She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 33 Zhuang Yating's Son!

After all, my background is too ordinary!
And of course she herself also hopes to keep it secret, because she hasn't figured out how to tell her sister yet?On the hospital side, she also doesn't want her colleagues to look at her through colored glasses.

Seeing her unpredictable expression, Lu Heng also guessed the worries in her heart.

He smiled lightly and said, "Actually, this is quite good. You are still young. If you announce that you are married now, it may be inconvenient at work. Don't worry, I will keep this matter a secret for you."

Shen Jiamian was overjoyed, and quickly nodded her thanks, "Then thank you, Dr. Lu, you are really a good person!"

Lu Heng laughed lowly, "I'm a good person like this?"

"Good medical skills and reasonable people, isn't this a good person?"

"Your definition of a good person is too low." Lu Heng stretched out his hand towards her and smiled faintly: "Give me the medical card."

Shen Jiamian hesitated for a moment, then handed him the card.

Lu Heng inserted the card and clicked on the system to make an order: "According to your situation, I don't think the problem should be serious. There is no need to rush to do the B-ultrasound. I will make an order for you first, and next time you go directly with the order on an empty stomach. Take six items from the laboratory, let's see how the values ​​are?"

"Okay, then I'll trouble Dr. Lu." After talking, Shen Jiamian was no longer so nervous and embarrassed.

Lu Heng made a list for her, Shen Jiamian took the list and smiled at him, "Then I'll go first."

Lu Heng nodded, and asked again: "How is the forehead wound on your head? Does it still hurt?"

Shen Jiamian touched her small wound that had scabbed over, "It's okay, it's just that the wound may be healing in the past two days, and it's a little itchy."

Hearing this, Lu Heng took out a small medicine bottle from the pocket of his white coat and handed it to her.

"This essential oil has the effect of relieving itching and removing scars. I brought it back from abroad. You can try it when you bring it back."

"Really?" Shen Jiamian took the essential oil in surprise, and smiled happily at him: "Then I will thank Dr. Lu, how much money I will send to you on WeChat now!"

Lu Heng waved his hand and evaded: "No need, a meeting with colleagues is also considered fate, even if I send you."

"That's not okay, I can't take your things for nothing..."

"After that, you can just give me a small gift in return." Lu Heng said, and ordered the next patient, "Nurse Shen, I have to see the next patient, you go back to rest early, see you later."

"..." Shen Jiamian froze in place, this person did it on purpose!I was afraid that she would say that I would give money again, so I simply used the consultation to block her words.

This is very similar to Song Yiheng!

Is it true that all outstanding men have such a high emotional intelligence nowadays?

She felt that her brain was used to deal with them, and she had no choice but to be taken care of!
"Then thank you, Dr. Lu. I'll look back and see if there's anything I can give you in return." Shen Jiamian could only compromise, and waved at him, "Then I'll go back first, Dr. Lu, you've worked hard!"

Lu Heng returned her a gentle smile, "Okay, goodbye."


Coming out of the consultation room, Shen Jiamian lowered her head and opened the zipper of her backpack, and put the essential oil in the bag. Because she didn't look at the road, she accidentally bumped into someone. When she heard that person yelling in pain, Shen Jiamian was also knocked down. He took a few steps back to stand still.

When she came back to her senses, she saw the aunt who had fallen on the ground, and hurried forward to help her.

"I'm sorry aunt, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry! You didn't get hurt, did you?"

"It's okay, it's okay..." The aunt rubbed her sore buttocks, frowned and shook her head, "I'm just in a hurry, I'm sorry little girl, I didn't see you, I was only looking for a child to accidentally bump into you of."

"Child?" Shen Jiamian frowned, "Auntie, did you lose your child?"

"No, I'm a nanny, and the child is my employer's child. Hey, the child is not in good health. I just transferred to the hospital today. I talked to the nurse, and the child disappeared! Now all the nurses I was looking for it for help, but I couldn’t find it after searching for a long time, you said you are not in a hurry to die!"

Losing a child is no small matter!
Shen Jiamian was familiar with the hospital, so she immediately decided to help find the child.

"Auntie, do you have any photos of your children? Show me them, and I'll help you find them too."

"Yes, yes! Look, this is it! In fact, it is easy to recognize. This child has no hair, wears a blue woolen hat, and wears a blue and white striped hospital gown. He is less than five years old and is very thin and small. , compared to other people who are two or three years old!"

Looking at the little boy in the photo, Shen Jiamian couldn't help but feel a twinge in her heart.

The little boy looked chronically malnourished, probably a congenital disease.

It is very dangerous for such a child to get lost, and someone must be found as soon as possible!

Shen Jiamian and her aunt split up to find someone, passing by a few colleagues they knew, Shen Jiamian also asked the colleagues to help them find someone.

I searched every possible place up and down in the hospital, but I didn't see the little boy.

Shen Jiamian finally thought of the rooftop, would such a small child run to the rooftop by himself?

She came to the roof of the hospital with the mentality of giving it a try, and she really saw the little boy in the photo.

With his back to her, the little boy sat quietly on the edge of the roof, what was he thinking?
The skinny little body looked particularly hollow in the wide vertical striped hospital gown. When the wind blew, the hospital gown would bulge, as if the wind could blow the child away even a bit stronger!

Shen Jiamian held her breath, and slowly approached the child with catlike steps.

When she reached the little boy's side, she suddenly reached out to hug him, turned around quickly, and led the little boy away from the danger!
"Let go of me, who are you, let me go!!"

The little boy was obviously frightened, and struggled violently in Shen Jiamian's arms. His voice was very tender, but it didn't seem energetic enough.

Shen Jiamian's heart suddenly ached, because the moment she hugged the child, she already felt that the child in her arms was thin and thin, it could almost be described as skinny!

"Don't be afraid, I'm a nurse, I'm a nurse in this hospital, kid, don't be afraid that I won't hurt you!"

"Nurse, I hate nurses the most!" The little boy struggled angrily, but failed to break free after several struggles. Finally, he simply lowered his head and bit the back of Shen Jiamian's hand fiercely.

The little boy bit very hard, Shen Jiamian frowned in pain, but still did not let go.

She knew that the little boy was in great pain both physically and mentally, if biting could make him vent a bit, then it didn't matter if she hurt a bit!

Probably tired from biting, the little boy's body went limp, and he fell into Shen Jiamian's arms without moving.

Shen Jiamian was startled, and rushed to the emergency room with the child in her arms.

As soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw the aunt and several attending physicians. Shen Jiamian handed the little boy to the attending physicians and watched them push the child into the operating room.

The door of the operating room was closed, and the three large characters of "Rescue" were lit up, which was particularly eye-catching.

The aunt paced back and forth anxiously outside the door, crying and saying, "It's over, I will definitely be scolded to death by my wife now! I can't keep my job..."

Shen Jiamian comforted her, "Auntie, don't be sad, you didn't do it on purpose, please explain to your wife..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard footsteps coming from the corridor.

Shen Jiamian and the aunt looked back at the same time, Zhuang Yating was wearing an elegant light purple double-sided cashmere coat, with high heels on her feet, and was hurrying over here.

The moment Shen Jiamian saw Zhuang Yating, her mind froze for a moment, and soon realized something...

"Is she the mother of the child?" Shen Jiamian asked the aunt.

"Yes, she is my wife, and I was invited by her to take care of the young master, but... I will be fired soon." The aunt needs this job very much, but she also knows the temper of the lady.

Now Shen Jiamian finally understood that the child she saved just now was the child of Zhuang Yating and Song Shikui?

The child born with congenital leukemia...

For a moment, with many thoughts in her mind, Shen Jiamian frowned and watched Zhuang Yating walk over.

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