"I think you are becoming more and more superstitious. Everything can be related to bad luck. It is strange that your heart is not beating." The boss yelled.

He put on a coat casually and went to the backyard to drive the car out.

Lin Shengsheng stood under the eaves, waiting for Leng Gongchen to settle the rent.

The heavy rain was pouring, and the whole world was shrouded in darkness. Only this side of the light was on, like a weak light on a boat, precarious in the wind and rain.

And the lights of the car seemed to be just a little spark, shining out in the rain curtain, and only lit up a small distance.

She was just about to pick up her feet and get into the car when her phone vibrated again: "You want to leave so soon? Are you scared?"

"Who the hell are you? What's your purpose?" Lin Shengsheng immediately replied, her fingers fluttering, almost dancing a series of afterimages.

She and Leng Gongchen looked at each other, their hearts beating like drums.

She took a deep breath, as if awaiting the verdict.

After a while, the text message came again. It didn't answer Lin Shengsheng's question:
"If you leave Xiwanshan this time, I will definitely make you regret it."

"What do you mean?" Lin Shengsheng replied a text message angrily.

However, after this time, the text message disappeared like a sea again, without any reply.

"What do you mean by him?" Lin Shengsheng asked, "What can make us regret it?"

Leng Gongchen was silent for a while: "Do you remember the post I sent you just now?"

Lin Shengsheng gasped: "If we leave, is he going to kill our employees?"

"It's very likely, that post seems to indicate that he will do something, otherwise he won't send it to you." Leng Gongchen said.

"How can there be such insane people in this world who treat other people's lives like nothing?

If there is anything to do, just come to us. It is really disgusting to use such indecent methods! "

Lin Shengsheng's eyes were burning.

The horn of the car suddenly sounded, and the voice of the boss came from inside:
"Guests, do you still want to go? I have to pick up my daughter later. If I don't go to my wife today, I will be skinned off."

Lin Shengsheng took a deep breath, and just about to speak, Leng Gongchen grabbed her and said loudly, "Of course I have to go."

Lin Shengsheng's eyes widened in disbelief: "Didn't you say that if we left, he would kill our employees?"

Without saying a word, Leng Gongchen stuffed Lin Shengsheng into the car and closed the door:

"Boss, please send her out, I won't leave yet."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Why should I leave if you don't leave? He sent me a text message.

I'm leaving, can you guarantee that he won't go crazy and kill people directly? "Lin Shengsheng opened the car door and said angrily.

Leng Gongchen held her hand and pushed her firmly:
"This matter has nothing to do with you. I will solve it. As long as you are safe and sound, I will rest assured."

"Of course you are relieved, but have you ever thought about my uneasy conscience? We are husband and wife, what can't we bear together?"

Lin Shengsheng refused.

Leng Gongchen hugged his wife: "I don't know, I don't want to put you in danger.

It was my mistake to bring you out this time, I didn't expect the people behind it to be so vicious. "

Lin Shengsheng hugged Leng Gongchen tightly, and whispered in his ear:

"If you are afraid that I will be in danger, are you really relieved to hand me over to other men?
No one can compare to you, I know you will protect me, I am the safest by your side. "

The boss looked at them embracing each other in a daze, and asked inexplicably, "What are you talking about? What are you dying for?"

Lin Shengsheng smiled at him: "It's okay, he and I decided not to leave."

Suddenly she remembered something: "Boss, did your daughter go to Xiwanshan Resort?"

The boss said confusedly: "Yes, her boyfriend is an employee of the Leng Group, and he often visits him."

"Then can you contact her?" Lin Shengsheng asked anxiously, frowning.

"Ah? Does she know you?" The boss was a little surprised.

"Stop asking, can you call her first?" Lin Shengsheng said in a slow tone.

The boss didn't know her purpose, but seeing how Lin Shengsheng looked good, he still made a call.

This time there was no mechanical sound like theirs, Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen looked at each other.

It was just that the voice from the phone was fragmented, and the boss sat up straight: "Xiaofeng, where are you? How are you?"

The voice on the opposite side was noisy, washed away by the sound of the rain, it was indistinct.

Suddenly there was a sharp scream, and the phone was hung up.

Under the faint light of the mobile phone, the boss's face was dim and uncertain.

He pursed his lips tightly, turned around and said to Lin Shengsheng and the others, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry now, why don't you take a rest first?"

"No, we're going to Xiwanshan Resort too, let's go together." Lin Shengsheng shook his head.

The boss gave her a surprised look, and Lin Shengsheng made up a random reason:
"We also have a friend who works there. We made an appointment with him this time, but we couldn't contact him just now, so we were very worried."

The boss glanced at them and said nothing.

What happened on his daughter's phone just now attracted all his attention, and he didn't have the energy to distinguish whether what Lin Shengsheng said was a lie or the truth.

His jaw was tensed, his eyes were straight ahead, and the car was going fast.

The heavy rain hit the glass, making a loud crackling noise.

The wipers kept swaying, but within a second, they were washed by the rain again, blurring the vision.

In such an environment, no matter how anxious you are, the car climbs like a snail in the mountains.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the rain curtain outside the window, turned on the phone and continued sending text messages:
"I'm on my way to Xiwanshan Resort, can you tell me about your purpose now?"

no reply.

Lin Shengsheng was not reconciled: "You just stopped us when you saw we were leaving, so are you nearby?

Where the hell are you, can you come out and meet us?There's no need to be so sneaky and play tricks, right? "

Still...no reply.

"Why did you send me a text message instead of Leng Gongchen? He is the leader of the Leng Group.

And I have already returned the shares to him, you are so concerned about me, is it someone I know? "

Leng Gongchen looked at her texting thoughtfully, and whispered:
"There is a possibility, if it's just to bring down our company, why didn't he come to me?

I'm the president. I'm in charge of all external affairs, but his first reaction was to threaten you. "

"Could it be that you have a grudge against me?" Lin Shengsheng thought in distress.

Yun Xinrou's figure flashed across her mind, but she shook her head again: "No, no, she doesn't have this ability, does she?"

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