Chen Junkai smiled and said:
"I'm not too sure what Brother Gong Chen is going to do, but he is indeed not as obsessed with that woman as he appears on the surface. Let's wait and see."

Leng Xuri seemed to have taken a reassurance, his face was calm and rainy:

"Then you have to investigate that Yun Xinrou carefully, this woman can pass the strict inspection of the laboratory.

Staying by Leng Gongchen's side for four years is definitely not something that ordinary energy can achieve. "

He is not too worried about the relationship between Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng now, since his son has his own plans, then he has his reasons.

The son chooses this path, and he has to bear the consequences.

If it really broke Lin Shengsheng's heart, he deserved it for chasing his wife to the crematorium in the end.

What he was worried about now was Yun Xinrou, a treacherous woman.

He had a vague feeling that the person standing behind this woman must be inextricably related to Hasegawa.

Or, is there a more powerful force behind her?

Chen Junkai responded with a smile: "Dad, don't worry, I will arrange to investigate."

On the other side, there was silence in the car, and the air seemed to freeze.

Lin Shengsheng leaned back wearily, watching the street lights passing by outside the window, the warm yellow lights flickering on her face.

Leng Gongchen broke the silence: "I know you must hate me at today's party, but I still hope you..."

Lin Shengsheng sneered and interrupted him unceremoniously:

"You don't need to say anything, I know we will never go back to the past, and I want to see both.

Now we do not divorce, only for the children.As for Junjun, I don't expect anything from you, so be it. "

Leng Gongchen frowned, and just about to speak, a series of bells rang in the car.

Lin Shengsheng answered the phone directly.

"Miss Lin, if you can come to tomorrow's banquet, it will be really splendid.

I wonder if you are interested in winning the championship? "The other side said flatteringly.

"Okay, I will definitely participate." Lin Shengsheng agreed impatiently, then hung up the phone.

Another clichéd invitation, another same banquet.

In the past few years, she has participated in countless banquets, and every time it is the entertainment of the same hypocritical force.

She watched them entertain guests, the gorgeous costumes, and the grand hall could not conceal the decay inside.

Every time she stood in the hall, the excitement around her seemed to have nothing to do with her.

She didn't know what everyone was laughing at, everything was hidden in a smiling mask.

"A company banquet?" Leng Gongchen asked.

Lin Shengsheng had an idea: "Why don't you go? I don't like this kind of atmosphere.

This banquet is still very important. I heard that Haikang Group will also go, so you might as well take this opportunity to inquire about the news. "

A cold light flashed in Leng Gongchen's eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled into a sneer:

"Okay, I've been away for a long time, I'm afraid many people have forgotten my horror, and I just took advantage of this banquet to announce my return."

He grasped the steering wheel tightly: "I want to see, who is this Haikang Group, who has been against us all the time!"

Lin Shengsheng nodded.

The car drove into the villa, and Lin Shengsheng got out of the car in a hurry and entered the house.

The light in the living room was on, but there was no voice, Lin Shengsheng felt a little worried.

As soon as she put down the bag in her hand, Leng Junjun rushed over when she heard the sound of the door opening.The little face was full of tears, pitiful.

"Mommy, what did you do? I'm so worried about you." Leng Junjun cried.

Lin Shengsheng stretched out his arms, hugged his son distressedly, pulled the toilet paper, and wiped away his tears and snot.

"I'm sorry Junjun, today Mommy and Dad decided to visit Grandpa on the spur of the moment, and didn't tell you.

Remember to bring your phone and watch with you in the future, so you won't be afraid that you won't be able to contact Mommy. "

Junjun still sobbed and said: "Well, I will obediently wear a phone and watch in the future, so I won't be afraid that Mommy will get lost.

I am so afraid that someone will kill you today, and I will never see you again. "

When he saw Leng Gongchen behind him, his ears were pricked up vigilantly, and it was self-evident that the villains were in it.

Lin Shengsheng laughed, this little guy has always been very smart, but he knows too much and can't avoid thinking wildly.

She gently pressed Leng Junjun's nose, turning into a piggy nose: "Silly boy, have you read too many stories and thought so much?"

Leng Junjun pursed his mouth and said unconvinced: "Mum, I'm not a child anymore, I know a lot.

I know we are not safe now, many bad guys are hiding in the dark trying to attack, I just want Mommy to be safe. "

His eyes turned and turned, looked at the ceiling, and then turned to Leng Gongchen.

I don't know if he really thinks that many people are staring at them, or does he think that Leng Gongchen is the most threatening person?
Leng Gongchen calmly accepted Leng Junjun's scrutiny, raised his eyebrows, and sat on the sofa generously.

Lin Shengsheng cast a gloomy glance at Leng Gongchen, then continued to say with a smile:
"Baby, don't think about it, be careful and you will get bald if you think too much."

She stroked Junjun's soft black hair, thought for a while and said:
"By the way, Mommy has a party tomorrow, so don't wait for Mommy, go to bed early."

Leng Junjun shook his head, and begged pitifully, "Mum, can you take me with you? I'm worried."

Lin Shengsheng flatly refused: "That banquet was not attended by children, Mommy is already an adult, what are you worried about?"

As he spoke, he squeezed Leng Junjun's arm, and said with a smile:

"Even if something happened, who can you beat with such small arms and legs? Instead, it makes Mommy worry.

You still think about yourself, I will send you to kindergarten after a while. "

Lin Shengsheng carried Leng Junjun back to the room.

Leng Gongchen pretended to be drinking tea, and only dared to look at their figures openly behind their backs.

He carefully observed Leng Junjun's eyebrows, a little confused and a little excited.

Leng Junjun looked more like Lin Shengsheng, delicate and fair, he hadn't looked at it carefully before.

However, under the light now, Leng Junjun's eyebrows and eyes are clearly discernible, as if there is a faint shadow of him.

The hot blood rushed to his head like a torrent, and his head was dizzy.

Lin Shengsheng covered Leng Junjun and gently patted his head: "My baby, I wish you a sweet dream."

"Mummy!" Leng Junjun stared at her, not letting Lin Shengsheng leave:

"Did that bad guy bully you today, did you quarrel because of me..."

Lin Shengsheng blocked his mouth:

"Don't think about it, no matter what, you are Mommy's favorite baby, and Mommy will always be with you and protect you."

Leng Junjun nodded firmly: "Well, I love Mommy the most too. All I need is Mommy, and I don't need Dad.

In the past, you always said that when Dad came back, we could live happily together.

He buys me delicious food and takes me to amusement parks, but he turns out to be a big bad guy! "

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