She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 252 Driving myself crazy for loving someone!

After listening to Lu Heng's words, Jiang Mi's resentment towards him finally dissipated.

In fact, in the office just now, her emotions were a little out of control. After she calmed down and thought about it, Lu Heng was actually suffering too, right?

A bunch of messy things have not been resolved, and his wife has fallen into the hands of a rival. In fact, he is the one who suffers the most.

He is calm and indifferent on the surface, but who knows what kind of pressure he is under in his heart?

In fact, she didn't really blame Lu Heng, it was just that she was too anxious at the time.

She calmed down, and suddenly felt that her behavior just now was also a bit inappropriate.

Sighing, she said, "Okay, my parents, I plan to tell them that I'm going abroad to attend a friend's wedding. If Dean Han goes there together, it seems a bit..."

"Just say that you used Han Xiujin to support the situation." Lu Heng paused, and added: "This kind of thing is very normal for you, Uncle Jiang and the others will not have the slightest doubt. Will investigate further!"

Jiang Mi: "..."

It's as if she's usually thick-skinned!

However, Lu Heng thought of things so thoughtfully, she was indeed a little surprised.

"Then follow what you said." Jiang Mi sighed, and continued: "I hope that when we come back, you have already cleaned up the mess of the Lu family and the Zhou family. We, Er Mian, are pregnant with a child, and we can't stand such a situation." And toss again."

Lu Heng replied in a calm voice, very seriously: "I know, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Mi and Han Xiujin arrived at the airport.

The ticket was booked in a hurry, only economy class, Jiang Mi's seat was originally in the middle, and Han Xiujin was by the window.

Han Xiujin glanced at the position and offered her the seat by the window.

Jiang Mi shook his head and said no.

But Han Xiujin just rolled his eyes at the uncle sitting next to him.

Jiang Mi followed his gaze and looked over——

A greasy face, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, stared at her lewdly.

A female man like Jiang Mi was stared at for a while, making her nauseated.

Forget it, let's sit inside, if she has to sit next to such a greasy uncle for more than ten hours, she is afraid that she will not be able to resist beating him!

After taking his seat, Jiang Mi fastened his seat belt, and when he turned his head, he saw Han Xiujin already leaning on the back of the chair with blindfolds on his eyes.

Going to sleep right after boarding the plane?
Jiang Mi admired him a little, but soon realized that Nurse Lin had mentioned in the morning that Han Xiujin had undergone two major operations in a row in the past two days, and basically didn't have much rest.

The ten-hour flight was enough for him to get a good night's sleep!

Knowing that he was tired, Jiang Mi didn't intend to disturb him, and just stared out the window in a daze.

After flying for more than ten hours, she actually hoped that she could get some sleep.

But how is it possible to sleep?

After this trip, she didn't know what would happen?She didn't dare to imagine what kind of situation she and her brother would be in after meeting each other?

They are twins. From the moment they were born, their brother and sister have been in love with each other. Although the elder brother only came out a minute earlier than her, he has been very conscious of protecting his younger sister since he was a child.

No matter what she likes, my brother will always accommodate her.

From the time she became sensible, the brother in her memory has always been gentle and considerate, a very kind and excellent man.

Jiang Mi really couldn't imagine that such a gentle and excellent brother would do such extreme things just to love someone!
She knew that her brother loved Shen Jiamian very much, but how could she act selfishly because of love?
Didn't he think that she and her parents would be sad if he died in the bombing?
Thinking of his father almost dying because of his brother's death, the fire in Jiang Mi's heart became more and more intense!

She decided that the first thing she would do when she saw her brother was to slap him a few times!

Ten hours later, the plane landed at the airport of country F.

Jiang Mi and Han Xiujin walked out from the exit.

This country belongs to the Nordic countries, and it is already early winter in this month.

Fortunately, Jiangmi had done work before coming here, so he brought a coat.

Jiang Mi took out a beige windbreaker from his suitcase and put it on. Turning around, he saw Han Xiujin putting a black windbreaker on his body.

I am used to seeing this man in a white coat, but now seeing him wearing a long windbreaker, I suddenly feel that the warm and clean temperament on his body is a little less, and a little more noble and cold.

Jiang Mi stared at him for a moment, her eyelashes trembled, and she forcibly avoided her gaze!

Damn it, when is she still in the mood to appreciate Han Xiujin's face?
Han Xiujin put on his clothes and walked over with his suitcase. "Have you found the navigation route?"

Jiang Mi suddenly remembered that she hadn't checked yet...

"I'll check now!" Embarrassed, she took out the palm treasure from her bag.

She hasn't used this thing for a long time, and every retired team member will keep one.

The one used to maintain the team and contact teammates urgently, although retired, but the former friendship is still there.

Just in case, after all, most of the tasks performed by the maintenance team are high-risk and high-density jobs, and many people have been retaliated against after retiring.

If a retired teammate is in danger, use this palm treasure to contact your teammates for help, and the superior will send someone to help!

Jiang Mi received a private message from Chi Xin, which was a guiding navigation, as long as he followed this navigation, he could find Jiang Yan's residence smoothly.

Chi Xin also attached a message: You can delete it after reading it. I'm afraid that if the higher-ups find out, they may notify your brother!
Jiang Mi took a picture of the route with his mobile phone and immediately deleted the record.

"Let's go, let's find a car now. It will take more than an hour to get there from the airport!" Jiang Mi put away his palm treasure and said to Han Xiujin, "Do you speak English in Country F?"

"Well, mostly yes."

"That's easy!" Jiang Mi took the suitcase and walked forward first: "Let's go, dean! (Let's go, Dean Han)"

Han Xiujin: "..."

I don't know why, when he heard her say 'dean', he felt a little strange.

It's obviously a very simple pronoun title, but he always feels that it's a bit seductive?

The two found a taxi, and after getting in the taxi, Jiang Mi communicated with the driver in English.

But it was a coincidence that the driver of the car they got on could not speak English!

Jiang Mi talked for a long time, but the driver couldn't understand.

In the end, Han Xiujin couldn't stand listening, and communicated with the driver in F Mandarin, reporting the address.

Jiang Mi was a little confused when he heard Han Xiujin speak F.

"Dean Han, how do you understand F language?"

"Well, I understand a little bit." Han Xiujin replied modestly, which made Jiangmi feel that this master is so low-key!
She couldn't help asking: "I said, Dean Han, are you still proficient in eight languages?"

Han Xiujin nodded: "A little bit."

Jiang Mi stopped talking!

Envy, jealousy, acid!

From the way he communicated with the driver just now, the standard F cavity doesn't look like 'knowing a little bit' at all!
Is it necessary to be so omnipotent to be a dean now?
The car was driving all the way forward. In the car, Jiang Mi and Han Xiujin were chatting without saying a word.

The Chinese they speak is not understood by the driver.

Jiang Mi suddenly asked Han Xiujin: "Dean Han, I ask you a question, can you answer me honestly?"

"Well, you ask first, as long as it's not about me and you, I will answer."

Jiang Mi: "..."

Then what else did she ask?She just wanted to ask questions about them!

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