"is it you?"

"Is it you?" She looked over one by one, the same as General Dian.

Lin Shengsheng froze all over. She picked up the wig that had just been thrown on the table and threw it to her: "Is this your hair?"

The wig covered the doll's head, but she ignored it, as if slowly grinning in the dark:
"So... it's you. Whoever takes my hair will be hanged by my hair!"

She stood up slowly, her movements were mechanical, and the rustling sound was indescribably weird.

Lin Shengsheng took a step back in fear, leaning against the wall, suddenly felt a pain in his throat, as if cut by a knife, and blood oozed out.

"The first time..." the baby smiled and clapped her hands.

"Be careful." Leng Gongchen supported his wife, clasped his right hand, and stretched out his hand to pull hard.

He frowned tightly, and a sharp black silk thread appeared in the palm of his hand, the length of which could not be seen at the end.

Lin Shengsheng touched her neck, then said fearfully, "Is this her hair?"

Leng Gongchen pulled out the thread, and the doll clicked slightly.

Then her voice suddenly increased, as if the actions just now had caused her great harm: "You are all going to die!"

Leng Gongchen's face was gloomy, he threw down the silk thread, jumped up like a cheetah, and kicked her away.

The doll slammed hard against the wall, before she landed, Leng Gongchen kicked her up again, and smashed her against the wall again.

At this time, the boss also found a hammer and rushed up: "What are you talking to her? Let her play tricks."

Lin Shengsheng watched in horror as the doll kicked like a football, and the boss rushed up and smashed it hard again.

It smashed the doll's flowery face into pieces, it was too horrible to look at!

A blue eyeball rolled down and spun around on the ground.

The baby's voice was intermittent: "You... all... die..."

Leng Gongchen sneered: "We'll wait for you to see what you can do."

"You... all...will... die..." Doll still repeated, her voice seemed to be gnashing her teeth.

The boss clapped his hands and panted, "If you're a man, just do it. Why talk so much nonsense!"

The doll seemed a little annoyed, staring straight at him with one missing eye socket: "You want to die too!"

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help laughing, probably because the boss was offended when he said it wasn't a man, but this doll was originally a woman.

She laughed and twitched her throat, feeling a burning pain.

She clutched her neck in fear. If she was not careful, her head might have been separated just now.

"Let's leave here first and look elsewhere." Leng Gongchen ignored the dolls scattered in the corner.

Lin Shengsheng nodded and turned to leave the room.

This small house is only about [-] square meters, and it looks a bit crowded with a few people squeezed inside.

However, just as she took two steps, Leng Gongchen held her back again: "Be careful."

He frowned and shone with a flashlight, only to see a few inconspicuous black lines horizontally on the door frame, with faint lights shining in the bright light.

Lin Shengsheng's back felt cold, if Leng Gongchen didn't hold her back, maybe she would really die this time as the baby said, right?

She took a deep breath and came back to take a look.

The broken doll has only one eyeball, and it seems that it is very excited to see this scene.

The weird laughter filled the small room again, and Lin Shengsheng felt a chill in his heart.

The boss split the silk thread with a hammer and walked out first.

Someone was wading ahead, Lin Shengsheng felt relieved, and followed behind, and Leng Gongchen chased after him.

The dark corridor was filled with wind everywhere, which made her feel chilly.

The light of the flashlight shone on the wall, reflecting their shadows faintly.

Even though he was well prepared, Lin Shengsheng's thoughts still couldn't help but fly wild as he kept shouting in his heart about prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony.

She couldn't help but think of the ghost stories she had read before. It seemed that there were stories about shadows possessing and killing people.

She now understands why some people are so suspicious.

In this environment, no matter how rational she is, the stories she has read before will still come to her mind, and they will become more specific as the scenes are similar.

The phone suddenly rang, and she looked puzzled. It turned out that her phone had only 2% of the battery left, and it would automatically turn off after 30 seconds.

The house leak happens to be raining overnight, and there is no electricity at this time, which is actually a very troublesome thing.

But Lin Shengsheng breathed a sigh of relief, she simply turned off the phone in advance.

She held her hand behind her: "Gong Chen, my phone is out of battery, you hold me."

Leng Gongchen said casually, "Okay."

He handed over a hand to hold Lin Shengsheng's left hand.

Lin Shengsheng paused, cold sweat profusely broke out from his back, almost soaking through his clothes.

At this time, both of her hands were held, Leng Gongchen was on the left, and who was on the right?
She turned her head slowly, only to see a thick black figure suddenly appearing in the darkness, with a blue eye floating in the air!
Lin Shengsheng suddenly remembered the eyes that the doll dropped just now, they were so cold and heartless!
Her liver and gallbladder were almost torn apart, she screamed, threw her hands away, and rushed forward.

The boss in front was a little inexplicable: "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Shengsheng panted heavily, and under the boss's light, she felt like she was alive after a catastrophe.

She no longer dared to despise the light. There is nothing terrible about shadows. The unknown in the dark is the scariest.

Leng Gongchen behind turned on the flashlight and chased after him:

"Shengsheng, what's wrong with you? Aren't you going to hold my hand? Why did you suddenly throw me away?"

Lin Shengsheng shut up, what was she going to say about what happened just now?

She has always believed that the child is silent and supernatural, but as soon as she entered here, she was frightened again and again.

She angrily said to Leng Gongchen: "You hold my hand, don't let go."

Leng Gongchen was a little helpless: "Okay, I will always hold your hand and never let go."

Lin Shengsheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's get closer and don't get separated.

You turn off the flashlight, just leave one on. If there is too much waste, I am afraid that there will be no electricity in the back. "

Leng Gongchen immediately turned off the flashlight obediently, hugged her and comforted her:

"Whatever you just saw, think it's not real.

All things can have scientific explanations, all of which are calculated by others. "

Lin Shengsheng calmed down thinking of the text message she received when she came.

If she panicked, wouldn't she have fallen into someone else's scheme?

They walked out of the dormitory gate, not knowing where they were going.

Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng looked at the boss, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you familiar with this place? Can you find your way?"

The boss hesitated and said: "I have only been here a few times, and at most I have entered their dormitory, and I have never been to the farther ones."

Leng Gongchen nodded: "Okay then, let's walk along the avenue, if there is anything unusual, let's go in and have a look..."

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