She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 273 Not interested in her past relationship history!

Hearing what Ghost Wolf said, Jiang Mi frowned and looked at Jiang Yan. "Aren't you going to tell the truth?"

"I'll wait for Chris to come over." Jiang Yan said expressionlessly.

"You are!" Jiang Mi was so angry that she wanted to rush over, but was held back by Chi Xin.

"Okay, you are too irritable!" Chi Xin smiled helplessly: "He is a living person, if he doesn't tell, can you still torture him to extract a confession? Besides, that is your own brother, if you really want to type Anyway, do you feel bad?"

"I don't care if he is alive or dead!" Jiang Mi said angrily, "From the moment he decided to do this, he no longer considers me his sister! For our family, he is now a dead person!"

"Okay, okay, dead man!" Chi Xin couldn't stand her sharp mouth, "Go and sit aside, leave this to me!"

Jiang Mi sighed, and when he turned around, he looked around and looked for a place.

There were so many seats, and there was only an empty seat next to Han Xiujin, she thought, why not sit there!
Unexpectedly, Han Xiujin suddenly moved to the side, patted the empty seat beside her, and said to her, "Sit here."

"..." Jiang Mi was a little surprised, but she felt that she and Han Xiujin were friends now, right?Now that she plans to chase him again, is it normal to sit next to him?

Thinking about it this way, she felt that there was nothing to worry about.

She walked over and sat down next to Han Xiujin.

Chi Xin looked at Jiang Mi, and then his eyes shifted to Han Xiujin's face.

Suddenly, she whistled. "Rice, is this your new boyfriend?"

"..." Jiang Mi almost jumped up and beat Chi Xin violently!
Which pot of this dead woman can't be opened and which pot can be lifted!
But she felt that she should react calmly, otherwise Han Xiujin would be even more embarrassed, right?

"What are you thinking!" Jiang Mi waved her hands, stared at Chi Xin and said, "Don't call me a boyfriend when you see a man! My sister is single now!"

"Damn, is this one single?" Chi Xin sat up abruptly, staring at Han Xiujin with bright eyes. "If it's not your dish, then sister, do I have a chance?"

Jiang Mi: "..."

Han Xiujin couldn't hold back, covered his mouth with a fist, and coughed softly.

Jiang Mi glanced at Han Xiujin, and suddenly felt that Chi Xin was a pig teammate!

Wouldn't Han Xiujin think that the women from their maintenance team are all good-looking dogs, and they want to strike when they see a handsome guy?
She frowned, and said to Chi Xin: "He is a serious doctor, Chi Xin, please restrain yourself a little bit, don't be like a female bandit, it's scary!"

"A serious doctor is also a human being! Dean Han looks very good, how is it? Do you have a girlfriend? If you don't have a girlfriend, don't you think about me!" Chi Xin was about to stand up, but was caught by the ghost wolf. pull back.

"Hey, what are you pulling me for?"

Ghost Wolf said blankly: "Don't be ashamed."

"How can this be embarrassing? When you see a handsome guy you like, you have to be brave to chase after love! Da Mi, are you right? When we were in the team, when did you see a handsome guy who didn't push me to ask someone for his number? But Your vision is also really poisonous, every time you fall in love with someone, there is someone for you!

Haha, Dean Han is single at first sight this time!If you don't do it, then I'll be rude! "

Jiang Mi raised her hand and scratched her forehead, trying to cover Chi Xin's mouth with a slipper!
Listening to Chi Xin's words, Han Xiujin's indifferent expression gradually changed slightly.

He turned his gaze to Jiang Mi, saw her scratching her forehead guiltily, and frowned slightly.

Seeing a handsome guy and asking for a phone number?
Oh, she really surprised him a lot!
Jiang Mi could feel Han Xiujin's gaze locked on her face, and she suddenly felt her scalp tingling.

Why is there an illusion that her potential as a scumbag has been seen through?

Chi Xin also noticed that Han Xiujin was looking at Jiangmi, that seemingly indifferent handsome face was actually slightly sullen.

Chi Xin raised her eyebrows and understood in an instant.

From the looks of it, these two seem to be interesting, huh?

Chi Xin thought of Iris who had disgusted her for many days, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"That Jiangmi, I almost forgot, I met Iris the day before I came, and he still hasn't given up looking for news about you!"

"Chi Xin, I beg you to stop talking, okay?!" Jiang Mi raised her head, and shot at him with a knife eye. "Look at the occasion and talk, dear!"

"What occasion, here are all acquaintances!" Chi Xin pointed to the others. "It's not that King K and Ghost Wolf don't know that you love each other when you see one. Iris is your scumbag ex, and they know it too!"

"You just saw one and loved the other!" Jiang Mi was so angry that she grabbed the pillow and threw it at her. "Shut your mouth and get down to business!"

"Haha, you're getting angry from embarrassment!" Chi Xin caught Jiangmi's pillow, turned his eyes and fell on Han Xiujin's face. "I said Dean Han, right? Have you heard of Jiang Mi's scumbag predecessor?"

Han Xiujin, who was suddenly named, twitched his eyebrows and turned to look at Chi Xin.

He had probably heard of the question Chi Xin asked, but it was all by coincidence, and now Chi Xin mentioned it.

He suppressed the trace of curiosity in his heart, but still maintained this calm and indifferent expression. "I don't know."

Chi Xin raised her eyebrows: "Then are you interested in knowing?"

"not interested."

Jiang Mi: "..."

Chi Xin: "..."

The others, except Jiang Yan, were all holding back their laughter.

Han Xiujin said expressionlessly, "This is Ms. Jiang's private matter. If you are familiar with it, you can talk about it. But I think Ms. Jiang doesn't want me, an ordinary friend, to know, so let's not talk about it."

He is a gentleman, polite, perfect and impeccable.

However, Jiang Mi felt depressed for no reason.

He didn't want to know her past, he wasn't curious at all!

That's right, he annoyed her so much, why would he want to know about her emotional history?

Chi Xin frowned and looked at Han Xiujin, thinking: This is another sullen man!

Hey, Jiang Mi's vision is really vicious, either he picked a scumbag, or he picked such a boring gourd.

Chi Xin shook her head and was about to speak when the ghost wolf beside her interrupted her first. "Don't digress, isn't it because of Mrs. Lu's condition that we gather here now?"

"That's right! You're the ghost wolf!" Jiang Mi clapped his hands, glared at Chi Xin who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and continued, "Have you heard of such a situation?"

"I haven't encountered it, but these years, I have been doing research on memory impairment."

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