She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 256 She has signs of threatened miscarriage.

"She took a medicine, which is used to help patients with severe depression forget those bad memories. Over the years, my partner and I have studied it for many years without any mistakes.

It's just that Xiaomian is pregnant, and that medicine may have had side effects on her..."

"Jiang Yan, you bastard!" Jiang Mi couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed over to beat Jiang Yan up!
"You're still not human! How could you do such a thing to her?!" Jiangmi lost control of her emotions, she couldn't believe that her brother turned into such an extremely terrifying person!
"You have no humanity at all! She is Ermian, she is a person, you clearly know that she is pregnant with a child, but you treat her like a white mouse?! You change her memory, and you think you can control her like this ?”

The fists hit Jiang Yan one by one, but Jiang Mi's heart was also torn apart in severe pain!

"Jiang Yan, you are a lunatic! You are not love at all, you just need a puppet, a puppet who can only be manipulated by you! You are a devil, a devil with no conscience!"

Countless fists landed on Jiang Yan, and he didn't dodge anything, as if those fists didn't hurt him at all.

Jiang Mi was tired from beating, so she kicked her again!

She has never lost control like this before. She is hoarse and unable to calm down. How can she calm down?

The elder brother who was once the closest and most admired turned into such an extremely evil devil in an instant!
Her world view collapsed, her mentality collapsed!

She couldn't accept that such a kind and considerate brother would do such a destructive thing for the so-called love in his eyes!

He studied medicine for so many years, but in the end it was not used to save people, but to control Shen Jiamian?
That's the girl that their brothers and sisters loved and protected since they were young. She is so pure and beautiful, how could her good brother make up his mind?
"Jiang Yan, tell me, tell me why you became like this..."

At the end of the fight, Jiang Mi was exhausted and tired, so he slumped on the ground, covering his face and crying bitterly!
Ever since she became sensible, she had never cried like this.

This is the first time, the first time that I lost control of my emotions and collapsed so much that I couldn't help myself!

Her dearest brother gave her the hardest blow.

what to doHer brother has become like this, she really can't imagine if her parents find out, will they be able to bear it?
In the current situation, it would be better if Jiang Yan died in the first place!
At least, he died to save others, at least even though he was gone, he still lived proudly in the hearts of her and her parents.

But the truth is, he didn't die.

He turned from a white man into a demon by nature. He used his hard-earned medical skills to develop a medicine that changes people's memory, and Shen Jiamian, who was pregnant, took this medicine.

When he was doing this, didn't he ever think about the consequences of the side effects on Shen Jiamian?
No, he thought about it...but he still did it!

The more Jiang Mi thought about it, the more he couldn't forgive him!
Half an hour later, Jiang Mi finally finished venting his emotions, sat on the ground, and wiped the tears on his face with his sleeve.

She had put on light makeup when she went out, but now that she cried so much, the makeup on her face was all gone.

Han Xiujin took out a handkerchief from his pocket, squatted down, and handed it to her. "Use this to wipe!"

Jiang Mi was taken aback for a moment, and unexpectedly he would give him a handkerchief.

Seeing that she was not moving, Han Xiujin said again, "You look dazed."

Jiang Mi suddenly remembered that she had put on makeup!
Don't think about it, my face must look like a ghost now.

She sighed helplessly, said thank you, and didn't care about her image, took the handkerchief and wiped it carelessly.

Han Xiujin stood up, and his eyes fell on Jiang Yan who was on the sofa.

He was beaten badly by Jiang Mi, but he was still awake.

Jiang Mi has received professional training in beating people. She knows how to hurt people, but she also knows how to skillfully avoid the weak points on her body.

When she hit Jiang Yan just now, every punch and every kick of her seemed to be ruthless, but in fact, she avoided the vital points!
Although she really hates Jiang Yan now, after all, the relationship between brothers and sisters for more than [-] years is not fake, so she can't really beat her brother to death, can she?
She got up from the ground, stuffed the dirty handkerchief into the pocket of her windbreaker, and said to Han Xiujin, "The handkerchief is dirty, I'll wash it later and return it to you?"

Han Xiujin said lightly, "No need."

"That's right. You're a doctor, you're more particular. I've used this and you must mind. Then I'll pay you back when I buy a new one."

Han Xiujin frowned, he didn't mean that.

He paused, and said, "It's better to wash it and return it to me, I'm used to it."

Jiang Mi was a little surprised, said a little, and nodded: "Okay, then I will wash it and return it to you."

She sniffed and turned to look at Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan had a lot of injuries, enough for him to be in pain for two or three days.

"Jiang Yan, from now on, if I ask you a question, you must answer me honestly. If you dare to tell a lie, I will call my parents right away!"

Jiang Mi knew that now only his parents could use him to threaten Jiang Yan.

"Don't tell them," Jiang Yan said in a slightly trembling voice, "Just treat my son as dead."

Jiang Mi coldly said: "My brother is indeed dead, and now you are a twisted devil in my eyes! If you don't want me to tell them, then you should tell the truth. How to solve it?"

"There is no cure."

Jiang Mi was taken aback, but before he could speak, Han Xiujin who was beside him spoke.

"Unless it's a deadly poison, how can there be no cure? Unless your drug will damage her central nervous system and cause irreversible consequences, there can be no solution."

Jiang Mi didn't understand medical knowledge, but when she heard what Han Xiujin said, she was suddenly glad that she listened to Lu Heng and came with Han Xiujin.

After listening to Han Xiujin's words, Jiang Yan was silent for a moment before saying: "If it does have an element of interfering with the central nervous system, but it will not damage it, and the medication is periodic, she only took it once, but she and those with severe depression The patient is different, she has no mental problems, so the drug reaction is great...

Now her memory is lost, she completely forgets the past, and her current state is that of a newborn baby.After arriving here, she woke up once, and she only became dependent on the first person she saw. If you take her away forcibly, it will cause her to lose control of her emotions...

She herself has signs of miscarriage. If she doesn't control her emotions well, the fetus will easily lose her life! "

"Now you know how to tell me about the fetus!"

Jiang Mi was so angry that he grabbed the remote control on the table and threw it on him. "When you gave her the medicine, why didn't you consider the fetus in her stomach?!"

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