"You don't need to say any more, I agree with you to stay." Lin Shengsheng let out a big thunder calmly.

Fu Xuan, who still wanted to say something, froze in place like a puppet sculpture.

He didn't expect the surprise to come so quickly, Lin Shengsheng agreed so easily, joy spread to the corner of his mouth.

"But the premise of my agreement is that I will not have any feelings with you, and I will not like you.

I hope you recognize the reality and don't have superfluous thoughts.We're friends, and I don't want to mess things up with you. "

Lin Shengsheng looked at Fu Xuan cautiously, "If you agree, then I would like to thank you for helping me."

"I don't need your gratitude, I just do what I want to do, you just take it as satisfying me."

Although Fu Xuan knew that Lin Shengsheng was honest with him, Fu Xuan was still a little hurt, but he didn't care:
"I don't expect your feelings either. I just want to take good care of the child now, and hope that he is safe and happy."

"That's a deal. We will still be good friends in the future, and my attitude will not change from the beginning to the end."

Lin Shengsheng stared at him with burning eyes.

"I know, don't worry, I will live outside and won't let you be influenced by gossip."

With a relaxed smile on Fu Xuan's face, he shrugged.

"You are due in a few months. I want to work in Leng's Group and help you share some pressure, is that okay?"

"Of course, our group is looking forward to your joining." Lin Shengsheng smiled.

With Fu Xuan's joining, their Leng Group will definitely be even more powerful, and she doesn't have to work so hard.

Gong Chen, I am waiting for your return...


Time flies by like a white horse, it's just a flash.

Four years, whether it is long or not, is not short.

Since Lin Shengsheng gave birth, a similar schedule has been repeated every day.

Not long after, Li Qingzhen announced that she would take her grandchildren to study abroad and receive better education.

Especially Mengmeng, who is 15 years old this year, has experienced enough to write a book since he returned to China when he was five years old.

The Leng family has already contacted the best high schools abroad, as if to train him to be the successor of the group.

Beibei is also seven years old this year, and has also entered her brother's school, but it's just a primary school.

Although Lin Shengsheng was extremely reluctant, she still nodded in agreement for the better development of her child.

After Mengmeng and Beibei went abroad, she completely lived the boring life of two points and one line at home in the company.

However, a recent piece of news, like throwing a stone on a calm lake, caused ripples in her heart.

That is, Leng Gongchen will finally come back in half a month!
Lin Shengsheng tossed and turned on the bed, unable to sleep like a pancake.

She gently patted her side, and her little son, Leng Junjun, who had no idea, was blowing bubbles happily, immersed in a sweet dream.

Junjun is already three years old, as smart as Mengmeng, and he is almost at the age of kindergarten.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but sigh, time flies so fast.

On this day, she frowned and flipped through the school materials in difficulty, hesitating which one to choose.

She looked at her son who was playing with toy cars next to her with a headache, and the nanny stared at him without blinking, for fear that the little ancestor would bump into something if he didn't pay attention.

She patted the sofa next to her and said, "Junjun, which kindergarten do you want to go to?"

Junjun stopped playing with the toy car and pouted:

"Mum, I don't want to go to kindergarten, I just want to play at home. Wouldn't it be nice to have you and aunt at home?"

"When you go to kindergarten, more children will play with you. Isn't it boring to play with toy cars alone?"

Lin Shengsheng coaxed helplessly:

"And your dad is coming back soon, dad has to go to work than mommy, and has no time to take care of you, what will you do then?"

Junjun was a little puzzled: "It can be the same as before, mommy and godfather also have to work, and I can play by myself in the office.

My godfather taught me a lot. Why do I have to go to kindergarten when my father comes back? "

Lin Shengsheng was a little helpless, it was precisely because of Jun Jun's entanglement with Fu Xuan that she wanted her son to go to kindergarten.

After all, Fu Xuan is not his real father, what will he think when Leng Gongchen comes back and sees this?
"Godfather is very busy recently, don't bother him all the time." Lin Shengsheng warned:
"You have grown up and need to deal with other children more."

As she spoke, she lowered her head and insisted on flipping through the documents, feeling that this matter could not be delayed any longer.

Suddenly the phone rang, Lin Shengsheng didn't lift his head, and waved his hand for Leng Junjun to pick it up.

Junjun pouted unwillingly, and ran over, but when he picked up the phone, his face instantly brightened:

"Mommy, it's Grandpa's call!"

"Junjun, come here with your mommy, your daddy is back!" Leng Xuri on the opposite side was full of joy.

Lin Shengsheng stood up excitedly: "Leng Gongchen is back?"

She hurried to the dressing table, looked left and right to arrange her hair, and saw that her lips were relatively light, so she put on a little lipstick.

"Mummy, Dad is waiting for us, hurry up." Lin Sinian was a little anxious.

Because Lin Shengsheng often told him about Leng Gongchen, so now he couldn't wait to see his father.

The car was driving on the road at high speed, Lin Shengsheng could not wait to arrive at Leng's old house in the next second.

But I was a little uneasy, after all, they hadn't seen each other for four years.

She hugged Junjun in her arms, expelling the uneasiness in her heart:

"If it weren't for the need to go abroad for treatment, now we and your father must be living happily together.

Your father and I love each other deeply, and if you appear in front of him today, you will definitely give him a huge surprise! "

The brick wall of Leng's old house peeked out through the gaps in the trees.

Lin Shengsheng held Junjun's hand tightly, took a deep breath, and felt as if she was about to go to war.

Leng Junjun said disdainfully: "Mum, do you think that Dad is nervous?"

Lin Shengsheng blushed, and said lightly, "Don't talk nonsense."

Leng Junjun chuckled and said, "Mummy is lying, her face is blushing."

As he spoke, he broke away from Lin Shengsheng's hand, made a grimace, turned around and ran towards the familiar road.

Lin Shengsheng hastily quickened his pace.

The moment he opened the door, Lin Shengsheng saw Leng Gongchen's upright sitting posture!
Moisture filled her eyes uncontrollably in an instant, she covered her mouth, choked up and couldn't speak.

He sat quietly on the sofa, Leng Xuri laughed heartily and filled the room, and answered with a smile from time to time.

As if all the light was focused on him, Lin Shengsheng could only see his frowns and smiles.

"Gong Chen, you're finally back!" She choked up and rushed forward.

However, Leng Gongchen stood up with a bang, his lips were pursed tightly, and his eyes were still frozen, as if he was resisting her approach.

This... what's the situation?

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