Leng Gongchen's eyes were cold: "Go out, I don't want to see you for the time being."

Lin Shengsheng was a little bit surprised, but more sad and bitter.

"I'm worried about you, you look very bad now." Her voice was a little choked:
"It rained so heavily yesterday, your body must not be able to take it."

Leng Gongchen only felt that she was hypocritical:
"Does this have something to do with you? I'm not a three-year-old child. I can take care of my body by myself. It's not your turn to tell me what to do!"

Lin Shengsheng's heart turned cold, and tears rolled down her cheeks in an instant:

"I'm your wife, shouldn't I care about you and take care of you? Why do you want to push me away?"

Have you lost your memory and even your feelings?
"Lin Shengsheng, you are simply unreasonable!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Leng Gongchen's lips:
"Are you underestimating me? You think I'm easy to cheat, don't you?

You still dare to keep saying that it is for my own good, do you think I really don't know why you are with me? "

Lin Shengsheng stared at him blankly, feeling as if his heart was being pricked by a needle.

"You just want me to sign and stamp a document, don't you? You're just doing it for money!

It's really painstaking, it's disgusting!You vicious woman! "

Leng Gongchen stared at her with deep annoyance and hatred in his eyes.

Lin Shengsheng said dryly: "No, what are you talking about?"

Doesn't he know how much he said?What kind of heinous woman did he regard her as?

Leng Gongchen's voice was cold: "Get out, you have nothing to do here!"

"Say it clearly, don't drive me away all the time." Lin Shengsheng felt her throat was dry and felt sad for a while.

"No need!" Leng Gongchen looked at her with cold eyes:

"I can tell you right now that it would be great if you could disappear in front of me.

Of course, there is no limit to one method, and resignation is the best choice. "

He said, with a sarcastic smile.

Thinking of her ambiguous relationship with Chen Junkai, and all these conspiracies, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart at all!

Lin Shengsheng couldn't understand his anger at all.

Her tone couldn't help being cold: "If you don't make it clear today, I won't leave!"

"Is there anything else we can talk about?" Leng Gongchen sneered:
"Don't think that I don't know about your ambiguous relationship with Chen Junkai. Now that the truth is revealed, your explanation seems weak at all."

Lin Shengsheng didn't expect that he still didn't believe in himself, tears streaming down his face in an instant:
"Didn't I say that? Chen Junkai is my senior brother, we are just friends."

Leng Gongchen's face was icy cold, obviously not wavering at all:
"I only believe what I have seen with my own eyes. After I lost my memory, you have always told me how good the relationship between you and me is.

Let me tell you the truth, this is just your unilateral wording, I have no feelings for you.

But fortunately, this will not affect my judgment, and I will not be played around by you again. "

His unabashed disgust and distrust deeply hurt Lin Shengsheng.

She looked at him in disbelief, almost shaking.

Leng Gongchen subconsciously didn't want to see her like this, so he turned his eyes away.

The bean paste buns on the table were reflected in his eyes, and his eyes flickered slightly.

Something seemed to flash in his mind, it was too blurry and too fast, he couldn't grasp it at all, and his head started to ache.

Leng Gongchen hid a cold light in his eyes, and stopped thinking deeply: "You go, don't appear in front of me again.

I can forget about those things in the past, because when I see you now, I feel sick! "

Lin Shengsheng took a deep breath:

"Chen Junkai is my friend, you asked him to take care of me before, did you listen to what someone said again?

Chen Junkai and I moved into the villa yesterday, but we slept separately.

I can explain everything to you, can you stop guessing me! "

Leng Gongchen looked cold and did not speak.

A gleam flashed in Lin Shengsheng's eyes: "I see, Li Xinxin must have told you.

I repeat, I only have you in my heart and no one else.Let's all calm down, it doesn't matter if you doubt me for a while. "

"I'll try to make you trust me!"

Her voice was full of persistence.

Leng Gongchen snorted coldly: "Forget it, then I'll see your performance again."

Seeing that his anger had calmed down, Lin Shengsheng quickly put the red bean paste bun in his hand:

"Then you can eat one of these, it will make you feel better."

The next moment, he swung it hard, and the entire plate of bean paste buns fell to the ground.

Lin Shengsheng's eyes were red.

Leng Gongchen looked at her, feeling irritated: "I said I don't want to eat, don't think that I will believe you."

"Then you are busy, I am going to work."

After speaking, Lin Shengsheng raised his hand to wipe his eyes, turned and walked out of the office.

Back in her office, Lin Shengsheng felt bitter and couldn't concentrate on her work at all.

Soon it will be lunch time.

Lin Shengsheng walked into the staff cafeteria, but heard a lot of unsightly gossip.

Said that Lin Shengsheng wanted to seduce their vice president.

There are a lot of women in the company who like Leng Gongchen. Now that they heard about it, they called her Lin Shengsheng shameless and vicious.

The staff cafeteria was filled with abusive voices.

"He still came to work, I don't know how thick-skinned he is!"

"It's just a bus! Pretend to be pure and innocent to seduce our vice president! How shameless!"

Unpleasant words were thrown into her head one by one.

Hearing these voices, Lin Shengsheng felt embarrassed for a while.

But she is only one person, and there is no way to change the views and words of these people.

Forget it.

She endured the anger in her heart and walked to an empty table.

Just as she was about to sit down, she saw four strange female employees rushing over not far away, and directly snatched the table she was looking for!
"What's the smell here?"

"Can't you smell it? Of course it smells like a vixen! Be careful not to be fooled by her!"

The female employee sarcastically pointedly.

"Isn't there a vixen who wants to seduce the vice president? It's really shameless!"

Lin Shengsheng originally didn't want to care about these insignificant people, but hearing these words really affected her appetite.

She couldn't help frowning and said, "Can you stop yelling? What are you talking about?"

She looked at the four women, and she seemed to recognize one of them.

This woman in the company has always been strong and left a deep impression on her.

It seems that the surname is Zhang, but I didn't expect to scold people so viciously.

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