Lin Shengsheng hoped that Leng Gongchen would come back, they would live a happy life, and the children would grow up healthily with their father's company.

But now Leng Gongchen's attitude is very bad, and he doesn't recognize Junjun as his son.

A child's heart is very sensitive, probably knowing Leng Gongchen's attitude, that's why he doesn't like him so much.

Now she hopes that Fu Xuan will stay forever, at least the child will be very happy, optimistic and lively with him.

Now she is very grateful for her choice at the beginning, Junjun would not spend a childhood without father's love.

At this time, the door suddenly opened.

The cheerful atmosphere in the restaurant is unmistakable.

Seeing the harmony of the three of them, Leng Gongchen clenched his fist tightly, burning with anger!

"I haven't divorced you yet, so you can't wait to let people occupy the magpie's nest and love each other in our house?"

Leng Gongchen's face was overcast with clouds, and lightning flashed in his eyes.

Leng Gongchen's words were so unpleasant that Lin Shengsheng almost couldn't get off the stage.

"Fu Xuanqing and I are innocent, why are you slandering me at will? Could it be that in your heart, I am a woman who is easy to make fun of?"

Lin Shengsheng gasped.

Leng Gongchen took off his coat impatiently, his eyes were fierce, like a wolf whose territory had been violated.

"What are you doing, you know it in your heart, don't tell me, and I don't want to hear it.

I don't care what you think.But please go out whatever you want to do in the future, and don't be intimate in my house. "

Leng Gongchen spit out: "I think it's dirty!"

Lin Shengsheng's face turned pale with anger.

Leng Gongchen's unscrupulous humiliation made Fu Xuan unable to bear it any longer:
"Leng Gongchen, why do you hurt people? I know you have a lot of dissatisfaction.

But we can sit down and have a good talk, and you'll know that most of them are just misunderstandings.

If you don't say anything and everyone can't find a solution, is it okay to hurt each other? "

Fu Xuan tried his best to soothe his expression.

Leng Gongchen threw his coat on the sofa irritably: "There is no misunderstanding, I don't want to tell you more.

As I said just now, do what you like, I will not interfere with your freedom. "

Lin Shengsheng's lips trembled with anger:
"Why do you say that? Aren't we husband and wife? I've already said that Junjun is your son.

If you doubt, you can do a paternity test, why do you still doubt me now? "

She saw Junjun leaning out from beside Fu Xuan, she quickly called the nanny and asked her to carry the child in.

She didn't want her children to see her embarrassing side, and she didn't want her children to see the psychological shadow caused by the quarrel.

However, Junjun turned around and escaped from the nanny's embrace.

he yelled;

"I won't go in! I want to protect Mommy from being bullied by bad guys. I'm not a child anymore. I can understand what you say.

This villain can't understand, he is worse than me, let's ignore him, or his IQ will be reduced to the same level as him. "

He hugged Lin Shengsheng's leg and stared at Leng Gongchen:
"I know he doesn't want to recognize me and thinks I'm not his child. I don't want to recognize him either. He has nothing to do with us."

He took Lin Shengsheng's hand, and grabbed Fu Xuan's hand:

"I just want mommy and godfather, and we can live happily together."

"Don't talk nonsense, that's your father..." Fu Xuan said hastily.

Being belittled by a three-year-old child, Leng Gongchen's face turned livid.

He sneered and said: "You are the happy family, I am redundant.

I'm really sorry, I didn't recognize my identity just now, and disturbed you, it turned out to be me who should go.

I'll leave right away, I won't bother you in the future, and don't bother me again if you have nothing to do, we have nothing to do with each other! "

I will go to work in Leng's Group later, and everyone will be under one roof in the future.

We don't violate the water of the well, don't tear your face and let others watch the show, I don't have the habit of being an actor. "

He rushed upstairs like a gust of wind, slamming the door shut.

Trembling with anger from Leng Gongchen's rapid-fire words, a sour feeling rushed to the tip of her nose in an instant, and Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but shed tears like beads.

Suddenly the phone rang.

Lin Shengsheng wiped away her tears and connected the phone.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Lin Shengsheng tried hard not to look abnormal.

But her crying was still a little obvious, Leng Xuri asked anxiously:
"Are you crying? Did that brat say something to make you angry again? See if I don't teach him a lesson. What's going on with you?"

"It's okay, we're fine. I just hit the table just now, and my arm is a little black and blue. I'll be fine after I apply some medicine. Don't worry."

Lin Shengsheng tried her best to keep her tone relaxed, as if she really only cried because of pain.

She didn't want Leng Xuri to worry too much, after all, the other party was his son.

She couldn't bear to let him be sandwiched between the two of them like a sandwich biscuit.

"Then you have to be careful, don't forget to apply the potion." Leng Xuri reminded.

Then he began to ramble: "Yesterday I was very worried about you, and now I am relieved to hear that you are all right.

He may not have been in contact with people for a long time, so his mind is frozen, and he is stuck in speaking and doing things.

Don't argue with him, I think he will understand your intentions after staying a few more days. "

Lin Shengsheng forced a smile and said, "Dad, don't worry, how can I argue with him?
I know that he has suffered a lot in these years, and it is my negligence as a wife for not explaining him.

I will take good care of him, let him calm down, and we will be able to live happily in the future. "

"Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand you, you are such a person who understands the general situation." Leng Xuri said gratifiedly:
"It's not easy for me, an old man, to get involved in the affairs of you young people, so you can only solve them yourself.

By the way, since Leng Gongchen is back, I also arrange for him to work in the company, after all, he can't be idle.

In the future, if you get closer to him in life and work, I believe that you will soon regain the intimacy you used to have. "

Leng Xuri said cheerfully, feeling that his arrangement was perfect.

"Dad, you are really thoughtful, and you really serve multiple purposes.

Leng Gongchen is indeed more suitable for managing the company than me, if he can familiarize himself with the affairs in a short time.

I will give him the position of president, and I will be able to spend time with Junjun. "Lin Shengsheng laughed.

"By the way, Leng Gongchen gave me the shares back then. I think it's better to return the shares to the original owner. I can transfer the contract at any time."

Lin Shengsheng added that she doesn't want to have anything to do with him now.

Fu Xuan glanced at Lin Shengsheng in surprise, he didn't expect her to make such a request, it seems that their conflict is still very deep.

Leng Xuri frowned:
"Shengsheng, are you acting out of anger? I can rest assured that the shares are with you. You must not act on the spur of the moment!"

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