She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 160 protests against this farewell.

"You said he was all for me and Xiaonian?" She stared at Liu Yu, with sadness in her moist eyes, "But he is gone, what should Xiaonian and I do?"

"His body was broken as early as five years ago. If it weren't for his strong willpower, he would not have survived today. The pain he has endured in the past five years is unimaginable to ordinary people. The reason why he can persist is that It's all because of you and Xiaonian.

He hopes that after he leaves, you and Xiaonian can live a healthy and safe life, but Song Jinchen is a ticking time bomb, so twisted and perverted, he will never let you go, so he does everything possible to get rid of Song Jinchen!

He did this just to find a stable world for you mother and son.You can blame him and hate him, but you must not disappoint his good intentions for you. "

Liu Yu's words made Zhuang Yating stop crying instantly.

She looked at Liu Yu in a daze, and said after a while, "So, he has been trying to hold on for me and Xiaonian all this time, right? He has been in pain for five full years, but I never knew about it, right?"

Liu Yu sighed, "It's useless to say these things now, pack up your mood, and don't cry when you see him later, let him go away with more peace of mind!"

Zhuang Yating raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, took a deep breath and said firmly: "I won't let him worry about it anymore, he has endured so much for us, all I can do now is to let him leave with peace of mind."

Let him go with peace of mind, this turned out to be the only thing she could do for him in the end.


Lu Heng received a call from Liu Yu in the car. Liu Yu didn't say much on the phone, but only said that Song Yiheng was dying, and that Song Jinchen should close the net!

Lu Heng lowered his eyebrows, his deep eyes were dark, and all emotions were hidden in his eyes.

He said: "I'll call you when I get back, you take care of them first."

Sitting next to him, Shen Jiamian could feel Lu Heng's expression was wrong after answering the phone, but she didn't ask, after all, Jiang Yan was still in the car!
She just held Lu Heng's hand silently.

Lu Heng turned his head and looked down at her. "What's wrong?"

Shen Jiamian looked at him and shook her head at her, "It's okay."

Lu Heng held her hand tightly and didn't speak, but he understood the silent care she expressed to him.

This trip back to Haidu will inevitably be restless for a few days.

The future is all unknown.


In the Song family, as soon as Liu Yu parked the car, Zhuang Yating pushed open the back seat door and rushed into the house with Xiaonian in his arms.

Uncle De waited quietly at the door, and when he saw someone coming, his voice was choked up and he shouted anxiously: "Young Master, I can't take it any longer..."

Hearing this, Zhuang Yating's feet suddenly went limp, and she almost fell to the ground with Xiaonian in her arms. Fortunately, Uncle De reacted quickly enough to support her.

"I'm fine, where is he?" She stood still and looked at Uncle De anxiously.

"Eldest Young Master's previous bedroom..."

Zhuang Yating held Xiaonian in her arms, even ignoring the elevator, and rushed up the stairs!

"Heng!" The moment she rushed into the room, her tears also fell.

On the big bed, wearing an oxygen mask, Song Yiheng, who was on the brink of death, slowly opened his eyes...

He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he had no strength left, so he could only look at the woman walking towards him with a pair of withered eyes.

Song Qin stood by the bed and stepped aside, leaving the family of three to spend the last time together.

Zhuang Yating sat down beside the bed and let Xiaonian sit on her lap.Then he raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and tried his best to squeeze out a smile.

"Heng, look, Xiaonian is back home, and he is healthy."

Song Yiheng stared at Xiaonian, pulled his pale lips weakly, and smiled.

At this time, he still didn't have the cold mask on his face, and he also put on a beauty outfit. This was a request he made to his grandfather when he was still able to speak.

Because he wants to remember his best appearance for his woman and son.

Zhuang Yating looked at his face, holding back tears and said with a smile: "You are still so handsome! Ah Heng, we inherited your good looks when we were young, you can see that his little face is much ruddy, and he looks more like you. It looks like it."

Xiaonian has never met Song Yiheng, but he is no stranger to oxygen masks, staring at Song Yiheng's oxygen mask, he asked naively: "Mom, is this uncle sick like me, and he needs to be treated, right?"

Hearing this, Zhuang Yating's restrained tears almost burst into tears. She touched Xiaonian's head, tried to force a smile, and said, "Xiaonian, my mother never told you that this uncle is actually your father. In [-], he was like you, he was sick and had to stay in the hospital all the time, so he didn't have time to see you, be good, call Dad quickly."

Xiao Nian was a little confused, why did he suddenly change his father?

But when he saw his mother's eyes were red, he was a little worried, and when he looked at his uncle who was lying on the bed, he still obediently called out: "Dad."

The child's voice was not loud, but it hit Song Yiheng's heart that was getting weaker and weaker.

The display line on the heart rate monitor suddenly rose, but only a few seconds later, it dropped rapidly again, and finally a piercing alarm sounded——

Zhuang Yating hurriedly took Xiaonian's hand, then grabbed Song Yiheng's hand, and tightly held the hands of their father and son in hers, tears streaming down her face, she said: "Xiaonian, tell Dad that you will be healthy Grow up happily, let him not worry about it."

Xiaonian didn't know what happened, he only knew that his mother was crying all the time, and he would say what his mother asked him to say.

"Father, don't worry, Xiaonian will grow up healthy and healthy, don't worry about it, just listen to the doctor's advice and treat your illness..."

"Dad, Dad?"

The big hand in Zhuang Yali's hand fell limply to the edge of the bed. On the heartbeat monitor, the display line became a straight line, and the long siren took away the last breath of the man on the big bed!

Xiao Nian yelled several times, but Song Yiheng didn't respond any more. He turned his head suspiciously and looked at Zhuang Yating, "Mom, is Dad asleep?"

Zhuang Yating hugged him, buried her face in her son's thin shoulders, and covered her mouth with her other hand, crying mournfully, restraining the suffocating pain in her chest!
She couldn't cry. When Ah Heng heard his cry, he would miss him and be reluctant to go to heaven...

Song Qin's body on crutches couldn't stand still for a while, and he fell back several times. Uncle De hurried forward to support him and let him sit in the wheelchair.

Uncle De's eyes were red, and he choked with sobs and comforted him: "Mr., you have to hold on. The young master is gone, and this family depends on you to support it!"

Song Qin beat his chest, "Sin! Did the ancestors of the Song family open their eyes to see? Why didn't they accept that scoundrel Ah Chen! Ah Heng has suffered so much since he was a child, why did he take him away? I grandson..."

The old man's mournful cry and Zhuang Yating's forbearable mourning seemed to be a protest against the farewell.

Xiaonian was frightened by the cries of his mother and grandpa Zeng, and couldn't help but also burst into tears.

For a moment, the entire Song family was shrouded in grief and death. The weather had been clear for thousands of miles just now, but suddenly dark clouds covered and it was stormy.

The rain slapped on the glass bed, the sound of rain, thunder, wind, crying... But no sound could wake up the man who had slept forever on the bed——

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