Afraid of Chen Junkai's rejection again, before he could speak, Lin Shengsheng turned and left without looking back.

Leng Yuanyuan, who was at a loss, listened to the two playing charades. Although she couldn't understand, she still heard something ominous.

Leng Gongchen looked out of the window boredly, but he didn't see anyone passing by for a long time.

Seeing Lin Shengsheng push the door in, he smiled and said, "Why did you go out for so long? Could it be that I am terminally ill and will die soon?"

Seeing Leng Gongchen teasing inappropriately, Lin Shengsheng became anxious:
"You talk nonsense again! I'll sew your mouth shut, and you won't be able to say anything about death or not. Don't say unlucky words at this time."

She doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, but picks up religious superstition.

If there really was a temple now, Lin Shengsheng would go in and worship without hesitation, hoping to keep Leng Gongchen safe and healthy.

Leng Gongchen smiled helplessly, and made a movement of slit his mouth, expressing that he would never talk nonsense again.

The current Lin Shengsheng is a small powder keg that explodes at the touch of a button, so he dares not touch it anymore.

"We hope you get better soon, and you have to cheer up too. Don't worry us." Lin Shengsheng said with a serious face:

"As long as I'm here, you're never allowed to talk about life or death. No matter what happens, I will accompany you and face it with you."

As she said that, she took out the medicine Chen Junkai gave her: "This is the medicine Chen Junkai said, you need to take it every day.

It can relieve your condition, and you can do whatever you want for a month without worrying about your condition.

But it doesn't cure the root cause, and in a month, you're probably...unless you can do another heart operation. "

Lin Shengsheng put the small plastic bottle in a conspicuous place on the bedside table, and tried to speak in a calm tone.

Even if she faced the cruel reality again, her mood was still a little unstable.

"I want to know what you think?" Her eyes were like needles, firmly locked on the man in front of her.

Leng Gongchen showed a relaxed smile, he opened the bottle cap, took out a tablet of medicine, and swallowed it with water.

His hands were up, and his empty palms were stretched out in front of Lin Shengsheng's eyes.

"Didn't it mean that this medicine will keep me safe for a month? What can I think about? Follow the doctor's advice."

Leng Gongchen evoked a smile:

"At least for a month, I can do what I want. Even if it's only a month, I'm content."

Seeing Leng Gongchen swallow without hesitation, Lin Shengsheng's eyes widened.

Leng Gongchen is still that domineering man, as long as he makes up his mind, he will do it, so that she has no chance to stop him.

She was still struggling just now, what if he didn't take the medicine.

This medicine is so miraculous, it feels like overdrawing your vitality.

If you don't take medicine, take a good rest and don't get emotional, will Leng Gongchen procrastinate longer?

But Chen Junkai hurt them for no reason, she shouldn't doubt him.

As if knowing what was going on in Lin Shengsheng's mind, Leng Gongchen stretched out a generous palm to rub her hair, messing up her soft hair.

"Don't think about it, let's let go of our worries now and let them worry about us.

If something happens, just sound the alarm and they will come over as soon as possible. "

Leng Gongchen said calmly, as if he was really bearish.

Lin Shengsheng was even more worried, wondering anxiously, did her threat just go too far?
With his calmness now, does he really want to fight the disease actively, or is he already numb to life and death?
Seeing the woman in front of her frowned again, Leng Gongchen calmed down helplessly:

"I'm really fine, I will always guard you until the last moment of my life. Whether it's only a month or not, I don't care.

I just want to make you happy and be with you all the time.This medicine is really suitable, allowing me to retain the last dignity.

Let me be with you in a decent and healthy way, at least when you think about it later, I am still so handsome. "

He gently helped her loose hair to the ears, and his deep eyes were like calm lake water, calm and soft.

He didn't despair of death, he just didn't feel the need to cry bitterly over death.

If death is in repressed pain, he might as well die now.

Even if it is death, he has to face it calmly, and he will have no regrets until the last moment with the woman he loves.

Lin Shengsheng carefully looked at Leng Gongchen's expression, but after taking the medicine, his complexion did improve.

"What do you think?" she asked anxiously.

Leng Gongchen paused, carefully feeling the similarities and differences of his body.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that his heartbeat had indeed slowed down, and his breathing became much smoother.

"I'm much better, and I feel that my strength has recovered a lot." Leng Gongchen was beaming, with some joy in his eyes.

Lin Shengsheng, who received positive feedback, breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, the medicine did help him relieve his pain.

A few more times of sudden myocardial infarction, I am afraid that Leng Gongchen will not last for less than a month.

"Can you promise me a request now?" Leng Gongchen smiled.

"What?" Lin Shengsheng asked subconsciously, a little confused.

Leng Gongchen sighed, pinched Lin Shengsheng's cheeks, and made her mouth curl up:

"I hope I can live happily within a month. Let's never talk about sad things, including my illness. Let it be, okay?"

Lin Shengsheng struggled hard to escape from Leng Gongchen's clutches, gave him a sad look, and then said with a smile:
"Hmph, whatever you say is what you say."

Leng Gongchen smiled and pulled her into his arms:
"The first thing to do is to help me go through the discharge procedures. The hospital is so boring, full of the pungent smell of disinfectant, I want to go home.

You don't have to worry about me. After taking the medicine, I am almost the same as a normal person. Didn't you say that taking the medicine is safe for this month? "

Leng Gongchen lifted the quilt and showed Lin Shengsheng his muscles.

Lin Shengsheng covered her mouth and snickered, "Okay, then we'll go home right away, Mom and Dad Meng Meng Beibei are still waiting for us."

After finishing speaking, she went out to find the nurse to complete the formalities.

Seeing that Lin Shengsheng had completely disappeared, Leng Gongchen called Chen Junkai.

"That bottle of medicine is really useful. After taking it, I feel much better, just like a normal person."

Chen Junkai didn't expect Leng Gongchen to be so mobile, and within ten minutes, he cut through the mess quickly.

However, the current situation is indeed the best choice for Leng Gongchen.

If he gets sick a few more times, it is still unknown whether his life can be snatched from the hands of death.

After taking the medicine, they can delay it for at least a month. During this time, they can do more things.

"Since you have made up your mind, take it every day. At least you don't need to worry about this month. I will definitely find a way to save you!"

Chen Junkai rubbed his eyebrows and sighed.

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