The doctor seemed to have expected it, and took out a mobile phone number: "This person is panda blood, you can ask!"

Lin Shengsheng anxiously took it and dialed the number, but the name of Leng Gongchen was actually displayed on the phone!

How could it be his name?

However, only he can save his son now.

Thinking of this, she ignored the confrontation between them, and bit the bullet.

"Leng Gongchen, I have something to look for you." Lin Shengsheng choked out a word.

Seeing her calling, Leng Gongchen was a little unclear about the situation: "What's the matter, tell me!"

"It's like this. My son had an accident. I heard that you have panda blood. Can you donate blood for me?" Lin Shengsheng got straight to the point.

"Is Junjun injured?" Leng Gongchen stood up suddenly.

Seeing that there was no sign of his agreement, Lin Shengsheng said, "You can tell me how much money you want, and I'm willing to spend it."

Listening to such indifferent words, Leng Gongchen hung up the phone directly, what kind of nonsense did this woman just say.

Thinking about the uncertainty of Junjun's life and death now, he felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

He didn't think about going straight to the hospital.

In the hospital, seeing the child's eyes closed and motionless, his heart ached to death.

After the blood was drawn, Leng Gongchen was pushed out.

Looking at his pale face, Lin Shengsheng thanked him.

"No need, I will do the same even for irrelevant people." Leng Gongchen replied with a smile.


Junjun was alive and kicking soon, the nurse sister said that Leng Gongchen saved him, he was very happy, finally able to see him!
When he fully recovered, he sneaked over to watch Leng Gongchen. Leng Gongchen couldn't take it easy because he was drawing too much blood.

"Thank you for saving me." The child's eyes were fluttering, like a doll in a New Year painting, extremely cute.

"Have you recovered now?" Leng Gongchen fondled the child's soft forehead hair.

"Yeah, it's a good thing you protect me, otherwise I won't see my mother and you in the future. I was scared at the time."

Junjun vividly made a deadly upturned movement.

"Don't talk nonsense, how is it possible?" Leng Gongchen smiled weakly.

Leng Junsi looked at him pale and weak, lying on the hospital bed, and felt a little distressed:
"It's because I'm too playful, woohoo, it's because I didn't take good care of myself, which made you all worry about me."

"Don't worry Junjun, I'll be fine in a few days." Leng Gongchen helped the child wipe away the tears, and gently hugged him tightly.

The two of them are very strange, as if there is an innate intimacy, Junjun will come to him whenever he is free.

"Let me tell you, you must never tell my mother or godfather about this matter." Junjun looked at Leng Gongchen suspiciously.

Leng Gongchen thought it was a bit funny, but he still agreed to the child: "Okay, I won't tell anyone else."

I saw Leng Junjun solemnly kissing him on the face:
"If you are free in the future, remember to come and play with me more, okay? I like you very much!"

Leng Gongchen readily agreed.

On this day, Lin Shengsheng took Junjun home.

Junjun regretted a little, he hadn't spoken to Leng Gongchen yet, and he didn't know when he would be able to see him.

Children's thoughts are very simple. If they like someone, they like to cling to him and play with him every day.

Leng Gongchen prepared a small gift for him, but he didn't see anyone when he opened the ward.

A nurse was caught asking, "Where is this kid?"

"He recovered and was discharged from the hospital." The nurse stared at the handsome Leng Gongchen in a daze.

Leng Gongchen was a little unaccustomed to it, the child was tired of himself these days, but it was good, it proved that he had recovered.

He took the gift for Junjun and left the hospital. Looking at the scenery in the distance, he felt empty in his heart.

The joy that Junjun brought him was very strange, as if there was a magical connection between them, binding them tightly together.

Because they are both of the same blood type, Leng Gongchen began to investigate his situation.

Lin Shengsheng has been a little distracted these days, she is wondering whether she should thank Leng Gongchen or not?

After all, he saved the child.

But she had made up her mind before that she would never have anything to do with that man again, but she felt very sorry.

Ahhh, it's really annoying.

It happened to be the weekend, Lin Shengsheng stayed at home with Junjun, and looked at the child who was piling up blocks on the sofa.

She decided to ask the child's opinion: "Baby, tell me, should we thank Leng Gongchen?"

Junjun's eyes lit up instantly:

"I'm going, I'm going! But I don't know where he is."

Junjun hasn't seen Leng Gongchen for a long time, and he was still excited when he heard the name at first.

"Mom knows where he is." Lin Shengsheng looked at her child's happy face.

"Then mother, let's go quickly, we have to thank him well." Junjun couldn't wait to see Leng Gongchen.

"But we agreed in advance that you must be obedient and not do anything excessive, okay?"

Lin Shengsheng knelt down and talked to Junjun.

Wait until both of them are packed before setting off.

Arriving at the long-lost villa, Lin Shengsheng hesitated again, whether to go in or not.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Junjun asked softly.

Lin Shengsheng didn't want to live up to her son's wishes, but when she saw this house, she thought of some past events in her mind.

"Junjun, let's go, remember to thank him later."

"I see. Mom, you've already said it many times." Junjun couldn't wait to rush up and knock on the door.

Leng Gongchen opened the door and saw the long-lost two people, a little dazed.

However, more is happy, did not expect them to come.

"Come in." Leng Gongchen gave way.

"We have nothing else to do today. We just came to thank you. This is the fruit basket for you. Please accept it."

Lin Shengsheng looked serious and business-like, no longer the soft-spoken look of before.

Junjun was very excited when he saw Leng Gongchen, he swooped and hugged his thigh:

"I miss you so much! I haven't seen you for a long, long time."

"How long is a long time?" Leng Gongchen couldn't help teasing the little guy.

"A century!" Junjun gestured.

"Then come in and eat delicious food, I have prepared a lot for you."

Leng Gongchen hugged the little guy and put it on the sofa.

Then I took out a lot of snacks that children like to eat, and you can see that they are carefully prepared by looking at the packaging.

Junjun couldn't be happier, and immediately felt that Leng Gongchen was very nice.

Lin Shengsheng smiled uncomfortably at the happy look of her child.

"To thank you, can I trouble you to come here?"

Leng Gongchen was also infected by the joyful atmosphere, and couldn't help asking.

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