The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 1241 Two consecutive three major accidents

Fu Xuan nodded: "I will accompany you later to show the sincerity of our Leng Group."

"Okay, now the Leng Group can no longer withstand any wind and rain." Lin Shengsheng frowned, very melancholy.

"En." Fu Xuan lowered his head and replied in a low voice, but there was a flash of light in his eyes that Lin Shengsheng couldn't see.

When Lin Shengsheng and Fu Xuan arrived at the Nancheng project, it was already surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside.

A number of media people are holding microphones and reporting on the Leng's project.

Surrounding them were people in mourning clothes carrying a stretcher and weeping.

Seeing their car drive in, the media people's eyes lit up:
"Now the person in charge of Leng's Group is here, audience friends, let's listen to what they have to say."

And the group of people who were crying in mourning saw them crying even more heartbreakingly.

"Mrs. Lin, the project of your Leng Group has collapsed three times this month. What do you think?"

One of the media outlets was the first to put a microphone in her mouth.

Lin Shengsheng had a decent smile on his face: "I'm sorry, we are still investigating why the building collapsed.

I'm here today just to make arrangements for those who were injured in this accident. "

"Arrange what, my husband is dead, can you still bring him back to life?"

A woman rushed over, picked up Lin Shengsheng's skirt, and looked at her with hatred.

The woman's eyes were crazy, the tails of her eyes were red, and she looked quite haggard, as if she hadn't slept all night.

Lin Shengsheng was almost suffocated, it was Fu Xuan who carried the woman away so that she could breathe for a moment.

She coughed a few times and continued: "I have learned that when the incident happened yesterday, we had already sent our employees to the hospital for treatment.

Some employees are now disabled and need medical treatment. Isn't it irresponsible for you to pick them up like this? "

The person on the stretcher heard a faint cry of pain, Lin Shengsheng seemed to be supported:

"We can talk about anything, but the most important thing right now is the health of our employees."

"Don't be hypocritical, you Leng Group has lost all conscience and purchased those steel and concrete that are not up to standard.

The building is like paper, and it collapsed before it was built.If it weren't for you guys wanting to earn all this black-hearted money, would my husband die? "

The woman who was pulled away stared at her viciously, as if to tear her apart.

Hearing this woman's statement, those media people were all excited:

"Mrs. Lin, is what she said true? Does your Leng Group really use some substandard reinforced concrete?"

Lin Shengsheng categorically denied:
"Our Leng Group has always adopted high standards in the industry, and will not lower the standards for this little money. We are still investigating the current matter."

"She lied, my husband complained to me every day when he came back, saying that Leng's Group was the most black-hearted company he ever worked for.

Not to mention cutting corners, but also deducting wages! " said the woman excitedly, her hair flying like a madman.

"Otherwise, why do you think these injured brothers came here to make trouble instead of recuperating in the hospital?
It's not that you deducted wages, I can't trust you, and I'm afraid to swallow the compensation too! "

With vicious eyes, she pointed at Lin Shengsheng and said.

Lin Shengsheng was a little flustered: "Salary deduction is only the supervisor's personal behavior, we have handed him over to the police.

We will definitely compensate you according to the highest standard, you can rest assured. "

At this time, a sharp voice said: "Mrs. Lin, you have already collapsed three projects this month.

The first time you said that the matter was under investigation, this time it is still under investigation.

May I ask when you will investigate, you won't wait 100 years, right? "

There was laughter from around, and the media gave Lin Shengsheng and the others a look of disdain.

Lin Shengsheng's heart sank. She didn't expect that Leng's Group's reputation was so low that even the media could make fun of them.

Fu Xuan stood in front of her: "I'm sorry, it's not that we are delaying.

It's just that the time when the project collapsed was too close, and we need to check the specific situation carefully. "

His eyes were sharp, as if he wanted to shoot through the people present:

"Our Leng Group has now reported to the police, and we will investigate and deal with the following matters together with the police. Please wait patiently."

Lin Shengsheng took a breath, pushed everyone away, and walked towards the injured person.

Except for one whose head was covered with a white cloth, the others on the stretcher were all pale, and their limbs were fixed with plate armor.

She took a deep breath, smiled and said:
"I don't know how you got out of the hospital, but you don't have to gamble with your health.

I know that you are worried that something unexpected will happen to you, and you want to make arrangements for your wives and children first.

But our Leng Group is not unreasonable, our Leng Group has been around for so many years.

If we really have to deduct even this fee, how can it be so big?
Integrity-based and people-oriented have always been the principles practiced by our Leng Group, and we will not violate this principle in the future.

I make a promise here, and I will definitely do it. Do you think that our Leng Group will even withhold these things? "

Her eyes were sincere, like a warm sun, and she looked at them scorchingly.

A child in plain clothes hid behind his mother and looked at her quietly, his eyes full of trust.

The eyes of the man on the stretcher flickered, and he opened his mouth: "Of course I..."

"I don't believe it! You Leng's group used to be rich, so you don't have to care about it.

But your cash flow is tight now, how can you take care of us? ’ yelled the woman who had originally pounced on her.

Lin Shengsheng's eyes flickered slightly, and when he turned his head, his face was as frosty:

"Where did you get the information about our company? How about the capital flow of the Leng Group? I'm afraid you won't get the exact information?"

The media looked at the woman with great interest, hoping that she would break out more news.

The woman was a little flustered, but she quickly calmed down and said confidently:
"Does this need data? Now who is not afraid to buy your company's projects.

Now on the street, the longest line is the projects of your Leng Group, they are all waiting to check out! "

The corner of Lin Shengsheng's mouth curled into a smile, and he said meaningfully:
"Really? If you're worried, I can call someone over now and discuss your husband's compensation."

Then, she turned to the media and raised her voice: "Our Leng Group has already called the police, and the police will also report the situation.

I know that many things happened in the Leng Group recently are very bad, and everyone is panicking, but please believe us! "

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