She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 61 What is Zhuang Yating's plan for taking Xiaonian home?

Seeing that he was not angry, Shen Jiamian breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's set off quickly, don't make Grandpa and the others wait in a hurry."

"it is good."

Liu Yu started the car and drove towards Song Zhai.

In the car, Shen Jiamian leaned on the back of the chair, tired and hungry.

Sequel surgery not only requires physical strength, but also tests the spirit of medical staff.

Today's operation time is actually short, but Shen Jiamian hasn't been in the operating room for a long time, so it's a little difficult for a while.

Seeing her listless, Song Yiheng also knew that she was tired in the afternoon.

I am still young, and I still need to practice in many aspects.

However, her performance on the stage was not inferior to those senior nurses at all, and her talent was actually quite good.

"Have you ever thought about changing to a medical school?"

"Ah?" Shen Jiamian turned her head and looked at him in surprise, "Why do you suddenly ask me such a question?"

"I just think that if you can be a doctor, you should also be a very conscientious and good doctor."

"It's not so easy!" Shen Jiamian sat up, hanging her sore calves with her fists, "In fact, I wanted to be a doctor at first, but my family conditions really didn't allow it. Later, I applied for the nursing department. Nurses are not easy either, doctors have their responsibilities as doctors, and nurses also have their mission as nurses! It’s all about saving people and helping patients!”

He raised his eyebrows slightly, "So you prefer the job of a nurse now?"

"Well, isn't the essence of being a nurse the same as being a doctor? Sometimes I think that the work of a nurse is more sacred than that of a doctor. We have to take care of patients, and sometimes we can also provide psychological counseling to patients, which is very good."

As Shen Jiamian said, she suddenly looked at Song Yiheng, "A nurse can take care of people! I'll take care of you in the future!"

"..." Song Yiheng didn't expect her to say such words suddenly, and he didn't know how to respond to her for a while.

"Why do you have such eyes?" Shen Jiamian stared at his eyes, slightly frowning.

"I just think that between a husband and wife, the person who should be taken care of should be the wife." Song Yiheng paused and said, "Now that my leg has recovered, you don't have to treat me like a patient anymore."

He hopes that he can be a powerful existence in her heart at any time!

Shen Jiamian stared into his eyes without blinking, "Honey, I found a problem today!"


"Your eyes..." Shen Jiamian said, leaning forward suddenly, looking at Song Yiheng's eyes, "It's really similar!"

Song Yiheng frowned, not quite understanding what Shen Jiamian meant?
"Husband, I found that your eyes are very similar to Dr. Lu's!"

"..." Song Yiheng's expression froze slightly, he couldn't answer those words.

Could this little girl have found out?

Shen Jiamian frowned, her expression became more and more serious, "Husband, they all said that Dr. Lu is handsome, I didn't think so at first, but in the afternoon I found that your eyes look alike..."

Song Yiheng's nerves suddenly tensed up, looking at the little woman in front of him, he started to panic.

He hasn't made up his mind to confess to her yet, and the time is not yet ready to confess!
"I think I know why they think Dr. Lu is handsome!" She suddenly raised her hand, pointed at Song Yiheng's eyes, and said solemnly: "Because his eyes are very similar to yours! Eyes as beautiful as yours, no matter who they are from On the face, it will definitely be able to add points!"

Song Yiheng: "..."

The woman squinted her big eyes and said proudly: "So my husband is still the most handsome!"


It was a false alarm, and I should have been lucky, but why is Song Yiheng's mood so delicate?

So, is it doctor Lu who is handsome, or the ugly husband wearing a mask?

At [-]:[-], I arrived at the Song family's old house.

Except for the three daughters who married out, all the other descendants of the Song family have arrived.

Because it was New Year's Eve, after discussing with Zhuang Yating, Song Shikui asked for leave from the hospital and took Xiaonian home for the New Year.

The hospital also knew that the child's condition was not optimistic, and wondered if after this year, would he be able to survive until the next New Year's Eve?Therefore, the request of the family members to be discharged from the hospital was also agreed.

Song Qin didn't pay much attention to this little grandson, partly because of his sensitive birth, and partly because he had very little contact with grandson and grandson, so he didn't have any emotional foundation.

When Xiaonian came back from the hospital, he put on festive New Year clothes. He had a thin face, pale and haggard, but because he was accompanied by his parents, he always had a happy and satisfied smile on his face.

This is the first time in five years that he celebrates the New Year with his parents and family.

Shen Jiamian pushed Song Yiheng in from the door, Xiaonian's sweet child's voice came from the living room, "Grandpa, Xiaonian wishes you New Year greetings, I wish you blessings like the East China Sea, and a long life than Nanshan!"

Shen Jiamian paused, her eyes fell on Xiaonian's bright smiling face.

Song Yiheng who was sitting in a wheelchair frowned slightly, it was an accident.

Zhuang Yating actually took Xiaonian home from the hospital?

What is her idea?
Their arrival did not attract the attention of Song Qin and the others in the living room.

Song Qin felt soft-hearted when he saw that the child was so thin but so sensible. "Ade, quickly give Xiaonian a big red envelope!"

Uncle De nodded, took out a big thick red envelope from his coat pocket, and handed it to Xiao Nian, "Young Master, please keep it. This is the lucky money your grandfather gave you."

Xiaonian looked at the big red envelope that Uncle De handed over, and turned to look at her mother, a little at a loss.

Zhuang Yating laughed quickly and said, "Grandpa gave it to you because he loves you, so put it away quickly."

Only then did Xiao Nian stretch out his hands, and after receiving the red envelope, he bowed deeply to his grandfather, "Thank you, Grandpa!"

"Okay, very sensible." Song Qin nodded gratifiedly, looking at Xiaonian with more kindness than before.

After all, the grievances between adults should not involve an innocent child!

It's a pity that this poor child has borne all the sins committed by his parents!
This body that has been sickly and weak since birth, no one knows how long it can resist?
Xiaonian took the red envelope and obediently went back to sit beside her mother.

Song Shikui sat beside his wife and children, wearing a wine-red Tang suit, which matched Zhuang Yating's maroon cheongsam very well.

Xiaonian is wearing a big red Tang suit, and the family of three sits together, the picture is very harmonious.

Looking at such a scene, Shen Jiamian felt comforted for Xiaonian.

She was worried about Xiaonian before, but now it seems that she is worrying too much.

Song Haotian and his wife Wang Shi also came, but they only stayed in the side hall.

Last time because Song Jinchen almost strangled Zhuang Yating to death, Song Jinchen was banned by Song Qin. Not only did he stop all business positions in the Song family, he was also not allowed to set foot in the old house for a year!
Even if it was the reunion night on New Year's Eve, Song Qin didn't let go.

Song Haotian naturally didn't dare to say anything else. He spent a lot of money for his son to do this stupid thing, so that Song Shikui could cancel the lawsuit against his son.

Compared with going to jail, being dismissed and grounded are trivial matters!

But his wife Wang is a woman. Although her natal family is not as good as the Song family, it is also a big enterprise in Linshi!

When her son received such treatment, Wang was very unconvinced. Although he didn't dare to directly contradict Song Qin at the moment, he didn't give him a good face.

Tonight's New Year's Eve reunion dinner, Song Haotian forcibly dragged her over to plead for Song Jinchen!

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