She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 309 She also wants to be a good mother.

Shen Jiamian's emotions that had been accumulated all night finally collapsed at this moment.

She doesn't know what's wrong with herself?
It's obviously for being a mother, isn't it?But why she still feels confused.

Seeing the little child lying in the cradle, whimpering, she didn't understand the child's needs.

The confinement sister-in-law is taking care of the child tenderly and meticulously, and she feels a lot of pressure when she tells her a lot of things that she doesn't understand...

It's not that she doesn't like children, she's afraid of them.

The role of mother is great. She is afraid that because she is too clumsy, she will not do well and will not take care of children.

This kind of confusion and uneasiness has been pressing in my heart, and I want to say it but dare not.

So just now when Lu Heng proposed to send her to school, saying that if she didn't study, she would not be able to set a good example for her children, the inferiority complex in her heart was infinitely magnified.

Yes, she is not a normal mother, she doesn't even know how to raise and take care of her children.

Can she really become a qualified good mother like this?

The more she thought about it, the more confused and hopeless Shen Jiamian felt, and her tears became even more turbulent.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Lu Heng became anxious too.

He leaned over to hug her, and softly comforted her: "Mianmian, don't cry, it's my fault, I'm talking nonsense, you are fine, even if you don't learn, you are the best mother in the world.

It's my fault, I shouldn't scare you with these words.Be good, don't cry, okay? "

Shen Jiamian still cried so much that she couldn't help herself. "You just think I'm not good enough, too stupid, that's why you send me to school."

"No, I was joking."

Lu Heng bowed his head and kissed her eyes, "My Mianmian is the smartest and cutest mother in the world, and Tangtang's best mother, so don't cry, if you cry again, your eyes will be broken."

After hearing what he said, Shen Jiamian stopped crying, but was still sobbing.

"You really don't dislike me?"

"It's too late for rarity, why would you dislike it?" Lu Heng looked at her very seriously. "Hey, don't cry. Don't be too emotional after giving birth. Protect your eyes, otherwise you won't be able to see me if it breaks."

After hearing this, Shen Jiamian's mood gradually stabilized.

Lu Heng wiped away her tears.

"Is it okay to eat?"

Shen Jiamian sniffed. "good."

Lu Heng fed her the porridge one mouthful at a time.

Shen Jiamian's appetite is not bad, she could actually eat more, but Lu Heng was worried that she had just finished the operation, so she didn't dare to let her eat too much.

After eating the porridge, Shen Jiamian's mood stabilized a lot.

After Lu Heng coaxed her to sleep, he was in the mood to see their son.

The little guy is very obedient, basically sleeping, only moaning and crying when he is hungry, and after feeding and changing into a dry diaper, he goes back to sleep obediently.

Lu Heng looked at this son and felt that the little guy was also very tenacious.

After going through so many hardships in the mother's womb, it is really admirable to be able to be born healthy in the end.

In this life, he is content to have a wife and a son!

In the next few days, Lu Heng stayed at home, and Shen Jiamian's mood gradually changed.

Considering that Shen Jiamian may need to take medicine for subsequent rehabilitation, Lu Heng decided to let Xiao Tangtang drink milk powder.

Newborns look different every day, and they are only seven days old, and they are already much rounder as far as the naked eye can see.

Shen Jiamian's wound is also recovering well, and today she can get out of bed by herself.

Xiao Tangtang has a confinement wife to take care of her, because she has to get up frequently to eat night milk at night, so Lu Heng asked confinement sister to take Xiao Tangtang to sleep next door, he wanted Shen Jiamian to have a good rest.

Shen Jiamian didn't have any feelings for her son at first, but seeing his son's changes every day, and his increasingly round and cute little face, her love and love for him gradually deepened.

Half a month later, Shen Jiamian proposed to take Xiaotangtang by herself.

Lu Heng was a little surprised, and asked her why she suddenly wanted to bring it by herself?

She said: "I am his mother, I have to be responsible for him when I gave birth to him, right?"

"Why do you suddenly think so?" Lu Heng was a little confused. "Did someone tell you something?"

"No." Shen Jiamian pointed at the phone and said with a guilty conscience: "When you went down to cook at noon, I secretly looked at the phone and swiped some words that my mother said. I think what they said is right, other mothers can do it Yes, I can do it too!"

"But you are still in confinement." Lu Heng probably knew what kind of video she watched, it must be a parenting program.

"I've seen many mothers wake up to breastfeed their babies during confinement!" Speaking of this, Shen Jiamian was also a little puzzled.

"They say their babies are breastfed, why am I not?"

Lu Heng: "..."

How should he explain this question to her?

He said with some embarrassment: "Milk powder is more nutritious."

"But they say that breast milk has good resistance, which is actually the best for babies!"

"...but not every mother can breastfeed."


Lu Heng has a bit of a headache. The wife has a lot of problems recently, and they are more and more difficult to explain.

At this time, he really missed Shen Jiamian who used to be a nurse.

"Can't you tell me?" Shen Jiamian looked at him in confusion. "Honey, is it because I'm worse than others? That's why the baby doesn't have breast milk?"

"No, it's a physical problem!" Lu Heng sighed, took out his phone, and found a video explaining about breastfeeding mommy to show her.

Shen Jiamian looked down seriously.

After watching the video, Shen Jiamian lowered her head for a long time without responding.

Lu Heng didn't quite understand his reaction. "Mianmian, have you figured it out yet?"

"So, it's because of my poor physique that Xiaotangtang doesn't have breast milk?" Shen Jiamian looked at Lu Heng with some regret.

Lu Heng nodded to her. "Yes, but it doesn't matter. Even if he doesn't eat breast milk, he will grow up healthy. If he gets older, he will eat the same food as us."

"But it feels so pitiful to him!"

"No, the milk powder I bought for him is the best!"

"Then can I sleep with him at night?"

Lu Heng patted her head in relief. "Let's talk about it after confinement!"

"Okay, how long will it take before confinement?" Shen Jiamian already felt that she was going to be moldy!
"It's still half a month away. It's up to you. A woman has a baby. Only after confinement is completed can the body recover and be healthy in the future."

Hearing this, Shen Jiamian could only nod her head. "All right!"

Compared to when she was just giving birth, Shen Jiamian's mood was much more stable.

Lu Heng was by her side every day, watching her accept the fact of being a mother little by little, and felt very relieved.

He made a decision in his heart, after the child was full moon, he would notify Shen Jiaxin and Father Shen, and ask them to come and see Shen Jiamian together.

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