Lin Shengsheng smiled slightly, and said to her in a low voice: "We are looking for him because he is not afraid of ghosts? If he is afraid, what is the point of our live broadcast, and we have to rely on his fans to promote it."

Leng Yuanyuan sighed: "I gave up my life to accompany the gentleman, if something terrible happens, you are not allowed to abandon me."

Lin Shengsheng smiled and said: "I know, you sacrificed a lot, and I will treat you to dinner when I go back."

Leng Yuanyuan dissatisfied: "I'm worth a meal?"

Lin Shengsheng said: "How about I treat you to eat green vegetables, do you want it?" Then he put a chopstick of green vegetables in her bowl.

Leng Yuanyuan glanced at her angrily.

Leng Gongchen looked at the lively fight between the two women, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Lin Shengsheng so relaxed, he felt relieved. With Leng Yuanyuan's guidance, he believed that this time she would not be as uneasy as last time.

A group of them wandered around the resort.Although the resort has not yet been built, it occupies a considerable area.

They didn't panic and walked over one by one, but they only walked halfway.

It's just that, as Fei Jin said, they really didn't encounter anything on the first night.

Everything was peaceful as if in a dream, only Fei Jin was chattering and interacting with fans.

According to them, the Leng Group should give him more advertising fees and introduce the facilities of the resort.

Lin Shengsheng lay on the bed with her sore legs, closed the curtains and fell asleep in the daytime.

At night, they started to visit the resort in high spirits again.

For several days, day and night were reversed.Those ghosts and ghosts seem to have disappeared, and they have never been encountered again.

Lin Shengsheng frowned, this situation is good or bad, with the influence of celebrities, everyone on the Internet still believes that there is no supernatural in the resort.

But is the person behind it temporarily hiding from the limelight?What if after they left, they made trouble again?At that time, their Leng Group's reputation will suffer another serious setback.

Leng Gongchen pressed her head into his chest: "Don't think too much, sleep when you need to."

Lin Shengsheng fell into a dream, and when she was about to wake up, a chill suddenly rose up.

The rustling sound of metal rang in her ears again: ", hee hee."

She tried to open her eyes, but the lids seemed to be glued together.

She felt as if her chest was being pressed by a heavy weight, and something slid across her skin, cool and slippery, like a snake.

She fought back the urge to vomit.She felt as if she had been cut in half, her soul was exceptionally clear, but her body didn't listen.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door: "Shengsheng, wake up, something happened."

Lin Shengsheng's heart trembled, and he opened his eyes suddenly, but his hands and feet were still limp.

She struggled to get up, her voice hoarse and weak: "What's the matter?"

Leng Yuanyuan pushed open the door and said anxiously, "Fei Jin is gone."

Lin Shengsheng's eyes widened suddenly: "It's gone? Why is it gone? Didn't he wear a camera?"

"That's the problem. When you were sleeping, Fei Jin said that he wanted to take a bath in the hot spring after so many days." Leng Yuanyuan complained, "You also know that everyone still covers the camera when taking a bath." Up."

"Chen Junkai waited outside for a while, only to realize that he was gone. His clothes and camera were thrown beside the hot spring. Where do you think he can go?"

Lin Shengsheng's breathing was short of breath, and her head was groggy just after waking up.

She suddenly remembered the strange voice that rang in her ear just now, she grabbed Leng Yuanyuan's hand and said, "Did you hear any strange voice?"

"What strange sound?" Leng Yuanyuan said inexplicably, "I've been next door all the time, so I didn't hear it."

Lin Shengsheng let go of her hand and collapsed on the bed.

What a coincidence, she just heard that familiar voice when something happened to Fei Jin. Does that voice indicate something?

She remembered that the last time the voice counted was three, at that time she thought it was counting the number of people in their group.

But thinking about it now, there were exactly three people on the terrace that day.

Is this data their number, or the number of people they want to die?

Lin Shengsheng felt a chill in his heart. Under the monitoring of the camera, the people behind him were also unscrupulous.

As long as they show their flaws, they will find a chance to kill them.

Thinking of the miserable state of the person in charge, she shivered: "Let's go quickly, nothing will happen to Fei Jin."

If something happened to Fei Jin in their territory, the angry fans would never let them go.

When they arrived at the hot spring, everyone gathered together.

The night was falling, it turned out that in her unknowing sleep, it was already night.

Lin Shengsheng took out her mobile phone and looked at the barrage. Now there was a commotion on the barrage, shouting where their brother had gone.

On the other side of the platform, the camera has switched to Chen Junkai, so everyone knows that Fei Jin has disappeared.

On the far side of the hot spring, Fei Jin's clothes were scattered, and a camera was hidden inside.

Hot springs are steaming and smoky.

Chen Junkai said: "He said he wanted to take a hot spring, so I came with him. It's just that I didn't want to take a bath, so I waited for him outside. At the beginning, he even said a few words to me."

"I answered a call later, and when I turned around to call him, there was no sound. I felt something was wrong at this time, and I didn't see him when I rushed in."

"But when I called, it was not far from here, and I could see the door. I didn't hear too much noise. So I'm a little confused as to why he disappeared."

The platform repeated what Chen Junkai said just now, and he really went to answer the phone.The camera was still looking at the gate of the hot spring, and there was no sign of the door opening or closing.

The bullet screen was already filled with blood and blood, Lin Shengsheng saw the strong smell of gunpowder being torn between the fans, and felt a headache, so he stopped watching.

The breeze blew past, making the bamboo leaves rustle.

Suddenly, a baby's cry came again, looming indistinctly, extremely shrill.

Another layer of cold sweat broke out on Lin Shengsheng's back. In the last exploration, they had met twice.

Leng Yuanyuan shuddered, grabbed her sleeve and whispered, "Where is the baby crying?"

Teacher Guan was expressionless, stroked his glasses, and then kicked the hot spring: "The cry probably came from here."

Everyone looked at the crystal clear spring water and looked at each other.

Even if it is foggy, but with such a shallow pool, everything is clear at a glance.

Where is there something in it, is the ghost of the baby in the spring?

Leng Gongchen suddenly said: "You can't see it in this pool, let's dig it open and have a look."

Lin Shengsheng was a little stunned. The others thought for a while, and they seemed to have no better way, so they went to get the tools.

With the hard work of several big men, the pond has been cut in half in less than half an hour.

Next to the hot spring, there is also a small opening.

Very weird!

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