Hasegawa's complexion changed, he cursed, dragged his inconvenient right leg, and retreated towards the entrance of the cave.

Without hesitation, Leng Gongchen chased after him, and fired while listening to the sound.

The man in black was dripping with cold sweat, knowing that Hasegawa was fooling him just now, and wanted to kill him while he was restless.

He didn't care about thanking others, and watched Leng Gongchen chase along the passage.

"There is a cliff over there..." the man in black was a little anxious.

The subordinate's ears moved slightly, and he beckoned for others to follow Leng Gongchen in pursuit.

Hasegawa walked in a hurry, hearing the gunshot behind him like a bereaved dog.

Through the faint light, Leng Gongchen could only see Hasegawa's staggering shadow.

Suddenly Hasegawa groaned and collapsed to the ground.

Leng Gongchen breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down and approached cautiously.

Hasegawa hugged his legs tightly and screamed, he stared at Leng Gongchen viciously: "I will not let you go!"

Leng Gongchen sneered: "You have the spirit, why don't you think about how miserable you were when you were shot."

Hasegawa pointed the gun at Leng Gongchen with trembling hands, his clothes were soaked in cold sweat, it seemed that he couldn't hold the gun because of the pain.

He still insisted: "Who will win and who will lose is still unknown."

Leng Gongchen looked at the weird smile on Hasegawa's lips, and a trace of uneasiness crept into his heart from his back.

He took a step forward, and suddenly his feet were empty, and his whole body staggered and fell downwards.

With awe in his heart, he adjusted his position in the air, clasped his head with his hands, and bent over.

Leng Gongchen fell into the closed secret room, screaming inwardly.

A strong smell of gasoline came to his nostrils, and he reached out his hand to touch it, and all the tentacles were thorny firewood, which was wet on top.

At this time, Hasegawa's ferocious face appeared from above.

He lit the lighter, and the flickering light shone on his distorted face, and the dancing flames seemed to distort his entire figure.

"You want to burn me, so I'll let you taste what it's like to be burned!" He gritted his teeth and threw down the lighter in his hand.

The flames rushed to Lao Gao with a bang, making a crackling, beeping, beeping sound.

The subordinates behind hurriedly rushed, and finally arrived.

Hasegawa's complexion changed, and he reached out to press a certain switch.

His subordinates rushed towards him, Hasegawa cursed in a low voice, gave up resentfully, and staggered forward to escape.

The fire burned quickly, and the entire space was a sea of ​​flames, illuminating the dark secret room brightly.

He covered his nose with his clothes, and looked for the exit, but the secret room was very high, as high as two feet.

There are no points of strength anywhere, and there is only one exit above, unless someone pulls people up.

Fortunately, Hasegawa didn't have time to close the only life-saving window during the pursuit, otherwise he would have to die in a sea of ​​flames in the confined space.

It seems that because of the heat, the air can see the distortion of the trajectory.

Leng Gongchen felt that his eyebrows were slightly burnt.

The subordinate shouted anxiously from above: "Boss, what should we do?"

Leng Gongchen coughed a few times: "Hurry up and pull me up."

Now he regretted not listening to Lin Shengsheng, so he rushed out so impulsively.

Now that he wanted to expose Hasegawa so easily in the hall, he also wanted to lure them here.

If they follow the way of the man in black leading the way, they will only enter the dense forest unimpeded, instead of falling into this secret room.

When Lin Shengsheng arrived, his subordinates were undressing, tearing the clothes into tendons and connecting them together.

A group of men were shirtless, sweat dripping down their muscles under the heat of the fire.

Lin Shengsheng froze for a moment, lowered his eyelids, and stared at the ground.

Lin Shengsheng almost fainted after his subordinates succinctly explained the matter to her.

Looking from the entrance of the cave, Leng Gongchen had moved to a remote place to avoid the heat, but there was a sea of ​​fire under the entrance of the cave.

If Leng Gongchen forcibly breaks in, then 100% will be burned to death.

Once the rope was lowered, it was not a lifeline, but a reminder.

"What should I do?" Lin Shengsheng burst into tears.

Chen Junkai, who understood what had happened, frowned, and grabbed the man in black: "Is there water here?"

He saw that since instant noodles could be made in that hall just now, there was probably water.

The man in black was stunned for a moment, then suddenly nodded repeatedly.

He rushed away with his men, and after a while, he came over with a bucket of mineral water and wet clothes.

There is only half a bottle of mineral water left, which is pitiful.

But Lin Shengsheng looked at it as if he was a lifesaver.

Chen Junkai took off his coat and poured mineral water on the clothes.

He rubbed the clothes into balls and threw them at Leng Gongchen: "Brother Gongchen, catch it."

Without further ado, Leng Gongchen, who was almost fainted by the smoke, took the wet clothes and put them on his body, covering his hair.

The subordinates quickly lowered the rope, and under the licking of the tongue of fire, the rope seemed precarious.

Leng Gongchen didn't hesitate anymore, wrapped the rope around his waist a few times, tied a knot, and climbed up.

Everyone also worked together to shrink the rope upwards.

Leng Gongchen pressed his hands on the ground, and with a push of his body, he stood up from the ground.

It's just that the trousers are licked by the flames, and there are still a small cluster of flames.

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly doused the flames with the remaining mineral water, and then hugged Leng Gongchen tightly and cried bitterly like the rest of his life after a catastrophe.

Leng Gongchen hugged Lin Shengsheng helplessly, the bold words and lofty ambitions just now were under the offensive of tears, and he couldn't speak anymore.

"I told you that Hasegawa is sinister and cunning, why are you so careless?" Lin Shengsheng's tears fell like rain.

"It's my fault, don't cry." Leng Gongchen wiped her face with his hands.

It's just that it was smoky just now, and Leng Gongchen's dirty hands rubbed Lin Shengsheng's white and tender skin like a little cat.

"You promise me, don't be so impulsive again, if you die, what do you want me and the children to do?"

Lin Shengsheng's tears were like the water of the Yellow River, flooding unknowingly.

"I said before that if you die, I won't live alone. You must think about me behind you when you are impulsive next time."

Chen Junkai also had some regrets: "If only I had followed just now, your subordinates dare not stop you, so they let you rush ahead."

At this time, the subordinates suddenly came to report: "Boss, Hasegawa is on the cliff ahead, what should we do with him?"

Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng looked at each other: "Is there a cliff in front?"

"Yes, Hasegawa said that if he doesn't see you, he will jump off the cliff." The subordinate said indignantly:

"Let's just let him jump off the cliff. He has caused us so much misery. We tie him back and hand him over to the police. Maybe he will run away."

I don't know if Hasegawa is smart or ruthless, in order to plot against Leng Gongchen, he would not hesitate to push himself into a desperate situation.

Leng Gongchen's eyes flashed, maybe he was shot in front of the secret room, and it was also a fake, just to let him relax his vigilance.

This time, what kind of tricks are you going to play?

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