She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 103 If he is dead, how can I live at ease?

"Why did you throw it over!!" Shen Jiamian turned around, and beat Cheng Li uncontrollably with her fist, "You will kill him! You will really kill him!"

"Calm down, even if I don't hand it over, Song Yiheng will still die, and so will we!"

"..." Shen Jiamian was stunned, she couldn't believe it, things turned out like this in the end!
Why?Why is Song Jinchen so bad? !Why can bad guys be so insolent?

"No, I don't want Song Yiheng to die!"

"I want him to live! I want him to live well!"

The woman's heart-piercing cries echoed on the sea, the wind was blowing harder, and the waves slapped the hull of the ship.

Cheng Li hugged Shen Jiamian's fiercely resisting body, and looked at Liu Yu: "What should we do now?"

"Go back!" Liu Yu stared at the man sitting in the wheelchair opposite, his eyes were scarlet, "The young master said, I saved the young lady, and I will take her back to see a doctor immediately!"

"Crazy?!" Shen Jiamian yelled at Liu Yu: "He is alone, you left him on that boat, Liu Yu, do you know what that means?"

"Young Madam, the last order that Eldest Young Master gave me is to protect you. The medicine in your body must be removed as soon as possible. If you delay by a little bit, the consequences will be irreversible!"

"If he's dead, how can I feel at ease while I'm alive?" Shen Jiamian knelt down to Liu Yu directly, "Liu Yu, may I please? Don't leave him behind, I can't just watch him die!"

"Young madam, why are you bothering?" Liu Yu's eyes were red, and he bent over to pull Shen Jiamian up!
Shen Jiamian, however, acted like crazy, pushed him and Cheng Li away, knelt on the deck, kowtowed to them two times, "I beg you! Help him, save him!"

Cheng Li felt distressed and annoyed when he saw it, he squatted down and held her shoulder, "Calm down! He is desperately trying to save you. If he can save both of you, how could Liu Yu not save you??"

"..." Shen Jiamian's tear-wet face turned pale instantly, she stared at Cheng Li, her whole body trembling from crying, she said after a while, "Then don't save me, you let me die with him!"

"You're crazy, are you worth it for a man? Don't forget, you still have a sister and family!" Cheng Li was very annoyed. When he heard that Shen Jiamian was going to die with Song Yiheng, he admitted that he was crazy with jealousy!
Liu Yu raised his hand to wipe the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and said solemnly: "Young madam, if you accompany the young master, the young master will suffer even more. What Zhuang Yating has experienced, Song Jinchen will use it on you, sir. How could the young master see you being treated inhumanly? The young master thought of everything before coming, this is the best ending!"

Listening to Liu Yu's words, Shen Jiamian realized in a daze that Song Yiheng was already ready to trade her with his life!

He...why is he so stupid!

"The young master said that he harmed you. Before he left, he had drawn up a divorce agreement, and he had already signed it. When you go back, you can just sign it, young lady."

divorce?Shen Jiamian shook her head, "I don't want to divorce him..."

Liu Yu's voice was also a little choked up, "The eldest young master really loves you, so he hopes that after he leaves, you can recover your freedom, and if you meet the right person one day, you can have a happy wedding with that person again at any time ..."

"..." Shen Jiamian stared at Liu Yu in a daze. These words, every word, were like a sharp dagger, stabbing her heart one by one.

How could he be that stupid?At such a time, why does he still think about her? !

"Ah!" Shen Jiamian grabbed the skirt of her chest and screamed in pain!

She couldn't find any way to help him other than screaming in protest and helplessness. Helplessness, despair, unwillingness, and madness occupied her thoughts!

She hates fate's teasing, hates God's injustice!

Why does such a good person have to be tortured again and again?In the end, try not to get rid of the ending of being killed by bad guys!

Liu Yu sighed, "Young Madam, you are obedient. The medicine in your body is very complicated. You control your emotions at the most important time. You can easily speed up the penetration of the medicine into the internal organs..."

Before Liu Yu finished speaking, there was a sudden 'plop' on the surface of the sea, and the sound of heavy objects falling into the water!
Shen Jiamian's whole body froze, and she stood up abruptly after a few seconds' delay, and looked towards the other side——

Song Yiheng, who was supposed to be in a wheelchair, disappeared!
"Where is Song Yiheng!" Shen Jiamian yelled at Song Jinchen: "What did you do to him?!"

Song Jinchen pointed at the increasingly unsettled sea surface, smiled and said, "A cripple, throw it into the sea to feed the fish! It's just that I tied stones to his feet before throwing it!"

"You lunatic! Murderer!" Shen Jiamian stared at him with tearing eyes, and felt for the first time in this life that hatred can make people have the urge to kill.

At this moment, she wished she had a knife in her hand, she would definitely stab Song Jinchen's dirty and vicious heart without hesitation!

The wind on the sea was getting stronger and darker, but Song Jinchen's mood was completely opposite to the weather.

Holding the treasure in his palm, he faced Shen Jiamian and laughed wildly: "It's a pity that the person died, and the evidence is gone! Hahaha, I, Song Jinchen, won in the end! Song Yiheng is my defeat! The old man will soon I found out that the biggest joke in his life is that he chose Song Yiheng as his successor! Hahaha!"

The man's finger pressed the delete button, and the record was cleared to zero. He raised his hand and threw the palm treasure into the sea!
"The sky has changed, let's go back!" Song Jinchen looked at Cheng Li provocatively, "There will be a period later, Captain Cheng!"

Cheng Li looked at Song Jinchen with a cold face, his jaw tensed. After all these years of working in the industry, he has never met someone as perverted and arrogant as Song Jinchen!
He couldn't help but clenched his hands hanging on both sides tightly. One day, he would definitely grab Song Jinchen in with his own hands and accept the punishment he deserved!
Seeing the yacht drifting away, Cheng Li's eyes showed unwillingness.

Liu Yu suddenly yelled: "Quick! Go into the water and find someone right away!!"

In the cabin, a group of people who had already put on diving suits rushed up, at least seven or eight of them. Under Liu Yu's order, they jumped into the sea one after another with their oxygen tanks on their backs...

Shen Jiamian looked at the person who quickly disappeared into the sea, and then turned to look at Liu Yu, "Brother Liu? This is..."

"The young master is just guessing that Song Jinchen will throw him into the sea because he is disabled." Liu Yu looked serious, "But if a stone is tied, now that time has passed and the waves are so big, the search and rescue operation is very..."

Shen Jiamian didn't hear the words clearly, she rolled her eyes, and fell to the ground heavily.

"Shen Jiamian!"

Cheng Li ran over and picked her up, only to find that she was burning hot all over, "She has a high fever!"

"It must be because the emotions are too intense and the effect of the medicine has intensified! The young lady must be sent back for treatment immediately!" Liu Yu looked at the increasingly rough sea with a tangled expression, "Ask your people to come and pick up the young lady to the hospital! I will continue to wait for news here!"

This was the only way to go, Cheng Li took out his mobile phone and dialed his teammates...


Shen Jiamian had a terrible dream——

In that dream, she lost Song Yiheng, the man who married him less than three months ago and whom she had never seen clearly. In order to protect her, she was thrown into the dark and cold sea and kept sinking. , sinking, until the darkness swallowed him...

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