They shouldn't reconcile so quickly, they should be like enemies when she was here!
Yun Xinrou took another look at the sweet look of the two in the photo, showing a weird smile.

"Leng Gongchen, Lin Shengsheng, let you be proud for a while, and enjoy the last joy."

She clenched her hands tightly, and the curved knuckles were faintly white.

Zhao Dagang looked at her twisted smile and said nothing.

The surrounding air seemed to be affected by Yun Xinrou, forming a terrifying vortex, exuding strong negative emotions.


During this period of time, Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen had a peaceful time, and everything seemed to be going smoothly.

Lin Shengsheng had just arrived at the company that day, and he was sensitive to the tense atmosphere in the air. It seemed a little scared, but also a little excited.

She observed quietly, and found that they were whispering to each other with their mobile phones, and then everyone suddenly gasped.

Someone glanced at her inadvertently, without realizing it at first.

When she was far away, she suddenly realized that she carefully pushed the assistant next to her.

The assistant raised his head from the crowd of heads and hurried towards her with his mobile phone.

A hint of worry appeared on the assistant's face: "Boss Lin, a resort we recently developed was rumored to be a mass grave."

Lin Shengsheng immediately came to her senses: "Xiwan Mountain? How could it be a mass grave?"

The assistant glanced at her cautiously: "It is said that there was a war there before, and tens of thousands of people died there?"

"There are so many? Why didn't I know?" Lin Shengsheng was a little puzzled.

If there was a war with so many casualties, it must have been recorded in the county annals, but no one mentioned it at all during the early development and investigation.

"It seems to say that it has been more than 1000 years ago."

Lin Shengsheng was speechless for a moment: "1000 years?"

No wonder it was not mentioned in the pre-development preparations. Human civilization has been in tens of thousands of years, and it is strange that there are places where people have not died.

Speaking of where they are now, they have been greeted and sent off for thousands of years, and princes from all walks of life have appeared on the stage, fighting everywhere, and blood flowing like rivers.

The city was burnt to the ground several times, but it was like green grass in spring, on which human beings tenaciously built new cities.

How many romantic figures are scattered like big waves washing the sand, which does not affect the soup of the river, the prosperity is still there, fried sticks and soy milk by the alley, and fireworks are curling up.

Lin Shengsheng felt wrong again: "Everyone was talking about these things just now? How did you know?"

The assistant picked up the tablet and pointed it out to her:

"It was said by an expert. He heard that the Leng Group was developing this land, so he found a record from the wild history."

Lin Shengsheng's brows were so wrinkled that they could catch flies, and she was a little angry:
"Can you talk about the unofficial history? It's not sure if it's true!"

She flipped through this Weibo, it was posted three days ago, but most of the hot comments were from yesterday and today.

The words used by experts are just citations, and there are not many comments, as if they are just science and technology.

She didn't understand why the following comments were all kinds of fears, and she didn't understand the reaction of her colleagues just now.

"Did someone buy a navy to harm us?"

Lin Shengsheng frowned and said that the following comments involved intentionally or unintentionally the resort plan, which made her very uncomfortable.

"No, it's just that someone just used this material to write a novel." The assistant smiled awkwardly.

Lin Shengsheng glanced at her, then suppressed his temper and hurriedly read the novel the assistant was talking about.

This novel takes the development of Xiwan Mountain, a group, as the background, connects the war 1000 years ago, and tells various supernatural events that happened to a worker.

The horror atmosphere of this short story is indeed very good, and the reversal is also very exciting, which makes people feel creepy after reading it.

So after reading it, it is not very strange for everyone to think of the development of the Leng Group in reality.

Even if you look at the historical background of the group, it is obvious that the development history of the Leng Group is borrowed.

But their names are all changed to Bing Bing's Group, so it's not easy to forcibly jump out and interfere with other people's creations.

Lin Shengsheng knew the assistant's worries, they were developing a high-end resort.

However, rich people are somewhat superstitious, and they always feel unlucky when they hear that people have died here.

But just a Weibo and a novel did not attract her attention.

"You control the public opinion, don't let them bring the rhythm to the Leng Group." Lin Shengsheng ordered.

However, things did not go as she expected. The supernatural incidents at Xiwanshan Resort turned into a prairie fire, and within a few days, the sky and the earth were covered.

A few supernatural adventure anchors even bypassed the construction fence and live-streamed their adventures.

However, without exception, the live broadcast room suddenly flickered with snowflakes, and the video could not be seen clearly, and the anchor got out of the shit.

Their fans are arguing online, fearing for their safety.

A few days later, after they came out, they went back to business as usual on Weibo, but when someone mentioned Xiwanshan, they were terrified and stopped mentioning it.

This also makes Xi Wanshan more mysterious, and various supernatural novels emerge in endlessly.

Lin Shengsheng didn't expect things to happen to this point. She called to ask the construction party, and the construction party said with a puzzled face that everything was normal.

It's just that a few small thieves sneaked in a few days ago, and then crawled away before they could get close to the hotel they were building.

After Lin Shengsheng hung up the phone, his face was pensive, and he lightly tapped the table with his fingers.

However, the assistant has a bad temper and said angrily:
"Those anchors don't say what they have to say, they insist on making people guess.

They can still broadcast live now, doesn't it mean that there is nothing wrong?Instead, our Leng Group was scolded miserably. "

Shall we clarify, let them say so?How will our resort open in the future? "

"I'll go to the president to discuss it." Lin Shengsheng walked out of the room with the document in hand.

These days, she always thought it was just a trivial matter, and instead of reporting it to Leng Gongchen, it caused a catastrophe.

According to this process, Xi Wanshan has become a representative of supernatural beings. Don't tourists who stay in their resort in the future have to worry about it all the time?

"You mean someone plotted against us?" After listening to the report, Leng Gongchen held his forehead and thought.

"That's right, I'm to blame for my low sensitivity. When the assistant reported that day, the comments had clearly pointed to our Leng Group."

Lin Shengsheng said angrily.

"Furthermore, those supernatural anchors must have acted too fast. As if they had made an agreement, they ran all over the place towards us, Xiwanshan.

I have asked the person in charge below, and he said that there is nothing abnormal in the construction site. "

"Then why are these people pretending that something really happened? Isn't this kind of lie easy to expose?" Leng Gongchen frowned.

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