She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 285 I just deliberately stimulated him.

Downstairs, except for Jiang Mi who was guarding Shen Jiamian in the room, the rest of the people gathered in the living room.

The arrival of Lu Heng stimulated Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan was extremely irritable and sullen!
Before Lu Heng came, he was calm and calm, no matter how hard everyone asked him, they couldn't get any information from him.

Even Chris tried to persuade him several times, but it was all in vain.

Chris was disappointed with Jiang Yan!

But now, with Lu Heng's appearance, Jiang Yan seems to have finally realized that everything he arranged so hard is completely useless!

He was sitting alone on the armchair, and all eyes were on him.

But his gaze was always locked on Lu Heng's face.

He thought that when Lu Heng saw him, he would lose control of his emotions and even wish to kill him!

But Lu Heng remained calm, even Jiang Yan couldn't see any trace of pain on his face!
Doesn't he love Shen Jiamian the most?Why can she be so calm when she sees Shen Jiamian in such a state?

Lu Heng definitely doesn't love Shen Jiamian, because he doesn't, that's why he sees that Shen Jiamian is stupid, that's why he is so painless!

Hehe, Jiang Yan sneered in his heart.He guessed right, Lu Heng doesn't love Shen Jiamian at all!

"Lu Heng, why do you pretend?" Jiang Yan said sarcastically, "You don't love Xiao Mian at all, so why do you come here to play some infatuation?"

Lu Heng looked at Jiang Yan, and saw strong hatred in Jiang Yan's eyes.

He pursed his lips lightly and his voice was deep and powerful. "Jiang Yan, let me ask you, what kind of love do you understand? Is it selfish possession? Or is it to drug a pregnant woman to change her memory in order to achieve what you call staying together?"

"What right do you have to question me?!" Jiang Yan stood up and shouted at him angrily, "I wanted to let you go! But what have you done? Xiao Mian will not be happy if you follow you, you will even He doesn't even have the ability to protect her!
If I hadn't taken her away at the beginning, do you think she would still be alive now?If it wasn't for me, maybe she would have been killed by your parents long ago! "

"I only know that what you said is just a hypothesis." Lu Heng looked at Jiang Yan with a cold expression. Compared with Jiang Yan's hysteria, Lu Heng was calm and calm, not angry.

"You hurt Mianmian, this is already a fact. Jiang Yan, is it so easy to deceive yourself? Don't you understand now? Even if you have no memory, Mianmian still doesn't love you if she doesn't love you!"

"That's because you guys are here to sabotage!" Jiang Yan roared, "I've already brought her here, and I can start over soon! But why don't you let us go? I'm most concerned about Xiaomian's situation. I understand, you have to force me!
You force me, right?good!You push me, and I'll never let her get better!If you say I'm crazy, I'll show you how completely crazy I am! "

"Jiang Yan!" Chris couldn't listen anymore, rushed over and punched Jiang Yan in the face.

Jiang Yan fell on the sofa in a panic.

But he looked at Chris, looked at everyone, and finally fixed his eyes on Lu Heng's face, and suddenly laughed.

That laugh was insane and sinister, and everyone present felt their scalps go numb!
Chris looked at Jiang Yan like this with disappointment, shook his head and sighed: "You are really crazy, you need to be treated, you must be treated immediately!"

"Chris, what qualifications do you have to say such things?" Jiang Yan raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "We have been partners for so many years, and you betrayed me at such a critical moment? You don't deserve to be me partner!"

Chris shook his head, only thinking that this man was hopeless. "Jiang Yan, you are enough, you are really sick, you are very sick..."

"I'm fucking sick!" Jiang Yan roared, "If I'm not sick, have you ever cared about why I'm sick? You all only care about Lu Heng, and you all think Lu Heng is right, even my most Xiao Mian, who is sensible and obedient, thinks that Lu Heng is the best!
I hate Lu Heng, let me tell you!I just hate him! "

"You can hate me, but why do you want to hurt Mianmian?" Lu Heng questioned: "You can even attack me, even kill me! But why do you want to hurt her? Look at how you turned her into What did it look like?!"

"Hehe..." Jiang Yan looked at Lu Heng and said with a sneer, "I didn't hurt her, I just wanted to change her back to what it was before, I just wanted to go back to the time when you didn't appear in her life.

At that time, Xiao Mian liked me the most and was the most obedient.She never makes me angry, doesn't do things I don't like..."

"So, what you call loving her is actually just a desire to control!" Lu Heng walked towards him, paused in front of him, and looked down at him.

"Jiang Yan, you are a pathetic person. You don't know what love is. Your heart is twisted to the extreme, but you have been pretending. You make everyone think that you are a gentleman and considerate. You are enjoying what others have given you. Evaluation, but deep down, you hate this kind of evaluation, because you think that a gentleman is considerate, and the premise of their existence is to pay.

You think that if you don't pay first in getting along with people, then you won't get praise from others. While you yearn for such praise, you hate the effort behind this praise! "

Lu Heng's voice was deep and powerful. Although his tone was very calm, every sentence and every word of his touched Jiang Yan's deepest and true thoughts.

Jiang Yan's eyes gradually darkened, too cloudy to see a trace of light.

Lu Heng's words were like a curse, each word was like a needle, piercing his mind fiercely!

He felt a splitting headache, his breathing became short of breath, and his eyeballs rolled up uncontrollably...

Chris yelled, rushed over and held Jiang Yan down. "Quick! He's sick!"

Lu Heng frowned, Han Xiujin and Ghost Wolf had rushed over!

"Pry open his mouth and find something to block it, don't let him bite his tongue!" Han Xiujin took out Valium from the emergency box.

Chi Xin threw his cigarette case to Ghost Wolf, "Use this!"

Ghost Wolf stuffed the cigarette case into Jiang Yan's mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue uncontrollably.

Han Xiujin injected Diazepam into Jiang Yan's vein, and soon, Jiang Yan calmed down, and fell asleep under the urging of the medicine.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Heng watched from the side from the beginning to the end, his expression was cold, his deep eyes were dark, and he couldn't guess what he was thinking at the moment.

Han Xiujin patted him on the shoulder, sighed and said, "Don't be too anxious, Chris knows about this medicine, and with his cooperation, I believe we doctors can always think of a way to cure my brother and sister when we get together. .”

Lu Heng's eyelashes trembled, and he looked up at Han Xiujin. "I just provoked him on purpose."

Han Xiujin: "?? What do you mean?"

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