hole in the Leng Group. "

Before anyone else could speak, Chen Junkai said firmly:
"Don't try to persuade me, I know exactly what I'm doing.

My eldest brother gave me shares without any hesitation.

So it is only natural that we are in the same boat and help each other now. "

He turned to Leng Gongchen, punched him on the shoulder and said with a smile:
"Brother, don't you believe in your ability, are you afraid that we will not pay back our money in the future?"

The expression on Leng Gongchen's face was very complicated. He and Chen Junkai hugged each other, with tears in the corners of their eyes.

Lin Shengsheng looked at Chen Junkai moved, feeling both happy and guilty.

Chen Junkai, I will definitely repay you with all my strength in the future.

She clenched her fists, her eyes were foggy.

Suddenly the office door was pushed open, and a group of people came in with a whoosh.

"Don't move! Where is Leng Gongchen?" A policeman with a frosty face in front shouted at them.

Lin Shengsheng stood up in panic: "What do you want to do?"

"The Leng Group's tax evasion of 20 billion has been proved conclusively, and now we invite the legal representative Leng Gongchen to cooperate with us!"

The words of the policeman seemed to be chilling.

"No, we will pay it back. You can't take him away." Lin Shengsheng wanted to hold Leng Gongchen's hand and not let him leave.

However, her hands were tightly locked by the police and she could not move.

"If you stop again, we will arrest you for obstructing official duties." The policeman said with a frown.

Surprised by the policeman's emotionless words, Leng Yuanyuan quickly snatched Lin Shengsheng over, pulled her behind her, and forcibly stopped her from struggling.

Leng Gongchen did not resist, and calmly let the police put him in shackles.

He still looked at Lin Shengsheng with a smile, as gentle as spring water:
"I hope you understand that the most precious thing in this world is the human heart. The most terrifying thing is still the human heart."

Lin Shengsheng's tears fell like beads on the back of her hand.

One by one, it cools into her heart.


The news that Leng Gongchen was taken away broke out immediately, and the whole country was shocked!

Tax evasion of 20 billion, this is probably the largest tax evasion case in history.

For a while, the crowd was excited, and Leng's group became notorious.

However, Lin Shengsheng no longer has the energy to manage the comments on the Internet, her only thought now is to raise money.

Now only money can save Leng Gongchen!
However, 20 billion, if the verdict is really successful, plus a huge fine, where will they raise this huge amount?

Because of this change, many employees resigned to find another way out, and the company was quite deserted.

Chen Junkai has also been running around, preparing for raising money.

However, many sellers saw their distress and took the opportunity to keep the price very low.

Leng Yuanyuan almost cried with anger, but she still swallowed what she wanted to say, and only cried softly when she returned home.


In a blink of an eye, tomorrow is the sentencing day, and Lin Shengsheng couldn't sleep all night.

She tossed and turned like she was pancakes on the bed.

She looked at the clear and cold moonlight coming in, and her heart seemed to be as cold as this frosty moon.

She hugged herself tightly at the head of the bed, her head buried in her knees, and cold tears soaked her clothes.

She felt tired, like an old doll about to fall apart, and yet she still couldn't see any way out.

What will tomorrow's trial look like? Does Leng Gongchen still have a chance?

Suddenly there was a crisp doorbell ringing outside the villa, especially clear in the silent night.

Lin Shengsheng saw that it was Fu Xuan from the surveillance, and she opened the door in surprise: "Why are you here today?"

Fu Xuan walked in with gentle eyes: "Tomorrow is Leng Gongchen's sentencing day. I'm afraid you'll be worried, so I come here to accompany you."

Lin Shengsheng sat on the sofa wearily, covering his face and crying:
"I don't know what to do. I haven't raised enough money yet. Fu Xuan, do you think Tian Leng Gongchen is going to die?"

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