Imperial Capital——

Inside the Presidential Suite of the Ocean Hotel.

The woman was suddenly awakened by the ringing of the mobile phone on the bedside table. Enduring the pain and gritting her teeth, she slowly got up, and suddenly realized that she was not wearing any clothes?
She first took a closer look at the surrounding environment. The huge room was pitch black and she couldn't see her fingers. She could only hear the "rustling" sound outside the window.

She didn't think too much, but picked up a shirt on the bed and put it on.

Then he picked up the phone and looked at the message, "Ning Rou, why haven't you come back so late??!"

Yes, this woman who suddenly woke up from the darkness was none other than Xinyue Entertainment's new generation actress Ning Rou.

He is just a newcomer who has just joined Xinyue Entertainment Company and is about to film a new costume drama "Rebirth of the Phoenix: Reappearance of the Phoenix".

On the other side of Jane Eyre's apartment, Xia Lan was sitting on the sofa anxiously, only hearing the clock on the wall ticking away.

Look at the time at 04:30 in the morning.

She was planning to go to bed very early, because she hadn't seen Ning Rou come back, so she could only sit quietly on the sofa in the living room and wait patiently for Ning Rou to come back.

This time, it's all about this point.

In desperation, I could only take out my mobile phone and send her a WeChat message, because of her work, I was very afraid that something would happen if she didn't come home at night.

After all, Ning Rou's new job is to get involved in the entertainment industry. Today's entertainment industry is mixed with fish and dragons. There is no place for a girl who has just turned 20 to survive.

Naturally, it's just a little more worrying. After all, Ning Rou wants to squeeze into the entertainment circle with all her heart, so regardless of her mother's obstruction, she has to embark on this road of no return.

After Ning Rou saw the message her mother sent her, she rubbed her temples and suddenly found something was wrong.

where is this! ! ? ?

Moreover, the clothes on his body actually smell of men's perfume, could it be...

She didn't care so much, picked up the phone, stepped on the cold wooden floor with her bare feet, and walked to the French window.

It was raining, very big.

Listening to the sound of rain ticking outside the window, her mood was very complicated.

She stood quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, recalling the dinner with the crew last night.

She was drunk a lot by the director, opened a room unconsciously, and broke into someone else's room by mistake.

She was holding the phone tightly with her hands behind her back, and she could feel that there was another person lying on the big bed behind her.

She groped to the bedside in a straight line, and when she touched something soft, she retracted her hand reflexively.

Then gently touched the soft thing, from top to bottom, from inside to outside.

Sure enough, this is a person.

Immediately, she felt pain all over her body, "hissed", covered her lower abdomen and squatted on the ground.

The person lying quietly on the bed has no idea that he has been touched all over by others.

Ning Rou endured the pain, gritted her teeth, rubbed her phone and sent a series of texts with difficulty.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

She turned on the phone screen and shone a faint light on the person lying on the bed.

The man pursed his lips, squinted his eyes, and breathed evenly.

Turning her head away after just a glance, she now realizes that something that shouldn't have happened to a stranger she doesn't know may have happened.

When I thought that I would lose my virginity when I was only 20 years old, I wanted to run away as soon as possible other than heartbroken.

Ning Rou squatted on the ground with the little strength in her body, and left a post-it note with the help of the faint light of the phone.

Then she endured the severe pain from somewhere, picked up her mobile phone and bag and fled.

After living for 20 years, actually put someone to sleep for the first time?

The point is that in the dark night in a strange room, I can't even see the face clearly, I don't know whether it is ugly or beautiful, what if I sleep with a scumbag?

Ning Rou sighed regretfully and walked to the hotel entrance, watching the pouring rain outside, the June rain in the imperial capital trapped her in the hotel lobby.

In desperation, she could only take out her mobile phone and call Didi Taxi. After a while, a white car stopped at the door.

She walked to the rear of the car with difficulty, checked the license plate number on her mobile phone, opened the rear door and sat in, and said directly:
"Master, Jane Eyre Apartment on Lanwan Road, thank you."

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