She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 245 Other people's children are not familiar!

"Then madam, don't you want to be wronged?"

Lu Heng said helplessly: "At the moment of the overall situation, I can only wrong her for the time being. Now I can only think about it by chance. Jiang Yan is reluctant to let her get hurt."

Lin Yu sighed. As a sincere subordinate, he felt that Lu Heng's life was really too difficult.

Step by step, every step is a passive push forward, his calculations are not calculations, but self-protection again and again!

I hope this will end soon!


Country T.

At eight o'clock in the evening, after dinner, Shen Jiamian and Jiang Yan enjoyed the shade in the small gazebo outside the villa as usual.

The wind is cool at night, and there is a Chinese tea set on the stone table in the gazebo.

Jiang Yan likes to drink tea, he will make tea by himself, and prepared fruit and milk for Shen Jiamian.

Shen Jiamian was bored by herself, but the day before yesterday she suddenly had a whim and said she wanted to make a video call with Jiang Mi and the others.

Jiang Yan was perfunctory with the domestic time difference, so Shen Jiamian didn't insist.

But this way, it's okay to use it once, but the second time, Shen Jiamian can't help but feel a little weird.

Sitting opposite Jiang Yan, she watched him carefully peel the grapes for herself, hesitated and decided to ask him.

"Brother Jiang Yan, we have been abroad for so long, don't the minibus and parents want to contact us?"

Jiang Yan's hand peeling the grapes suddenly paused, but soon, he raised his head and smiled at her: "They will definitely miss us, but they know that you are just pregnant and need more rest, so they don't want to disturb you too much, right?"

"But I miss them very much." Shen Jiamian frowned, staring at him with big eyes. "Are you hiding something from me? I feel like you don't want me to contact them at all?"

"Why do you have such an idea?" Jiang Yan handed her the grapes in his hand, and said with a helpless smile: "Could it be that you are doubting me now?"

"I don't doubt you..." Shen Jiamian looked at the grapes he handed over, and suddenly didn't want to eat them. "I just think, Brother Jiang Yan, you are a little strange."

Jiang Yan frowned, withdrew his hand, put the grapes on a plate, and wiped his hands with a paper towel.

"Xiao Mian, I know that your memory is not clear now, and the accident caused your memory to be a little confused, and I will try my best to help you adjust it. These days, you asked to sleep in separate beds, and I will follow you, but you still doubt me , isn't it a bit too hurtful?"

Shen Jiamian was taken aback for a moment, seeing that he seemed to be getting angry, her face suddenly turned pale.

I don't know why, Jiang Yan in memory is so gentle, but at this moment she is a little scared.

There is a very strange feeling in my heart, I always feel that Jiang Yan like this is not real.

But she was not sure whether it was her memory problem or Jiang Yan's problem?

Ever since she woke up, she felt that everything around her was a little illusory. In the dark, she felt that she shouldn't belong here, and she always felt that there was something missing between herself and Jiang Yan?
Jiang Yan looked at Shen Jiamian's complexion, and suddenly realized that he had lost his composure.

He sighed in frustration, his tone softened. "Xiao Mian, I'm sorry, I don't mean to blame you, I just think you don't trust me, which makes me very helpless and anxious."

When Shen Jiamian heard his apology, she suddenly felt a little guilty.

She is a person who is very easy to soften her heart. She has a guilty conscience to doubt Jiang Yan without any basis.

"I'm sorry Brother Jiang Yan, I know that my memory is wrong, and in this strange place, I may miss my hometown..."

As Shen Jiamian spoke, her voice choked up: "Can we go back to China? If you think it's too sudden to go back to China, can you let me contact the minibus?"

"It's not that I don't want you to contact them..." Jiang Yan sighed, pretending to be helpless and said: "It's that the parents and the minibus don't want you to contact them. Your guess is correct. We are indeed hiding it from you. I am Deliberately not letting you contact the minibuses."

"Why?" Shen Jiamian raised her heart: "Could it be that something happened to them?"

Jiang Yan took out his mobile phone, found out the latest photos sent to him in China, and handed them to Shen Jiamian.

"Dad suffered a heart attack and was admitted to the ICU. This was the news a week ago, but now Dad is still in the hospital. The reason why he didn't tell you is that you were worried and clamored to go back. Your fetus is not stable now. You can’t take a long-haul flight.”

Shen Jiamian looked at Jiang's father lying in the ICU in the photo, and his doubts about Jiang Yan were instantly replaced by doubts about Jiang's father.

"Isn't Dad in good health all the time? How could it be so sudden?" She asked worriedly: "How can this kind of thing be kept from me? We are a family, and Dad treats me like my own daughter. What if something happened to him? Can you go back?"

Jiang Yan took the phone back and put it on the table.

"I was worried about your reaction, so I didn't tell you." Jiang Yan paused, pushed his glasses and said, "You had an accident when you were just pregnant. When you were in a coma, there was no way to treat it in China. I had to put You bring it here and let my friends from abroad come over to help with treatment."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Shen Jiamian felt even more guilty after hearing this. "Tell me that I don't doubt you so much these days."

Jiang Yan smiled helplessly: "I was worried about your overthinking. After all, you are pregnant now. I was afraid that you would have a psychological burden. But I ignored it. Pregnant women have sensitive thoughts. I kindly concealed it, but it made you think about it for so many days. .”

After Shen Jiamian heard this, the knot in her heart seemed to be resolved.

She twisted and sighed: "I always feel that you are hiding from me these days, but I can't ask you anything? I feel even more confused and nervous. Brother Jiang Yan, we are a family, parents and the minibus. You should have let me know."

"I want to tell you too." Jiang Yan shook his head helplessly. "But my parents won't let me. I'm telling you now just to make you feel at ease. As for contacting them, wait a few more days, lest they worry too much about you."

Shen Jiamian nodded. "Well, the minibus and mom must be busy taking care of dad now, and I can't go back like this. I'd better wait a few days for dad's condition to stabilize, and I'll call them again!"

Jiang Yan said with a satisfied smile: "Yes, Dad will be discharged from the hospital in a few days, we will call back and pretend not to know now."

"Okay!" Shen Jiamian didn't say anything more, Jiang Yan's explanation was reasonable, and she had no reason to doubt him anymore.

After nine o'clock in the night, Shen Jiamian was sleepy, so Jiang Yan accompanied her back to the room. After watching her fall asleep, he got up and came out of her room.

He entered the study room, where there was only one lamp on.

Under the dim light, Jiang Yan was sitting at the desk with a mobile phone in his hand, talking to the person on the other end of the line.

"Someone seems to be staring at me these two days. I think this place has been exposed. You should make arrangements quickly and move to a new place within a week at the earliest!"

After hearing this, the person on the other end of the phone changed his voice through the voice changer and said with a gloomy smile, "It's fine if you steal other people's wives, but are you planning to help raise other people's children?"

"This is not something you should care about." Jiang Yan frowned, and said impatiently: "Don't forget, we just ask for what we need!"

"Of course I haven't forgotten. I just reminded you that other people's wives can be snatched away, but other people's children, no matter how familiar they are, will never become yours. Dr. Jiang doesn't even understand this biological relationship, does he? "

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