She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 30 Is it immodest for a woman to take the initiative to say she wants to have a baby?

Shen Jiamian is not a person with low self-esteem, but her original family is really far worse than the Song family, especially the situation of her younger sister...

But Song Yiheng never mentioned the matter of her younger sister to her, so she thought he didn't know about it, and she never expected him to help her.

No one would have guessed that not only did he know about it, but he also silently made arrangements for her.

Shen Jiamian stared at the WeChat chat page, her vision gradually blurred.

Song Yiheng treats her so well, it's hard for her not to be moved.

Reflecting on himself, he has done so much for himself, but he seems to be unable to help him with anything, and even often causes him trouble...

The more she thought about it, the more Shen Jiamian felt guilty.

She solemnly typed a few words and sent it over: [Husband, thank you! 】

After thinking about it, she felt that it was not enough, so she sent another one——

【Await your return! 】

At this moment, Shen Jiamian made a major decision!

She is going to give birth to a child for Song Yiheng! !


After staying in the ward for another two days, Shen Jiamian's body was basically fine. The wound on his head was very small, and the sutures were absorbable. Except that he couldn't wash his hair for a week, there was nothing else.

The disaster in City A was serious, but Shen Jiamian had already missed the first three days when rescue was the worst and most needed, and because of her health, she had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​becoming a volunteer again.

On the day of discharge from the hospital, Shen Jiamian did not go home immediately, but went to the place where her sister lived first.

This neighborhood is only two streets away from Song Yiheng's. Although it is not as high-end and luxurious as Song Yiheng's, it is still an area where every inch of land is precious.

The apartment was newly built in the past two years, and the security of the community is very good. Shen Jiamian found the floor where her sister lived according to the address.

Standing outside the door of 1808, Shen Jiamian knocked for half an hour but no one came to answer the door.

She thought something was wrong with her sister, so she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called her sister.

The phone rang several times before being connected, "Sister..."

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you hear the door I've been knocking on for so long?"

"Ah?" Shen Jiaxin was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "You went to find me? I'm not here today."

"Where are you going? Didn't my sister say not to run around just after being discharged from the hospital?"

"No, I received a notice from the Department of Dance at Haida University. They asked me to come and take the exam today. Sister, do you know? I passed the exam! After this winter vacation, I will be able to start school like other students life!"

The younger sister talked excitedly on the other end of the phone, but Shen Jiamian felt that this matter must not be that simple.

My sister dropped out of school for so many years, and with her grades, it would be difficult to re-enter the last high school. Why did the Haida Dance Department suddenly give her a notice?
Could it be Song Yiheng again?

"Sister? Why don't you speak, sister?"

Shen Jiamian sighed slightly: "I was just thinking, your body has just recovered, so don't be in such a hurry to learn dance, let's postpone it for another two years..."

"Sister, I'm already 20 years old!" Shen Jiaxin's voice suddenly became tough, with anger. "Learning to dance is what I want to do most in my life. You know it. Now that I have finally recovered from my illness and can pursue my dreams, how can you tell me to give up?"

"I didn't make you give up..."

"Anyway, I don't care, I want to study! You can't stop me, anyway, the school gave me a bursary, and I don't need to ask you to pay any more. I'll work and study at the head office myself!"

"Sister doesn't mean that, Xiaoxin..."

beep --

The phone was hung up, Shen Jiamian looked at the cell phone and sighed heavily.

It seems that my sister really has to go to this school and refuses.

The pressure in Shen Jiamian's heart was not only because she was worried about her sister's physical condition, but also because of the greater pressure. The more Song Yiheng helped her, the more guilty she felt.


Back at the apartment, Xiaoqing cooked a table full of dishes, and Shen Jiamian didn't have much appetite.

After eating half a bowl of rice, she asked Xiaoqing: "You also think that the young master treats me very well, right?"

Xiaoqing stood aside, nodded with a smile: "Yes, why did Young Mistress suddenly ask like that?"

Shen Jiamian looked at Xiaoqing standing there, not used to it: "Go get the bowls and chopsticks, let's eat together!"

"It's not appropriate, I'm a servant..."

"It's okay, it's just us anyway, no one knows about it. Besides, it's boring for me to eat so many dishes by myself, hurry up!"

Xiaoqing repeatedly evaded, finally Shen Jiamian got up and said that she would not eat anymore, Xiaoqing agreed.

Seeing that Xiaoqing didn't dare to add food, Shen Jiamian took the initiative to add a lot of food for her.

"Xiaoqing, you don't have to be cautious. In fact, if you weren't married to Song Yiheng, I would be the same as you. We are about the same age. Talking to you, I wouldn't feel so boring."

Xiaoqing smiled and said thank you several times, and began to eat happily.

Slowly, the atmosphere warmed up, and Xiaoqing asked her: "Young Mistress, is there something on your mind? I just saw you come back and have been sitting on the sofa in a daze."

"It's a little troublesome." Shen Jiamian put down her chopsticks, looked at Xiaoqing with a shy expression, "Well, let me ask you, do you think it would be too immodest for a woman to take the initiative to tell a man that she wants to give birth to him? "

"Puff—cough cough!" Xiaoqing choked and coughed.

"I'll just ask, your reaction is too big." Shen Jiamian's expression became even more uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry young mistress, I didn't mean to."

Xiaoqing wiped her mouth with a tissue, stopped coughing, and calmed down. "Young mistress, you are still young, why do you suddenly think of having a baby?"

"I am young, but Song Yiheng is not young, he is 30 years old this year!"

Xiaoqing thought about it, but she asked again: "But I think the eldest young master still sleeps with you in a separate room?"

Shen Jiamian: "..."

Xiaoqing hurriedly explained: "Young Mistress, don't worry, Liu Tezhu told me that you and the Eldest Young Master will sleep in separate rooms, and you must keep it a secret!"

"Hey, actually it's like this..."

Shen Jiamian told Xiaoqing all about her conditions for marrying Song Yiheng.

After Xiaoqing finished listening, although she was a little shocked, she thought carefully about Song Yiheng's attitude towards Shen Jiamian during this period, and felt that Shen Jiamian seemed to be over-concerned.

"Young mistress, I actually think that the young master doesn't care about this agreement. You are a legally recognized couple. It stands to reason that if he insists on having intercourse with you, you can't refuse. But since he promised to give you Time to adapt, I think he respects you and cares about your feelings because he likes you!"

"I know all of this." Shen Jiamian was distressed as she stirred the fish soup in the bowl with a spoon. "But at the beginning, Grandpa Song made it clear that the remaining 100 million would not be given until I gave birth to a child. Later, he was so kind to me, so I thought that it doesn't matter whether the child is born or not. I can't ask for the next 100 million. But now he took the initiative to do so much for me, and I owe him too much, but I feel that I can do nothing for him except give birth to him."

"Young Mistress, you are soft-hearted and kind-hearted." Xiaoqing shook her head emotionally after hearing this: "No wonder the Eldest Young Master likes you!"

"It's just that the nicer he is to me, the more guilty I will be!"

"But between husband and wife, they support each other!" Xiaoqing looked at her dumbfounded, seeing her wrinkled face in distress, she felt a little cute.

"Actually, young mistress, you may not understand the young master's mood. If the young master knows your thoughts, not only will he not be happy, but he may even be sad."

"...??" Shen Jiamian looked at Xiaoqing puzzled. "Why?"

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