The puppet was released from the shackles, and walked slowly, with stiff movements, like an old lady in her decades.

After following for a while, everyone couldn't stand it anymore: "If we follow this way, we will go to the Year of the Monkey?"

"You see it walking around like this, what is it doing?"

The puppet seems to be walking according to certain rules, or it seems to be a program conflict, and it is drawing circles randomly.

When the last circle was drawn, the puppet suddenly walked straight towards the gate.

Chen Junkai wondered: "The people behind this don't think that they can kill us by drawing ghosts here?"

"Maybe it was intentional, to attract our attention.

What the puppet does is not important, what matters is where it leads us. " Leng Gongchen said.

"Then you see where he will go, I really can't stand his speed.

If it weren't for seeing his whereabouts, I would have smashed him to death with a hammer. "Chen Junkai yelled.

"It's going to lead us outside now, why don't we go out and have a look first." Leng Gongchen said calmly.

Except for the road, the resort is almost barren mountains.

The road is rugged, with jagged rocks and overgrown weeds.

They formed a tight formation, with Lin Shengsheng and Leng Yuanyuan sandwiched between them, and if there was anything to do, they could take care of each other from head to tail.

Lin Shengsheng looked around and saw that the night was dark, and the few rays of starlight left behind barely made the earth not an indistinguishable darkness.

The wind blew, the weeds swayed from side to side, and there were many ghosts.

She rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

Leng Yuanyuan touched her hand suddenly, and asked tremblingly, "Do you think that ball is a will-o'-the-wisp?"

Lin Shengsheng looked in the direction she was pointing at, and sure enough there was a faint green fire dancing in the wilderness.

Lin Shengsheng was speechless: "What the hell are you reading? You don't read serious books, you only read ghosts and ghosts to scare yourself."

Leng Yuanyuan wants to cry but has no tears.

Teacher Guan turned around, the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he was holding back a smile:
"Don't be afraid, although this is what everyone calls a will-o'-the-wisp, it's actually not that scary.

Phosphorus exists between the bones of animals and humans, and phosphorus has a very low ignition point, and it can spontaneously ignite even at a slightly higher temperature.

So under the wind and the sun, you will see these green will-o'-the-wisps in some places. "

Lin Shengsheng suddenly thought: "Then is it possible that some phosphorus is a yellow flame that can spontaneously ignite?"

Teacher Guan said calmly: "Then you are probably talking about white phosphorus, which is quite common.

It also has a low flash point and can burn even in water.

There are many ways to solve it, as long as there is no oxygen, it can be prevented from burning. "

"You can take a fire extinguisher and blow out that will-o'-the-wisp." Leng Gongchen looked back at his sister and said calmly.

Being ridiculed by her brother, Leng Yuanyuan gave him a hard look and pouted unhappily.

Lin Shengsheng was a little amused, as if she was looking for excitement, as if she wanted to encounter some supernatural event.

Suddenly Lin Shengsheng felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a white shadow flashed behind a tree.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at the others, making sure she wasn't the only one dazzled just now.

Leng Gongchen and Fu Xuan looked at each other and said, "Let's follow."

They walked around the woods and saw Bai Ying walking among the mountains.Lin Shengsheng counted carefully, there were seven of them.

However, unlike the others who were more sluggish, the few white shadows were moving forward like a gust of wind.

If they don't hurry, they will almost lose track.

There was only the last white shadow, who seemed to have been abandoned, staggeringly followed behind, seriously out of touch.

Everyone followed behind Bai Ying and arrived at a small hill.

The lights here are all bright, and the candles on the ground are lit together, illuminating the sky and the earth.

There seemed to be a lot of people here, and when Bai Ying came, everyone opened a hole to let Bai Ying file in.

It's just that the last person hasn't arrived yet, but everyone is orderly and there is no noise at all, waiting for him to return to his place.

When the last white shadow stumbled in, everyone lined up in an orderly manner.

At this time, the voice of practice was murmured.

Lin Shengsheng and everyone hid not far from the hill. When the candlelight illuminated the face of the last white shadow, she said in surprise:

"Isn't that Fei Jin?"

I don't know when he mixed into this group of people, it seems that everyone didn't notice it at all.

Everyone took a closer look at the figures lined up behind the White Shadow Man.

Some people have no facial features, like a round egg.

Some had their heads severed and their necks and shoulders were still bleeding, but they knelt down with everyone.

They are all little ghosts from legends, as if a hundred ghosts are walking in the night, everyone is gathering in one place.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering if they were living in a dream, or the simulation was too real.

The murmuring became louder and louder, as if it was about to burst Lin Shengsheng's eardrums.

She covered her ears tightly, but there was no way to stop the tide from sweeping, and she felt that her spirit was going to be blurred.

Suddenly the murmuring stopped, as if everything in the world had ceased.

A person stood up from the ghost shadow behind: "Yes, there is already one."

All the ghosts grinned, rushed up and gathered around.

Thousands of hands pressed a person to the ground.A man among the ghostly shadows roared angrily, "Let me go."

The tone was panicked.

"You sent it to your door by yourself, don't you have this awareness?
You have done a great good deed, and you will be rewarded in the future. " said the man just now, in a calm tone.

"The ghost sent it up on its own initiative, let me go!" the man shouted.

Then he swung the whip around, beating the crowd to pieces.

"You are right, you will be one of us from now on." The voice continued calmly.

Leng Gongchen said in surprise, "It's Fei Jin's voice."

"We have to save him." Lin Shengsheng said impulsively.

However, she was in a trance for a moment and shook her head.

The ghost really came out, but it really turned into a supernatural event?Something is wrong.

But the current situation does not allow any hesitation, Fei Jin is already stuck in it.

With the suppression of all the ghosts, the strength of Fei Jinwu's whip became weaker and weaker, and he was almost unable to hold it alone.

Leng Gongchen picked up the stone on the ground and rushed up.

He kicked a headless ghost away and fought with them.

The others also picked up a prop and rushed in.

Only Lin Shengsheng and Leng Yuanyuan were left trembling in place.

She looked at the group of demons dancing in front of her in a daze, and felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't think of anything.

Fei Jin's surprised voice came from inside: "You guys came to save me? I knew you wouldn't turn a blind eye."

As if everyone's support had given him strength, he was immediately full of energy, and the whip in his hand was also whirring!

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