She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 27 The entrance of the cave collapsed, and Shen Jiamian was trapped!

Zhang Xiaoxiao immediately agreed: "Okay!"

The mat was quickly found, Shen Jiamian spread the mat under the mother's body, put on gloves, and checked the cervix.

"Wang Qiuju, listen carefully. I just checked your situation. The cervix is ​​not fully dilated, and the baby will not come out after a while. Now I want to stop the bleeding in your arm. During this process, when the labor pain comes, Just take a deep breath, like me, inhale and exhale quickly... yes! That's it... try not to use force, otherwise it will easily cause a tear in the cervix!"

"I, I will obey you, as long as I can save my child... I will obey you, woohoo..."

Seeing the mother crying, Shen Jiamian hurriedly comforted her: "Don't cry, the baby will be prone to hypoxia in the womb if you cry, which is not good for the baby! Come on, be strong, you are going to be a mother, and you must set an example for the baby!"

After hearing this, the mother gradually calmed down.

Because the mother's arm was scratched by a sharp object, the mouth was deep and blood was oozing out.

Shen Jiamian opened the emergency room, quickly sterilized her, rubbed iodine and anesthetic on her, "Time is running out, it's too late to wait for the anesthetic to take effect, please hold on!"

At this moment, Shen Jiamian is very grateful for the one month internship in the emergency department. Although he was very busy and tired, he did learn a lot.

Although it was her first time to suture a wound, after seeing a lot in the emergency department, it was not so difficult to operate.

Zhang Xiaoxiao and the others watched from outside the cave, admiring Shen Jiamian's calm performance.

The wound was sutured with six stitches. After the bandage was completed, Shen Jiamian immediately took off the blood-stained gloves and put on new gloves.

"In this case, she can still remember to avoid cross-infection, she is really calm!" When Wang Xiaoyu said this, the admiration and appreciation in his eyes were very obvious.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: "She usually looks soft and doesn't have much pursuit, and naive and has no temper, but she is very serious about her work. In fact, she is an honest child. She likes this job and is obsessed with it. Therefore, she believes that she must do her job well, not only to be responsible to the patients, but also to be responsible for her own choices and beliefs!"

After listening to Zhang Xiaoxiao's words and looking at Shen Jiamian's gaze, everyone couldn't help admiring him.

What I was most afraid of was another aftershock during the delivery process.

Just in case, the soldiers supported the entrance of the cave with hard objects.

The situation in the cave is very tense, the head of the fetus is too big, Shen Jiamian can't estimate the size of the head of the fetus due to lack of pregnancy test data, she is also a little scared in this situation.

Just when Shen Jiamian was feeling helpless, a deep voice suddenly sounded——

"Calm down, get your tools ready right away, and do a side cut."

this voice...

Shen Jiamian suddenly raised her head and looked out of the cave!
It was a completely unfamiliar handsome face, but it was not Song Yiheng.

Shen Jiamian had never seen this person before, so she couldn't help frowning and asked, "Are you an obstetrician?"

The man nodded slightly, "My name is Lu Heng. I used to be a volunteer doctor in Africa and other small countries. I have delivered many mothers."

"That's great! Can you just guide me outside?"

Lu Heng nodded, "Of course."

Next, Shen Jiamian followed Lu Heng's instructions and performed side cuts for the parturient.

"Inhale during the contraction, don't use force, wait until the contraction is over before using force." The man's low voice was very steady, like a pacifier, soothing Shen Jiamian and the mother.

Until the sound of a baby crying, everyone shouted happily: "It's born, it's born!"

In this disaster area where there are only ruins left, the cry of this baby seems to show the tenacity of life to fate.

Shen Jiamian held the baby with one hand and cut the umbilical cord.

"Congratulations, you are a very healthy little princess!"

The exhausted mother showed a tired and happy smile the moment she saw the baby.

Lu Heng continued to remind: "Hold the baby to us, and you will immediately deliver the placenta for the mother, and check whether the placenta is complete."

Shen Jiamian did exactly that. After the placenta was delivered, it was checked and found to be complete!

This means that the risk of postpartum hemorrhage is basically excluded.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, "It's complete!"

"Very well, just in case, give a shot of oxytocin, and then suture the side incision."

"it is good!"


Everything that followed went smoothly. Under the guidance of the sudden appearance of Dr. Lu, Shen Jiamian's delivery ended perfectly!

The newborn was held in Zhang Xiaoxiao's hands. The soldiers were afraid that the baby would be cold, so they took off their coats and wrapped the baby up.

Although it doesn't snow in City A in winter, the day is gloomy and it looks like it will rain anytime.

The soldiers camped in an open field, and Zhang Xiaoxiao hid in the resettlement camp with the baby.

And at the entrance of the cave, everyone is still discussing how to rescue the pregnant woman?

Since the parturient has gained a lot of weight, the hole is too small, and Shen Jiamian's thin body is very difficult to get in, let alone an obese parturient.

After several discussions and studies, the soldiers decided to use a chainsaw to cut off some more stones at the entrance of the cave.

This can be done, but it may also cause damage to the supporting balance point, resulting in the collapse of the hole.

"If it collapses, their situation is very dangerous!" Lu Heng who had been silent at the side suddenly said, "So we must be prepared to prevent collapse."

The captain asked him, "What do you think?"

"Find a few steel pipes and reinforce the existing support points in the hole."

Only then did the captain suddenly realize, "That's right, why didn't I think of that!"

Soon, the soldiers found the steel pipe and handed it to Shen Jiamian.

Shen Jiamian fixed the steel pipe according to their instructions.

The warriors handed them two more helmets.

Shen Jiamian put it on for the mother, and quickly put it on herself.

When everything was ready, the people outside began to act.

Every time a small piece of stone was sawed off, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a job that tests the endurance of the heart. The soldier holding the chainsaw is very nervous. It is obviously winter, but the sweat is dripping from his forehead.

Finally, the hole that was originally less than [-] centimeters wide was sawn into a hole more than half a meter wide.

"It should be almost there, and I dare not move any more." The captain looked at Shen Jiamian in the cave and asked, "Can the parturient stand up?"

Although the mother had a lot of physical exhaustion after giving birth, she nodded her head firmly when she thought that her child was still waiting for her outside.

Seeing this, Shen Jiamian shouted to the people outside: "She said yes!"

"Okay, the puerpera comes out first, the hole is relatively high, you take these first aid kits to step her up!"

Shen Jiamian took the emergency kits, put them under the hole, and then went to help the pregnant woman up.

The mother now weighs about one hundred and thirty after giving birth. For Shen Jiamian, who weighs less than ninety catties, it is really difficult to support her.

But she still supported the parturient with all her strength, and someone outside caught the parturient's arm.

With an order, everyone exerted force at the same time. The upper body of the parturient was carried by the soldiers outside the cave, and Shen Jiamian hugged her legs behind her, and she was sent out smoothly in a flat lay.

The person was successfully rescued, Shen Jiamian was so tired that she put her hands on her knees and panted heavily.

"Give me your hand."

The man's deep voice sounded, Shen Jiamian looked up and saw Lu Heng.

He stretched out his hands and looked at her with a serious expression, and there seemed to be some emotion in his eyes that she couldn't read.

Shen Jiamian looked at him and blinked.

His voice is a bit like Song Yiheng's, no wonder she admitted his mistake just now!
Seeing that she was still in a daze, the man became anxious, "There is a risk of collapse at any time, come out!"

Only then did Shen Jiamian come to her senses, and nodded immediately: "Okay!"

Just when she stepped on the emergency box and was about to go out, the ground suddenly began to shake——

"It's an aftershock! Evacuate the building!"

Because of the shaking, Shen Jiamian fell directly from the emergency box, and then there was a bang above her head, and the hole collapsed!
"Shen Jiamian!"

The moment the entrance of the cave was buried, a soldier pulled Lu Heng away in time, and the two stumbled and fell to the ground, watching helplessly as the entrance of the cave was buried.

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