The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 1155 Your conscience was eaten by a dog

Leng Junjun could see that Leng Gongchen didn't have no feelings for Mommy, but he had some concerns that bound his hands and feet.

Only by touching people with love can we understand the sufferings that Mommy has suffered in these years, and only then can we love Mommy even more.

"Really?" Leng Gongchen said casually, "She is quite career-minded."

He seemed to have guessed Leng Junjun's intentions, but what's the matter with a child showing a vicissitudes of life?

Leng Junjun shook his head:
"Mommy is not career-minded, she doesn't value profit, and she doesn't like dealing with people who smell like money at all.

I once asked her angrily why she put so much emphasis on the company, compared to me.Guess what Mommy said? "

He was smiling, and his bright eyes had a transparency that this age did not have.

Leng Gongchen's eyes drooped, and he patted his head pityingly:

"You don't need to say it, I know what you mean, you want to persuade me to reconcile with your mommy, but I..."

He smiled confusedly, he was in the game now, and his surroundings seemed to be shrouded in fog.

Everything seems to be indistinct, making him unable to see clearly.

As soon as he encountered Lin Shengsheng's matter, he seemed to have lost the ability to judge rationally.

"Don't you want to hear it?" Leng Junjun pursed his lips, disappointed.

"It's not your business. You don't understand the relationship between me and your mommy." Leng Gongchen sighed.

"Although I know your kindness, these are not the focus of my entanglement. Now I only hope that we can get along in harmony on the surface."

As for the future... He looked at the winding mountains in the distance, and his thoughts stretched.

Of course he knew her hard work, but blame him for being narrow-minded.

Even though his original intention has not changed, he is still unresolved.

He didn't have the heart to completely solve the misunderstanding, he just wanted to accomplish one thing now.

After they are completely safe, no matter where their relationship goes, he can accept it calmly.

Leng Junjun looked at Leng Gongchen's expression in disbelief, never expecting him to be so heartless.

He still had a glimmer of hope, he didn't want to make Mommy sad, and he didn't want himself to be misunderstood.

Unwillingly, he grabbed his sleeve and shouted with red eyes:
"Why are you doing this, I'm serious, why are you acting like an ostrich?"

Leng Gongchen frowned impatiently:
"You are a child, what can I tell you? My feelings for her have faded, so don't pester her anymore."

Feeling the aura exuded by Leng Gongchen for a moment, Leng Junjun was shocked and let go of his hands.

After a while, he said with red eyes again: "You and Mommy haven't divorced yet, how can you move on?

You just let that woman show off in front of Mommy, has your conscience been eaten by a dog? "

"Now you don't even want to hear about her deeds, are you so heartless?"

Leng Junjun stared at Leng Gongchen viciously, his gaze was like a wolf's.

"I have already said that my relationship with her has faded, and you should thank me for leaving for these four years.

Otherwise, how could your mommy and Fu Xuan live together, how could you enjoy the selfless love of your godfather? "

Cold light flickered in Leng Gongchen's eyes, filled with righteous indignation, he couldn't help but hurt others.

Leng Junjun opened his eyes wide in disbelief, as round as a kitten.

He froze for a moment, then broke out:

"What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't Mommy tell you that she and her godfather are innocent? How can you spout blood?"

Leng Gongchen turned his face coldly, closed his eyes, his heart throbbed with pain as if being stabbed by a knife.

"Do you think that if you are innocent, you are really innocent? Who doesn't know now, as soon as I left, Fu Xuan moved to the vicinity of your house.

I don't want to expose this scar over and over again, but if you are not his child, how can he take care of you so wholeheartedly?"

Leng Gongchen opened his eyes and saw green, he smiled bleakly, thinking it was ironic.

"Then what do you want me and Mommy?" Leng Junjun lowered his face, his eyes flickering.

"I hope you disappear in front of my eyes now! Didn't you say that you don't want me as a father, and the godfather over there is very happy.

You can recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors. In the future, the three of you will live happily together, so you don't have to worry about me, an unrelated person. "

Leng Gongchen blurted out hurtful words, and he felt that the strings of his reason had been broken.

He slammed his fist on the stone, and the thin skin rubbed a little blood.

"So, you want us to go?"

"What? Could it be that your appetite has grown? Not only did you let Fu Xuan join the company as the vice president, but you also want to completely seek power and usurp the throne?

Let me tell you, I came back just to get back what belongs to me, so don't have any hope! "

Leng Gongchen looked forward with red eyes.

"Okay." Leng Junjun nodded with a sneer, his eyes as icy as frost and snow:
"Even if I'm blind, I wanted to talk to you!

I didn't expect you to be such a wolf-hearted and blind person, don't regret what you said today in the future! "

He jumped off the rock and returned to the tent in a huff.

He was terribly disappointed, he didn't expect this man to be so stubborn.

Fortunately, he talked about it when Mommy was still awake. If Mommy heard it, she would be so sad.

In his eyes, is Mommy such a cunning person?What he did for Mummy was not worth it.

He spat bitterly, and felt that his canned food and mineral water were worthless.

He couldn't help beating his chest and stamping his feet, those things were hard prepared by him anyway.

From now on, they will be on their way to the sky, walking on each side, just ignoring each other.

There was silence in the tent, Lin Shengsheng's body was stiff and motionless.

Tears fell quietly from the corners of her eyes, but she actually woke up when Leng Junjun got up.

It's just that I was too tired yesterday and wanted to lie down for a while.

They thought the negotiation was very secretive, but they didn't expect that she listened to seven or eight out of ten of the whole conversation.

The cold air flowed through the whole body along with the blood, making her feel as if she was in an ice cave.

In his eyes, is he so unbearable?
What about Yun Xinrou, in his eyes, isn't it very innocent and pure, that's why he indulges again and again?
He wants to drive her out of the company so much, does he regret the shares he once gave her?
Now that he has moved on, does he want to use the company as a bargaining chip to please the person he likes?

She suddenly thought, is she like Fang Lingyue in his eyes now?That's why it's so extinct?
She bit her lip tightly, tears streaming down her face.

Thinking of my dedication over the years, it was like a big dream, indescribably ridiculous and absurd.

She stayed in the tent for a long time, pretending that she was still in a dream.

By the time she cleared up her mood, the sun was already shining.

When she stepped out of the tent, she saw the man looking into the distance at a glance...

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