She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 275 She doesn't want to chase him now.

"..." Jiangmi looked at Chi Xin in disbelief: "Are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious." Chi Xin looked at her seriously, and said, "Actually, he is mentally ill, but it can also be said to be a heart disease. The more you deny and despise him now, the more it will only arouse the dark feelings in his heart." idea.

Listen to me, don't provoke him, the defense is hidden in your heart, on the surface, let's act it out! "

Jiang Mi frowned, thinking over Chi Xin's words over and over again.

Seeing her like this, Chi Xin smiled helplessly: "Our first lesson in the industry is psychological tactics, but you really have returned everything to the instructor now!"

Jiang Mi was stunned for a moment, and then realized belatedly.

What Chi Xin said was good, psychological tactics, why did she forget?
"A tough way won't pry your brother's mouth open, you have to change the direction!" Chi Xin lit the cigarette until it stopped, then took out the cigarette case, and asked her, "Are you still coming?"

Jiang Mi shook his head. "No, don't smoke all the time, it's bad for your lungs."

"You come to educate me now that you have quit? You didn't say that when you snatched cigarettes from me before! You said that this is your spiritual pillar, your heart, your liver... oh!"

Jiang Mi covered Chi Xin's mouth, just because she saw Han Xiujin coming up.

As soon as Han Xiujin came up, he saw Chi Xin and Jiang Mi standing on the balcony, they were talking. Chi Xin held a cigarette case in his hand and handed it to Jiang Mi.

He frowned slightly.

Occupational diseases, he thinks smoking is harmful to health, and since she is a woman, smoking is even more harmful!

Chi Xin didn't expect Han Xiujin to come up suddenly. Seeing Han Xiujin's frown, Chi Xin subconsciously looked at Jiangmi's expression.

The latter frowned slightly, his eyes flustered.

Chi Xin sighed secretly, raised her hand to push Jiangmi's hand away, and looked at her with a 'you're hopeless' expression.

"Rice, I look at you, and you are worthless."

Jiang Mi looked back at her. "Why am I so useless?"

"That guy Iris has been looking for you for so long, you are hiding, what's the matter? You have no more love for him, and you are afraid that you will not be able to restrain your old love if you contact me again?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Jiang Mi frowned and stared at her. "What are you doing to mention Iris? That scumbag, I don't want to see him alive, but if he dies, I will definitely give him Ming coins. I don't hesitate to pay hundreds of billions or hundreds of billions!"

"Just keep your mouth shut!" Chi Xin sighed, then turned her head and suddenly waved at Han Xiujin who was about to go back to the room. "Dean Han, let's have a chat!"

Han Xiujin had just held the doorknob, when she heard Chi Xin's words, she turned slightly to look over.

Jiang Mi wanted to die already!
She frowned at Chi Xin. "Don't be crazy, I don't want any emotional things now."

Chi Xin frowned, glared at her, and hinted her not to speak.

Jiang Mi sighed helplessly and waved his hands. "Forget it, you two, I'm leaving."

"Hey, why did you leave..." Chi Xin looked at Jiang Mi who turned around and went downstairs, and shouted helplessly, "Tell me what you have to talk to Dean Han about now that you're gone!"

Jiang Mi ignored Chi Xin's cry and walked straight past Han Xiujin.

Han Xiujin tightened his grip on the doorknob slightly when she walked over, thinking that Jiang Mi would say something to him.

But the result was somewhat unexpected, Jiang Mi directly passed him and walked downstairs.

Hearing the sound of footsteps step by step, Han Xiujin frowned slightly.

Always feel that Jiangmi's mood is a bit wrong?
Chi Xin walked over and looked at Han Xiujin with sharp eyes. "Dean Han, don't mind, she's in a bad mood now."

Han Xiujin came back to her senses, looked at Chi Xin, and her face returned to calm. "I don't mind."

Chi Xin raised her eyebrows, looking at this man very sullenly.

She originally wanted to help push it, but it seems that the timing is not right now, and besides, she hates the boring man the most!

Jiang Mi's eyes!

Chi Xin waved his hand, not wanting to worry about it anymore.

"Oh, that's good. My family's rice is also a neat person. When she chases you, you are a treasure, but when she abandons you, you are a grass. And it is grass without roots, a little burnt No, it is impossible to have the miracle of 'spring breeze blowing again'."

Han Xiujin: "..."

Chi Xin still taught with a serious face: "Dean Han, I kindly remind you that if you have any thoughts about our rice, don't hold it. If you don't have it, that's the best. To avoid chasing after it in the future Wife crematorium!"

Han Xiujin: "..."

Chasing wife crematorium?
Han Xiujin quickly rejected this statement.

With a serious face, he looked at Chi Xin and said, "Miss Chi, I wonder if Jiang Mi mentioned it to you?"


"I'm an unmarriageist."

Chi Xin: "..."

After successfully seeing Chi Xin's Muhua expression, Han Xiujin slightly curled his lower lip, and said softly, "So what you said about 'chasing a wife's crematorium' is impossible for me."

Chi Xin: "..."

What level of sullen man is this?
She expressed her conviction, completely convinced!

"Sorry for the interruption, just pretend that I haven't talked to you today, goodbye!" Chi Xin made a gesture of clasping his fists, turned around and ran down in a hurry.

In the midst of the turmoil, Chi Xin's roar sounded in the villa:

"Dami, wow, I really want to complain about you! Your eyes are so vicious that I want to ask you to go to the lottery! You said that you met a scumbag or an unmarriageist! You should stop liking men. Let's get together as a couple and live together..."

Han Xiujin: "..."

Could it be that the women from the maintenance team are all so let go?

Shaking his head, Han Xiujin pushed open the door.

After entering the house, he closed the door to block out the noisy voices outside.

He raised his hand and squeezed the space between his eyebrows. He didn't dare to sleep these nights. Now that Chi Xin and the others are here, he can finally have a good sleep with peace of mind.

Domestically, Haidu.

Three days later, Song's president election meeting came as scheduled.

In the meeting room, all shareholders are already in place.

Song Qin sat in the chief seat, while Song Haotian sat in the second seat.

This election, which looks like a business, is actually a contest between father and son.

At the beginning, Song Haotian and his wife Wang said polite words with an upright face.

But after Song Qin spoke and pointed out his past black backgrounds, Song Haotian became angry. He pointed at Song Qin's nose and cursed: "You are already at this age, and you still want to occupy the position of president, I know What kind of calculations are you making, don't you just want to give that little guy a position?!"

Facing Song Haotian's accusation, Song Qin looked calm.

In these years, the relationship between father and son has long been weak. In his lifetime, he also expected such a scene to happen.

After Song Haotian scolded a few words, an old shareholder who followed Song Qin couldn't stand it, and condemned as an elder:
"Haotian, how can you talk to your father? You are a son, why don't you do it for this position? Even if he didn't hand over the Song family to you, hasn't he cleaned up the mess for you all these years?"

"Clean it up for me?" Song Haotian stood up and said angrily, "This should belong to me! He has two sons and three daughters! When those daughters got married, they all had a generous dowry! My sensuality What about your brother?

He has accomplished nothing in his life except spending time and drinking, and he still wants to leave all the family property to my brother's children!it's good now!His grandson died, and he wanted to keep it for his precious great-grandson!

That family took all the cheapness in the world!And me?I am also his son, what have I got? ! "

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