"Sister Ning Rou, do you know? When I was in high school, my silly brother liked you."

When Ning Rou suddenly heard Xiao Miao say this, she couldn't believe it, her memory was up and down, maybe she didn't even remember it.

After all, Xiao He and she were still classmates in high school. She really had a vague memory of this, and she couldn't remember it at all. She had been hearing Xiao He say that she and him were classmates in high school.

"Sister Xiao Miao, don't be joking, I don't remember when I was in high school."

Li Yinzhe saw Ning Rou's awkwardness and embarrassment, he could understand how much Ning Rou wanted to leave and escape from the siblings.

So he deliberately held Ning Rou's hand in front of Xiao He and Xiao Miao, and deliberately exposed Ning Rou's jade bracelet.

This scene was naturally seen by Xiao Miao. She not only saw Li Yinzhe holding Ning Rou's hand to declare his sovereignty, but also saw the jade bracelet on Ning Rou's left wrist.

At this moment she understood that Ning Rou was already with Li Yinzhe, if it wasn't because Ning Rou was about to go to Sanya with her brother to shoot a variety show, she might not let Li Yinzhe go easily.

Xiao Miao remembered what happened tonight.

Li Yinzhe caught Xiao Miao's eyes of hatred emitting raging flames. He naturally understood Xiao Miao's purpose of hating him, but I'm sorry, if he is around, he would never want to hurt the people he cares about.

So Li Yinzhe also stared at Xiao Miao viciously with eagle eyes, and then protected Ning Rou behind him, "Since the gift is also given, I will take Ning Rou back to rest first, goodbye!"

Xiao Miao gritted her teeth in anger, but she couldn't say anything. Now that she is an assistant of Xinyue Entertainment, she can no longer do things that violate the company's discipline as she pleases.

He could only watch helplessly as Li Yinzhe showed off how much he and Ning Rou were domineering in front of her.

Seeing Li Yinzhe tightly holding Ning Rou's hand, watching their backs that were drifting away, he was so angry that he clenched his fingers tightly, bared his teeth and stomped his feet.

"Brother, look, if you don't work hard, sister Ning Rou will become someone else's."

Xiao He didn't know, and why didn't he want to fight for it.

It's just that no matter how hard he tries, he can't compare to Li Yinzhe's position in her heart!

Rather than confronting her, it's better to watch her happy.

He can't get enough of love, so he is unwilling to do things that go against the laws of heaven for the sake of love.

It would be more practical if this love could be transformed into silently guarding her behind her back.

"Okay, sister, as long as she is happy and happy, remember not to hate because of love, and don't lose your mind because you can't get it.

Although she can't be your sister-in-law, at least she is still your sister Ning Rou, right?And I don't want you to stop liking her because of that, she's your favorite star, you just have to keep liking her. "

After Xiao He finished speaking, she left first, leaving Xiao Miao in a daze. She didn't understand from the beginning to the end, why her brother loved Ning Rou so much, but was willing to part with her, watching her flirt with others?
Xiao Miao wouldn't understand, and she didn't want to understand, she just wanted to fight for her brother once, so she shook her head, she didn't want to care about the two unpredictable people.

"Brother, wait for me!"


The plan for a year lies in spring, and the plan for a day lies in the morning, Ning Rou stretched her waist and got up from the bed accompanied by the sound of diligent birdsong.

She woke up extra early today, more excited than every morning in the past.

why?Because she is going to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Li Yinzhe to get a certificate this morning!

Besides, there is still an audition for a new play today, so it is another day full of energy.

Because she didn't hide the matter of obtaining the certificate from Yu Xiaoyu and Youyou, after all, these two are the most important best friends in her life.

Early in the morning, Yu Xiaoyu called Ning Rou, "Honey, you are getting married today! Tell me, it would be nice for us to get together tonight! Celebrate for you."

"Okay, after I get my marriage certificate in the morning, and after the audition in the afternoon, we will make an appointment together in the evening."

"OK, then it's such a happy decision! I wish you a happy license."

After Ning Rou hung up the phone, she received another message, which was sent to her by You You:

"Sister Ning, happy wedding!"

A few simple words, accompanied by happy characters and fireworks expressions.

Ning Rou put down her phone in a happy mood, wearing the sky blue dress that You You gave her, and started to put on makeup.

On the other side, Li Yinzhe ordered Mo Bai to drive him to the Zhao Group early in the morning.

Because he wanted to resolve the dispute with Zhao Chuyan before receiving the certificate, and happily marry Ning Rou.

Regardless of Mo Bai's persuasion, Li Yinzhe insisted on a rampage and directly killed Zhao Chuyan's office.

Zhao Chuyan welcomed Li Yinzhe just after arriving at the company. She asked curiously:
"How was Mr. Li's birthday yesterday? Why did you come to our company early this morning? Could it be because of the [-] million yuan?"

Li Yinzhe met Zhao Chuyan's contemptuous and mocking eyes, and said fiercely:
"Bring the contract, I want to terminate the cooperation with the 'old friend' with you Zhao."

Suddenly Zhao Chuyan laughed, and her face was gloomy again in an instant, her face was full of expressions that if I don't agree, what can you do to me.

"Don't laugh, I have invited lawyers, so hurry up!"

Lawyer Wang, who happened to be standing behind Li Yinzhe, appeared in front of Zhao Chuyan, "Mr. Zhao, I have repeatedly confirmed the previous contract, and there are no clauses you added at the end. Your contract is forged."

Zhao Chuyan's eyes suddenly turned red, because what Lawyer Wang said was right, she was really unwilling to reconcile that contract, and deliberately forged it in order to win over Li Yinzhe.

She knew she was wrong about this, and she didn't dare to argue anymore, she could only let the red and swollen eye sockets overflow with tears.

"Lawyer Wang, how much crime do you think will be punished for forging a contract?"

“Article 224 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China [Contract Fraud] Under any of the following circumstances, for the purpose of illegal possession, during the process of signing and performing a contract, defrauding the other party’s property, if the amount is relatively large, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years: Imprisonment or criminal detention, and a fine or a fine; if the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, the sentence is to be not less than three years but not more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment and a fine; Imprisonment or life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property:
([-]) Signing a contract with a fictitious unit or falsely using the name of another person;

([-]) Using forged, altered, voided bills or other false certificates of property rights as guarantee;

([-]) Incapable of actually performing the contract, deceiving the other party to continue signing and performing the contract by first performing the small contract or partially performing the contract;

([-]) Escaping after accepting the goods, payment for goods, advance payment or guaranteed property from the other party;
([-]) Defrauding the other party of property by other means. "

Zhao Chuyan listened attentively to Lawyer Wang's professional legal knowledge, and was so frightened that she didn't dare to take a breath.

She just forcibly added those terms to the original contract in order to get Li Yinzhe, but she didn't expect that she would blindly commit a crime.

She caressed her nervous heart, holding back tears and not wanting it to fall, she slumped down on the sofa in horror.

He kept shaking his head, "No, that's not the case. I'm just doing a trick. How could it cause a crime?"

Lawyer Wang looked at Zhao Chuyan, who was bewildered, and continued to ask:

"Then, Mr. Zhao, where is the real contract?"

Meng Na had been standing at the door listening, when she heard Lawyer Wang asking about the real contract, she walked in suddenly, "Here is the real contract, Mr. Zhao did not commit a crime."

Angrily, Li Yinzhe snatched the contract from Meng Na's hand. Looking at the last page, there was indeed no compensation for breach of contract, "two hundred million" and "old friend".

"Zhao Chuyan, you are obsessed with ghosts. Do you know that you are also breaking the law if you do this. Have you forgotten the five years of further study in other countries?"

Zhao Chuyan heard Li Yinzhe scolding her sharply, suddenly her nose was sore, tears welled up in her eyes, and she let the teardrops slide down her cheeks one after another.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Zhao doesn't really want your [-] million yuan and your 'old friend', she was the last time you came to find her, and you did it on purpose.

I hope Mr. Li can let Mr. Zhao go!After all, she did this because she loves you, and the real contract is also here, so if you want to terminate the cooperation, I think Mr. Zhao will not refuse again.

I sincerely hope that you, Mr. Li, can forget the mistakes of villains, and forgive Mr. Zhao once! "

Mengna held Zhao Chuyan in her arms, watched her cry like pear blossoms and rain, and begged Li Yinzhe to forgive Zhao Chuyan.

When Li Yinzhe thought that he would not have to pay for the [-] million yuan and the 'old friend', his mood returned to normal, but Zhao Chuyan's behavior was really outrageous.

If she simply let it go, what would she do if she targeted Ning Rou again in the future?
So he took advantage of Lawyer Wang's presence, and wrote a letter of guarantee. Zhao Chuyan promised that after this incident, he would not target Ning Rou and him again, and at the same time, he would not interfere with the Li Group, otherwise he would be punished with several crimes. up.

Zhao Chuyan didn't dare to continue clamoring, so she could only obediently sign her name on the guarantee letter.

From then on, she, Zhao Chuyan, could no longer target Ning Rou.

Li Yinzhe smiled knowingly at Lawyer Wang, and left with Mo Bai.

Ning Rou is also ready, she is very beautiful today, she raised her head and looked at the clock on the wall, it is only past ten o'clock, so it is just right to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

When she came to the Civil Affairs Bureau of the Imperial Capital, she saw Li Yinzhe in a black suit standing dignifiedly at the door with his household registration book in his hand, with a happy smile on his face.

"You actually arrived earlier than me."

"Isn't that right? I will wait for you all my life, and I am willing to spend my whole life waiting for you."

Facing Li Yinzhe's unexpected confession, she smiled shyly, "Let's go! It's important."

Just like that, Li Yinzhe walked into the hall of the Civil Affairs Bureau holding Ning Rou's hand.

While laughing and joking, the two filled out a report on their vows to become husband and wife voluntarily.

Taking wedding photos by the way...

When he saw the two people on the marriage certificate, Li Yinzhe finally got his wish and married the person he wanted.

When seeing the two names on the marriage certificate, Ning Rou's excitement and happiness cannot be expressed in words.

Unexpectedly, when she was 20 years old, she was already married.

Li Yinzhe and Ning Rou came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau holding hands again with their red books, feeling that the fresh air was super fresh and sweet.

Ning Rou held the red book tightly, she was wearing a black mask, when she got into the car, she suddenly confessed affectionately:
"Uncle, from today onwards, you are the only partner in my life, and we will spend the rest of our lives hand in hand, sharing the blessings, sharing the difficulties, and never leaving, okay?"

Li Yinzhe held Ning Rou tightly into his arms, held the back of her head with his left hand, then leaned over and kissed her mask:
"In this life, you will never want to escape from the palm of your husband..."

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