"If you don't take me there, I will stay at home from now on and never go to school again, just let me become blind!" Lin Mengmeng kept pestering
Lin Shengsheng looked at his son helplessly, since Teacher Leng Gongchen supported him, this guy is completely helpless now.

"Okay, okay." Lin Shengsheng could only agree.

On the day of the school celebration, Lin Shengsheng took a day off, and Leng Gongchen didn't care too much, and went to work alone.

Lin Shengsheng dressed herself up, and also dressed Lin Mengmeng in a formal suit. Her hair was neatly combed, making her look both formal and cute.

When Chen Junkai saw Lin Mengmeng, he couldn't help but praise: "Mengmeng is so handsome."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lin Mengmeng only replied in a businesslike manner.

He reminded himself in his heart not to be knocked down by the enemy's sugar-coated shells. Although he had a smile on his face, he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

If there is no daddy, Chen Junkai is not unacceptable.

But compared with Daddy, he is far behind.

In his heart, your daddy is the best in the world.

Chen Junkai drove the mother and son directly to the school.

The gate of the school was decorated with lights and banners, and there was joy everywhere.

On the radio, the school song is also playing.

Once Lin Shengsheng arrived at school, it was as if she was back in college.

When Chen Junkai got out of the car, the teacher and the principal greeted him: "Young Master Chen is here, come in quickly, please come in quickly."

"Don't be so polite, you are so restrained, you are all my teachers, I should respect you!"

Smiling and gentle, Chen Junkai walked in surrounded by teachers and principals.

Lin Shengsheng didn't know that Chen Junkai had invested in the school recently, which was why he received a warm reception. He thought that the school saw his achievements, so he specially invited him to come back to speak, and set an example for the younger students.

"Young Master Chen is Young Master Chen. With such great achievements, he still respects us teachers so much."

Some teachers open their mouths to flatter.

Lin Shengsheng followed slowly with her son, but no one paid any attention to her, so she lost track of her.

That's fine, why don't you go around, miss your college days, and then tell your child some things and experiences when he was in college, so that he can understand Mommy's previous life.

"This is an artificial lake, and the bridge on it is called Moon Bridge. In the past, Mommy always recited all kinds of things to memorize here with the seniors."

Lin Shengsheng said with some nostalgia.

Lin Mengmeng couldn't help being extremely vigilant when he saw Mummy's nostalgia for the past.

The time that Daddy spends with Mommy is really too little compared to the time that Mommy spends with Chen Junkai.

I can't let Mommy think about those things again.

"Mommy, let's go to another place, what's so interesting about a lake." Lin Mengmeng pulled Lin Shengsheng forward without any explanation.

Walking along the green avenue of the campus, two women came across.

"Lin Shengsheng, who am I!" One of the women was very hotly dressed, but the makeup on her face was a bit heavy.

Lin Shengsheng looked at her and frowned slightly: "Who are you?"

"Lin Shengsheng, you really flew up a branch and turned into a phoenix. I'm Wang Beilei, an old classmate, have you forgotten me?"

"It's Wang Beilei," Lin Shengsheng couldn't help laughing. This girl had been arguing with her all the time when she was in school, and she was better than her in everything: "I remember."

The two of them didn't get along well when they were in college, and now that this woman came to her, it was obviously not to recall the past.

"It reminds me of me." Wang Beilei smiled enchantingly.

Lin Mengmeng hugged Lin Shengsheng's arm: "Mommy, let's go, we'll be far away in a while, what should we do if we get lost!"

He can't beat this woman, but this woman seems to have malicious intentions, so it is still 36 tricks, and the best plan is to walk.

It would be great if Daddy was here, and he could deal with this woman directly.

"Let's go." Lin Shengsheng turned and left while pulling Lin Mengmeng.

She didn't want to talk to this woman, he had nothing good to say anyway.

Wang Beilei looked at the backs of their mother and son with great interest. When they were in college, the students in the class seemed to be blind. They called Lin Shengsheng on the left and tied flowers on the right.

Right now, it's time to see what the goddess in the hearts of boys will look like now.

The celebration held by the school is a relatively large event. Of course, some famous people and those who have made a difference are invited.

But if there are alumni who want to come back, the school certainly welcomes them.

Coupled with the students of our school, there are people everywhere, making it extremely lively.

When Lin Shengsheng arrived at the entrance of the ceremony, he saw Chen Junkai.

"Shengsheng, where have you been? I couldn't find you, and you didn't answer my phone calls." The anxiety in Chen Junkai's brows and eyes gradually disappeared after seeing her.

"You guys were walking too fast just now. I didn't keep up, so I took the child for a stroll around the school. I forgot to turn on the sound on my phone." Lin Shengsheng said apologetically.

"It's nothing urgent. It will take a while to start. I'm just a little worried when I see you disappear." Chen Junkai explained with a smile.

Among these people, Chen Junkai was the best.

As soon as he appeared here, many people gathered around him.

Most of them know that Chen Junkai has invested a large sum of money in the school and is currently the school's biggest sponsor. The whole school is full of publicity, and reports are posted everywhere.

And his Junkai's intelligence is also developing well, so those old classmates want to come to have a relationship with him.

"Wait, Mommy is going to get you some water." Lin Shengsheng sent over to get some mineral water.

Lin Mengmeng was surrounded by people as he stood there.

Because he is so cute, he is especially liked by girls.

"This handsome boy is so beautiful!"

"Whose child is this, this face value is against the sky!"

"Come and call my sister, I'll give you this jelly!"

"Hello, Auntie." Lin Mengmeng was unmoved.

"You have to call me sister!"

"Auntie." Lin Mengmeng still stood where he was.

These aunts are really, actually using such low-level methods to coax him, does he look like a fool?

Seeing this, Wang Beilei put her arms around her knees and said loudly:
"Are you afraid you still don't know? This is our talented girl Lin Shengsheng, your son, little guy, what's your name?"

"I am indeed Lin Shengsheng's son, so what's your name?" Lin Mengmeng was not inferior to Wang Beilei in terms of momentum.

Wang Beilei's complexion became ugly, a cheap person is a cheap person, and she has no manners at all.

Although she was upset, she still had a smile on her face.

Lin Shengsheng had already rushed back at this time, she blocked her son behind her, and looked at them frowning.

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