Lin Shengsheng gritted her teeth, trying to hold back her tears.

Now Leng Gongchen's vicious words didn't hurt her as much as it did at first, so she went upstairs to change her clothes.

Leng Gongchen's icy expression suddenly warmed up, looking at Lin Shengsheng's delicate back, he sighed slightly.

Then he walked into a hidden corner, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number:
"The fish are about to take the bait, and this scene will become more and more exciting..."

"Boss, is it worth it for you to become the target of public criticism?"

"Sometimes, love doesn't have to be together..."

"But sister-in-law..."

On the way to the airport.

They were silent all the way, Lin Shengsheng silently watched the rapidly disappearing scenery outside the window.

After getting out of the car, Leng Gongchen strode towards the VIP passage, leaving her behind.

Lin Shengsheng didn't come close either, and hid from a distance.

Since Leng Gongchen hated her so much, there was no need for her to join in. Now they are just tied together by force.

A woman walked out of the VIP passage. Her skirt was blazing like fire. She was tall and well-proportioned.

Seeing this woman, Leng Gongchen had a smile on his face.

He took the initiative to step forward, and the woman took his arm.

The woman's eyes are flowing, bright and beautiful.

She acted coquettishly to Leng Gongchen shyly, and Leng Gongchen also lowered his head and smiled back, not knowing what to say to her.

Seeing Leng Gongchen's familiar expression, Lin Shengsheng froze there as if struck by lightning!

She seemed to be looking at a mirror, wasn't Leng Gongchen's reaction the same as when she met herself before?

However, now he abandoned her like nothing, and showed tenderness and consideration to other women.

That woman is delicate and charming, and her every move reveals endless vitality.

And these years, she has been so busy that she has been haggard and withered like yesterday's flowers.

Lin Shengsheng slowly squatted down on the ground, tears welling up in her eyes.

Sure enough, Fu Xuan didn't lie to her, and someone came back with him.And it's a woman.

Then her reluctance just now was like a clown in his eyes, right?

On the other side, the two laughed at Yanyan.

Leng Gongchen looked at her, and the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly cooled down.

He led the woman towards her with a cold face, as if he didn't see her expression:

"Her name is Yun Xinrou. She is my good friend. I received a lot of care from her in the institute."

The name Yun Xinrou twirled around on the tip of his tongue, his voice was gentle and affectionate, and the eyes he looked at her were also tender like water.

Lin Shengsheng's heart was like a blunt knife cutting flesh, bursting with dull pain.

Now his tenderness is like the setting sun setting down the mountain, swaying light and heat to the other hemisphere, leaving her only endless cold.

Yun Xinrou covered her small mouth in surprise, her big eyes flickered: "Is this your wife? I don't even know."

But her eyes turned to Leng Gongchen, and she didn't care about Lin Shengsheng.

The word Madam reminded Lin Shengsheng, she smiled and said solemnly: "Hello, Yun Xinrou, welcome to be your guest..."

However, Yun Xinrou interrupted her impatiently: "I'm afraid you have misunderstood, I'm not here to play, but to be invited to work."

Caught off guard, I didn't expect a woman with such a weak and beautiful appearance to be so shameless.

She said to Leng Gongchen slightly dissatisfied: "Brother, I only want you to pick me up, why did you bring other people?"

Lin Shengsheng had a question mark on her face. Knowing that she was Leng Gongchen's wife, was she still so arrogant when speaking in front of the client?
Her complexion remained unchanged, she smiled and said:
"Because I'm his wife, we don't want to be separated, so he takes me everywhere, haven't you seen a couple with a good relationship?"

Although she said that they had a good relationship, she didn't dare to glance at Leng Gongchen, for fear that he would slap her in the face immediately.

She looked at the bodies of the two who were next to each other, her heart was sour, she wished she could cut off the arm holding him right now!

Yun Xinrou gave her a suspicious look, obviously not believing her bragging.

She rolled her eyes, deliberately got closer to Leng Gongchen, and said coquettishly:

"I'm so happy that my brother can come to pick me up, I was late today, and I thought you couldn't wait to go first.

I didn't expect to see you waiting for me when I got off the plane. "

The eyes discharge, exuding a charming atmosphere.

"How could we leave before the guests arrive? How impolite." Lin Shengsheng smiled, puncturing her fantasy.

Yun Xinrou became angry from embarrassment: "Did I talk to you? It's not polite to interrupt when others are talking!"

"I'm Leng Gongchen's wife, so I can talk to you as the host entertaining you." Lin Shengsheng lowered her face.

She would never allow such presumptuousness in front of her main palace.

"It's none of my business who you are. I was invited by my brother. Whether you are the master or not, I didn't admit it."

Yun Xinrou rolled her eyes, then moved closer to Leng Gongchen with aggrieved feelings.

It seemed that Lin Shengsheng had suffered a great grievance and was looking for comfort.

Leng Gongchen took a step back without showing any signs, and gave Lin Shengsheng a suspicious look.

He didn't interrupt just now, it's really interesting to see how Lin Shengsheng looks calm on the outside, but actually very nervous.

Is this jealous?

Did she emphasize her position in the main palace so much after realizing the threat?
His heart was as sweet as honey.

Lin Shengsheng sneered, raised her neck proudly, like a stubborn swan:
"Leng Gongchen and I have been husband and wife for a long time, and we have three children, why am I not the host when I came to greet you?
I originally wanted to take care of you with good intentions, but I didn't expect you to be a person who doesn't know what to do! "

Choked by Lin Shengsheng, Yun Xinrou couldn't refute for a long time.

She was so angry that she ignored Lin Shengsheng, treated her like air, and turned to talk to Leng Gongchen.

Hearing the child, the arc of Leng Gongchen's mouth dropped a little, and he responded to what Yun Xinrou said.

Leng Gongchen's obedient and obedient attitude made Yun Xinrou proud, and she gave Lin Shengsheng a sideways glance triumphantly.

Seeing their happy and harmonious appearance, Lin Shengsheng couldn't help feeling sour in his heart.

"Miss Yun Xinrou must be very tired just after getting off the plane, let's not waste time.

Send her to the hotel to rest, and we have to rush to the company. " Lin Shengsheng reminded.

Yun Xinrou immediately shook Leng Gongchen's arm, begging: "Brother, didn't you ask me to come and help?

I heard that Leng's Group is the biggest company here, I wonder if I have the honor to be your secretary? "

A cold light flashed in Leng Gongchen's eyes, but it disappeared instantly like lightning.

He lowered his head, with tenderness in his eyes, Nuonuo answered.

They walked past Lin Shengsheng, as if she was as unimportant as air.

Looking at their intimate backs, Lin Shengsheng's eyes were slightly red, and she felt that she was the third party!

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