"Hi, Vice President! My name is Yun Xinrou, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me." Yun Xinrou covered her mouth and smiled shyly:

"I was just joking, please don't take offense."

After speaking, she walked towards an office.


Lin Shengsheng forced herself to return to the office calmly, but as soon as she sat on the chair, her energy became sluggish again.

The situation just now appeared in her mind from time to time like a movie.

One is handsome and the other is delicate and beautiful. The scene of them smiling at each other hurt her heart.

She clenched her fists, flipped through the documents, and forcibly diverted her attention, not wanting to think about their affairs.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

Lin Shengsheng frowned and looked up, only to find that it was Yun Xinrou!
Yun Xinrou covered her red lips in surprise, her eyes fluttered, and said in a panic:

"I'm sorry President, I thought this was the vice president's office, and I accidentally went to the wrong place, I will quit immediately."

Lin Shengsheng called her to stop, got up and closed the door, no one noticed that Yun Xinrou entered her office.

"Don't leave in a hurry, you know what relationship I have with Leng Gongchen, right? I happen to have something to ask you clearly."

Lin Shengsheng looked at her leisurely.

"I don't know what the president wants to ask?"

Yun Xinrou blinked her big eyes innocently, and asked cautiously.

She looks very weak, like a weak white lotus.

Lin Shengsheng looked at her pretending in disgust, and always felt that her simple appearance concealed a lot of ambition.

"I don't know when you and Leng Gongchen met? How far have you developed now?"

Lin Shengsheng poured her a cup of tea, as if the question just now was just a small talk.

Yun Xinrou took the cup docilely, lowered her head and took a sip, a sneer flashed in her eyes.

She was not in a hurry, and said respectfully:

"President, you have a lot of adults, I thought you would scold me, but I didn't expect you to speak so softly.

You have already guessed our relationship and regret not pleasing me? "

There is a hidden edge in the words, pretending to be wronged in the front, but unable to hide the pride in the back.

Lin Shengsheng sneered, and it didn't take long before she couldn't help showing off her fox tail, showing off to her.

However, is this woman really infatuated with Leng Gongchen?
She always felt that this woman insisted on joining the company, which was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"It's too early for you to be happy, now I am Leng Gongchen's wife and the president of this company.

And you are just a vice president secretary, do you think I will be afraid of you? "

Lin Shengsheng looked at her amusedly, as if looking at an ant.

"Now, to put it harshly, you are a shady mistress.

Do you think you can shake my position?wishful thinking! "Lin Shengsheng gave a half-smile.

Yun Xinrou's smile stiffened, then she snorted coldly and looked at Lin Shengsheng provocatively.

"You think you are as solid as Mount Tai, but it's just your fantasy.

Wasn't that enough to slap you in the face just now?It doesn't matter what you think, what matters is brother's attitude. "

Her eyes were sharp, and her whole body was like a sharp sword ready to strike, ready to stab Lin Shengsheng at all times.

The weakness just now was swept away, unlike the white lotus that has been pretending all along.

Lin Shengsheng was prepared in her heart, the woman in front of her was not as simple as she appeared on the surface.

So Yun Xinrou's huge change did not surprise her.

She still pretended to be puzzled and said, "What are you going to say?"

Yun Xinrou smiled mockingly, and said condescendingly:

"It's so simple and you don't understand? My brother doesn't love you a long time ago, you're acting like a clown now!
Now my brother likes me, my brother and I are the best match, my brother will definitely marry me in the future, and kick you out of Leng's house! "

Lin Shengsheng smiled calmly: "Isn't this your fantasy?"

Yun Xinrou glanced at her with disdain:
"Then you don't need to worry about it, but having you may not be a bad thing.

It was really hard for you to help him manage the company when my brother was receiving treatment abroad.

But he's recovered now and doesn't need you anymore.

You'd better be more aware of current affairs and give up your position, so as not to be annoying to your brother. "

Lin Shengsheng still had a smile on his face, looking at her with great interest, unaffected by her arrogant declaration at all.

"You defend your brother Leng so much, do you really like him? Or for something else?"

Lin Shengsheng deliberately imitated Yun Xinrou's name, the word "Brother Leng" turned a few tunes on the tip of his tongue, which was indescribably ironic.

Yun Xinrou raised her voice as if she had been insulted:

"Of course I like brother Leng, you maliciously speculate on my motives, do you think brother will believe you?"

Lin Shengsheng smiled meaningfully:
"Do you think Leng Gongchen will believe me? What I have experienced with him is beyond your imagination.

If you insist on being a shady mistress, I can't stop you, anyway, you won't give up if you don't hit the wall, right? "

Lin Shengsheng's surface was calm and breezy, with an air of planning.

But in private, he clenched his fists tightly, pinching his fingertips into the tiger's mouth, and it was burning and painful.

However, the pain in the body is less than one ten-thousandth of the pain in the heart!

As long as she thinks of Leng Gongchen defending Yun Xinrou, she wants to try the feeling of Leng Gongchen's amnesia.

But no matter how distressed she is, in front of Xiaosan, she has to show her aura.

Yun Xinrou's chest rose and fell, extremely angry.

She stared at Lin Shengsheng fiercely, a sharp coldness flashed in her eyes:
"It seems that you haven't recognized the situation clearly, isn't it enough to wake you up when brother Leng in the lobby defended me just now?

You just use your previous bluff, but the relationship between me and my brother in the past four years is not what you say you don’t have.

In the past four years, we have been like glue, we have done everything that should be done, and we are only a piece of paper away from husband and wife. "Yun Xinrou said provocatively.

"Have you gone to bed already?" The smile on Lin Shengsheng's face almost couldn't hold back.

Yun Xinrou glanced at her proudly, admiring her slender and fair fingers leisurely, not paying attention to her.

Lin Shengsheng stood up and slammed the chair behind her.

She crackled and said like a storm:
"Why are you so thick-skinned, knowing that he has a wife, but rushing to post it!

Can't you find another man?Can only take over other people's things? "

Yun Xinrou's expression changed, but when she saw Lin Shengsheng was more anxious than her, she regained her composure.

She didn't even look at Lin Shengsheng, as if she was just dust in the air, not worth mentioning.

"What's the matter with posting backwards? As long as I can achieve my goal, it will be fine.

Being a mistress also requires brains. A person without brains, even if he guards his wife's position, will end up being abandoned in the end.

You are like a grasshopper after autumn, you can't jump for a few days.Brother can't stand you anymore, he will definitely take back his position.

In his eyes, you are the most disgusting person, and I have experienced the most difficult four years with him, and our relationship may not be less than yours.

You have only been with him for ten years, what right do you have to think that I am inferior to you? "

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