The man in black complained: "A few days ago, you burned things straight into the secret passage. I couldn't bear the smoke, otherwise I wouldn't have been caught by you."

"Oh?" Leng Gongchen raised his eyebrows, with a half-smile.

The man in black shuddered, and righteously said:
"I have absolutely no complaints, I have now turned my back on the dark.

That guy Hasegawa is insidious and cunning, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. I will definitely help you catch him. "

Leng Gongchen didn't want to argue with him: "Is there any mechanism in this secret passage?"

The man in black slapped his chest: "I have walked through this secret passage dozens of times, but I haven't found any mechanism.

This is the place I turned to after following Hasegawa, and I haven't seen him move his hands or feet. "

Lin Shengsheng didn't listen right, and felt a little uneasy: "Gong Chen, you don't mean to chase Hasegawa, do you?"

The cold light in Leng Gongchen's eyes is like frost and snow:

"Now that I have come to this point, I can't let the tiger go back to the mountain. If we can't solve it completely this time, we will always be passive."

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly took his hand, and suggested:
"Didn't you say that the exit of the passage is in the dense forest? We sent people to guard these two places, and he is the turtle in the urn."

Leng Gongchen shook his head resolutely: "I can't wait, by the time we get to the other side, he will have already spread his wings and flew."

Chen Junkai also felt a little dangerous, and disagreed:
"We don't know what's going on in the secret passage. You'd better not put yourself in danger. If something happens, Shengsheng will be very sad."

Leng Gongchen chuckled, and glanced at the man in black: "Who said we don't have people who are familiar with the terrain?"

The man in black let out a cry, and said with a crying face, "Should I go too?"

"Who said just now that you want to help me catch Hasegawa?" Leng Gongchen raised his eyebrows.

The man in black wrinkled his face like a bitter melon, then scanned the crowd around him, and said in a righteous way:
"Hasegawa, an unscrupulous villain, really deserves to be punished!"

He secretly thought to himself, with so many people, if they fight together, they will be dead friends, but if the situation is not good, he will put oil on the soles of his feet.

Fu Xuan didn't speak all the time. He watched the insincere words of the man in black and laughed lightly.

"We might as well divide our troops into two groups. I'll call my subordinates now, and they should be able to seal off the dense forest." Fu Xuan suggested.

Leng Gongchen glanced at Fu Xuan, although he was still somewhat disgusted with him, but now is not the time for internal fighting.

He nodded: "Then trouble you, it's my opinion to go to the secret road to track down Hasegawa, so you don't want to follow."

Lin Shengsheng held Leng Gongchen's hand tightly: "If you want to go, I will go too!"

Leng Gongchen frowned, and lightly reprimanded: "Nonsense! You are still injured, how can you run around again?"

He turned to Chen Junkai, and said: "Help me keep an eye on Shengsheng, don't let her mess around at will."

He made up his mind, forcibly tore off Lin Shengsheng's hand, and said in a low voice, "Everyone, follow me!"

The subordinates who just messed up something were as quiet as chickens, and jumped into the secret passage one by one after them.


On the other side, Zhao Dagang, the iron tower man, carried Hasegawa on his back for a short distance and then threw him on the ground.

His face was extremely smelly, as if someone owed him money.

"Go on your own." He said angrily.

Hasegawa's body was sore and his face was gloomy. The fist that fell on him just now was not mixed with any water.

It also includes Zhao Dagang's fist. I don't know if he is acting realistically or taking the opportunity to vent his anger.

"Did you do it on purpose just now?" Hasegawa said angrily.

Zhao Dagang stared: "Why, do you want to fight?"

As he said that, he raised his fist indistinctly, and the bones of his fingertips creaked, which was very clear in the silent secret passage.

Hasegawa immediately fell silent, but his face was covered with dark clouds.

"What are you waiting for if you don't walk here?"

Zhao Dagang strode forward a few steps, and found that Hasegawa was not moving, he wondered, "You don't want me to carry you?"

He spat: "I'm not your subordinate. You screwed things up and still want me to carry you. You don't even want me to carry you."

Hasegawa raised his gloomy face and sneered: "I have suffered such a big loss, do you think I will just let it go?"

Zhao Dagang frowned and said unceremoniously:

"What kind of moth are you going to do again? I see that you are so foolish. Be careful not to kill Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng, but put yourself in it instead."

He folded his hands on his chest, full of resentment: "If you didn't screw up today, I wouldn't reveal my identity."

Hasegawa stared at a certain place with hatred, half of the pale light of the flashlight shone on his face, cutting him in half, and it was obscure.

"I've been here for so long, do you think I'm here to see the scenery? If I don't let Leng Gongchen bury his body here today, I'm not Hasegawa!"

Hasegawa grinned, his face sunken in the darkness, looking extraordinarily eerie.

Zhao Dagang gave Hasegawa a blank look, and said sullenly: "I don't care if you want to die, I don't want to get involved with myself."

Hasegawa stared gloomyly at Zhao Dagang's back as he walked further and further away, and cursed in a low voice:
"Things with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. I want you to look good in the future, how dare you talk to me like that."


Lin Shengsheng watched Leng Gongchen's figure disappear into the secret passage, and his heart was as hot as burning oil.

Chen Junkai's hands were like iron chains, locking her struggling hands:

"Shengsheng, you just wait here for the good news. Since Leng Gongchen dares to chase after him, he naturally has his own considerations."

He stared at Lin Shengsheng's wrist, and said distressedly: "You should pay more attention to your body, what if there are scars?"

Lin Shengsheng pulled out her hand and pulled down her sleeve to cover the scar.

She shook her head: "I'm fine, the blood has coagulated now, it's fine if you don't deal with it everywhere."

"The most important thing now is to catch Hasegawa, but with Hasegawa's always insidious and cunning methods, I don't believe he is not prepared at all in the secret passage."

Chen Junkai sighed:
"I know, it's just that Leng Gongchen has always been shrewd. I believe he has a way to deal with Hasegawa. Let's not add trouble."

Lin Shengsheng bit her lips tightly, her teeth made a whitish mark on her red lips:

"Jun Kai, I beg you, will you let me follow them?"

She threw up her hands and swore:

"If everything goes well for them, I will stay behind. If Leng Gongchen and the others are in danger, I will follow behind and ask for help."

Chen Junkai looked into Lin Shengsheng's stubborn eyes, knowing that he couldn't stop him, he sighed:

"Okay, then I'll go with you too, but you must not expose yourself!"

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