"Yes, congratulations!"

The hands-free phone was turned on, and the voice of the person on the phone rang clearly in the hall:
"After matching, we found a heart that is very suitable for Mr. Leng, and the operation can be performed immediately."

"Okay, get ready right away, we need to complete the operation within two days." Chen Junkai looked excited, his hands trembling slightly.

The person on the other side agreed and hung up the phone.

Lin Shengsheng covered her mouth in disbelief, she didn't expect the phone call just after she finished speaking.

Tears of excitement rolled in her eyes, and she looked up at the sky, wondering if her prayers these days had worked!
Therefore, the old man was reluctant to take Leng Gongchen away from her.

"Finally found the source of your heart!" Lin Shengsheng grabbed Leng Gongchen's clothes, her eyes sparkling.

"Okay, you are really my little lucky star." After a brief blank mind, ecstasy flooded Leng Gongchen's heart.

He hugged Lin Shengsheng fiercely, kissed her forehead a few times, but couldn't help the tears in his eyes.

The clever Lin Mengmeng slipped into the garden to tell his grandfather the good news the moment he heard the news.

Leng Xuri stood up tremblingly, looked up at the clear blue sky, today is a good day.

After the ecstasy, Leng Gongchen caught a glimpse of Chen Junkai's serious expression.

Is there any difficulty?He was a little puzzled.

But after thinking about it, I understood again.Although the source of the heart has been found, I can finally take the first step.

However, performing heart and other organ replacement operations at the same time is not the most difficult thing.

From a prudent point of view, Chen Junkai cannot relax either.

Last time he lost his memory because of a heart replacement. Although it was later proved that Hasegawa did it on purpose, there is no guarantee that this operation will be 100% successful.

So he wanted to make everything clear.

"Jun Kai, do you have anything to say?" Leng Gongchen asked first.

Chen Junkai smiled and shook his head, maybe he talked too much, he didn't know how to speak.

"Since you don't say it, then I will say it." Leng Gongchen looked directly at him, his eyes were burning like a torch:

"If this operation doesn't go well, the family will be counting on you. You must protect them well."

"Even if you don't say this, I should do it." Chen Junkai smiled and shook his head.

He pressed Leng Gongchen and said firmly:
"You must have confidence, with your body, the operation will be successful.

The ones who perform the surgery on you are the group with the most exquisite medical skills at home and abroad, so you have to have confidence. "

As he spoke, he turned to Lin Shengsheng and warned, "Leng Gongchen's operation is a bit long, so don't worry, just wait with peace of mind."

Lin Shengsheng nodded vigorously, and leaned against Leng Gongchen.

Thinking that Leng Gongchen would have to stay abroad for a few years soon after the operation, she was very reluctant to part with it.

She can only spend more time with Leng Gongchen now and leave good memories for each other.

Leng Gongchen gently caressed Lin Shengsheng's back and whispered:
"Don't worry, I promise you, after this operation, I will never leave you again.

Thank you for your company and encouragement these days, and I will spend the rest of my life with you. "

"You must be happy, don't worry about me. If you let me know that you are unhappy, then I will not be happy either."

Leng Gongchen stroked the sadness between Lin Shengsheng's brows with his hand, and seriously instructed.

Lin Shengsheng slowly broke into a smile, feeling warm in her heart.

This man has always put himself first, what else is she dissatisfied with?

As for waiting for a few years, she can also bear it, as long as it can keep him alive, she is willing to do anything.

"Go at ease, no matter how long it takes, I will always be waiting for you.

I wish I could help you bear your pain, but I can't.

So I can only take good care of myself, my parents, and my children. "

With tears in her eyes, Lin Shengsheng stroked Leng Gongchen's sharp outline.

Leng Gongchen smiled and nodded, this woman really understood his heart best, and knew what he was most worried about.

"Okay, then when I come back, I will check if you have taken good care of yourself." He pinched the tip of Lin Shengsheng's nose.

"Have you decided when the surgery will take place?" Leng Gongchen turned to Chen Junkai.

"You should start preparing things now. I will contact them and try to have the surgery tomorrow." Chen Junkai replied.

At this time, Lin Mengmeng walked in with Leng Xuri's support.

Because of the excitement, Leng Xuri's face was rosy, like the morning glow.

"Dad, I'm leaving soon, and you have to take good care of yourself until I come back."

Leng Gongchen hurried forward and helped his father to sit on the sofa.

"Okay, okay, go at ease." Leng Xuri said angrily:
"You don't have to worry about your home, I will take care of it. Don't act like you haven't been weaned."

He couldn't help but hurt his way. He longed day and night for the days when he would not see Leng Gongchen.

However, as soon as he got the news that he could be treated, he couldn't wait to drive his son out of the house.

Leng Gongchen smiled helplessly, he looked down at Mengmeng, and said:
"Mengmeng has also grown up and is a little man. Can you help dad take good care of mother, younger sister, and grandparents?"

Lin Mengmeng raised his fair face, looked straight at him without blinking, and said with firm eyes, "Dad, I will definitely take good care of my family!"

Looking at the child carved out of the same mold as him in front of him, Leng Gongchen couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

He had missed his first four or five years as a child, and now he was going to miss his years as a teenager.

Maybe after he came back from abroad, the immature child in front of him would grow rapidly like a sapling, and no longer needed his protection.

This made him both gratified and regretful.

He wanted the young eagle to grow up in his arms with peace of mind, but he had to leave.

He wanted to spend more time with him when he was young, but God did not allow him to stay.

"There are so many of us here, we take care of each other, you don't have to worry."

On the contrary, Lin Shengsheng felt sorry for Leng Gongchen, he wanted to stay abroad alone.

"Well, we are a family, if you want anything, just tell everyone." Leng Gongchen was heartbroken.

In order to catch up with tomorrow's plane, the two went home to pack their things.

last night.

The two were lying on the sofa on the viewing platform, cuddling each other.

The stars in the sky are like rain, and under the dark curtain, they flow brightly like the Milky Way.

"Those experiences we had had a lot of ups and downs."

Lin Shengsheng sighed, the distant memory seemed to be covered with a layer of veil.

"But it seems that God doesn't want us to have a smooth sailing, and always wants to make us trouble."

She didn't understand why they always experienced life and death. Is it a punishment or a test?

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