Li Chengxin asked Tao Yaoyao curiously, but Tao Yaoyao became irritable.

"Stop asking! I don't know anything!"

After she finished speaking, she burst into tears of sorrow.

Let her look forward to getting along with each other for less than 5 minutes every day, she can't even imagine.

And, it's gone today.

In fact, after spending the coupons of the haunted house, it stands to reason that there is enough time.But Zhuo Qihua said that was irresponsible to her.

He said he wanted to be justified and have enough time to have each other.

He respected her, and she respected his wishes.

But now that things have developed to such a point, she regrets it.

She suddenly remembered something, picked up her phone and searched for the "virtual lover" software.

I found it... It's still the same icon.

She pressed the download button, feeling a little nervous.

After the download was complete, the icon was displayed on the interface, her fingers trembling slightly, and she clicked in.

Enter account password, login...

After logging in to the interface, three words are displayed on it - Loading...

Zhuo Qihua's profile photo was shown in the first one, and that photo didn't have a smile, and was even a bit serious.

For several nights, she confides the trivial matters and bits and pieces of her life to this avatar.

She clicked in, it was the chat history.

A message came from the other side:
Zhuo: "Hi, finally back."

It's a robot, that familiar official first sentence...

Tao Yaoyao laughed at herself, "I'm so stupid, what am I expecting..."

?Crying and laughing this time, Tao Tiezhu and Li Chengxin didn't know how to comfort her, so they could only stay with her like this.

Only at this time, Tao Tiezhu sniffed and sniffed Li Chengxin.

"Why do you smell a little strange?"

Li Chengxin paused, "Does it smell like a dead body? There are not enough people in the morning, so I'm going to move the dead body."

Tao Tiezhu shook his head, "No, it's not the smell of the corpse. I can't tell, forget it. I'd better keep an eye on my mother, she's in a bad mood."

Tao Yaoyao stared blankly at the chat interface, not knowing where to start.

Say to the robot that you miss him?
She could do it before, but now she can't...

However, she still typed two words.

Tao: "Ah Hua..."

This call contains too much, but the words are always cold.

Zhuo: "I'm here."

It's not just because of the lack of avatar, she actually felt a little warmth.

But more, is sad.

She exited the interface at once, tears pouring out again uncontrollably.

The phone vibrated, and she looked at the lock screen, and it was the robot who repeated "I'm here" again.

"Forget it, I'll carry the corpse."

Tao Yaoyao turned her phone into Do Not Disturb mode with one touch, and walked out of Li Chengxin's office talking to herself.

Concentrate on your work... He won't suffer if you don't have time to think about it.

Tao Tiezhu followed. Although the employees of the funeral home trembled when they saw his face, they were not afraid in their hearts.

What they are more afraid of is people's hearts. After all, there are countless family members who come to make trouble.

It was the little guy's "mother" that surprised them.

The gossiping Da Zhuang stepped forward and asked, "Is it really your son?"

Tao Yaoyao nodded without hesitation, it was originally from her stomach.It's okay to admit the existence of the little guy, just let Xiao Zhuzi be happy.

Sure enough, Tao Yaoyao admitted his identity in front of everyone, which moved Tao Tiezhu for a while.

Seeing her carrying the corpse, he cast a spell to help the corpse levitate.

It was the first time that everyone saw a real "spell" and took out their cameras to take pictures, but Tao Yaoyao stopped them.

"Do you want the funeral home to close down?! If it spreads, there are media reporters every day."

Zhang San opened the interface of a certain wave at this time, "Are you really taking over the orphanage?"

"Yes, I'm going to start a career."

Now that she can't go to the virtual world, she can only hurry up to make money.

Work overtime, earn [-] million and let him come out.

But...she thought of the most serious problem.

Can't even enter the virtual world, how can I pay with my face? !
So, Zhuo Qihua can't come out?

At this time, Liuli finally repaired herself, came out of the bottle, and saw such a frustrated Tao Yaoyao at first sight.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

The colleagues were all there, and Tao Yaoyao put down the body and left to go outside the hospital.

Tao Tiezhu and Liuli followed out, and the two children looked at each other.

"Hi aunt!"

This sudden address caught Liuli by surprise.

Tao Tiezhu introduced himself, "I am mother's son, and you are mother's younger sister, so of course you are my sister-in-law."

Tao Yaoyao was amused by him, and she felt a little better.

"He's only been around for more than 100 years, and you've been calling her sister-in-law for more than 3000 years? Don't you feel ashamed?"

Liuli exclaimed, "Could it be possible to become a real person after practicing for more than 3000 years?!"

Tao Tiezhu showed off, "No, I was born by my mother."

Tao Yaoyao was very pleased to see the two children talking to each other.

At least, now she is no longer alone.

She is no longer interested in looking at any mobile phones anymore, it is just a piece of scrap iron to her.

A person came to the door of the funeral parlor, Tao Yaoyao looked very irritable.

On the other hand, Tao Tiezhu stopped Yang Chengjin immediately.

"Stop! Why are you so strange?"

When Yang Chengjin saw Tao Tiezhu, he took two steps back. How could he not see the "power" of the kid opposite him.

It's just that in a real fight, this kid won't be his opponent.

This body has turned into a mortal anyway, but he is not afraid of the other party.

It's just that the kid on the opposite side has better physique than him!
Tao Yaoyao said, "Do you have anything to do?"

Yang Chengjin threw out something that attracted her, "I have an order, do you want to accept it?"

Tao Yaoyao lowered her eyes, "I won't answer, it's boring."

It's useless to earn so much money, and she suddenly lost her goal, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

Seeing her unmoved, Yang Chengjin became impatient.

In this life, he is determined to marry her, because this time Zhuo Qihua is different from before, he seems to have no ability.

He even missed her previous life a little bit.

Li Chengxin saw this scene from afar and called her to rescue him.

The phone vibrated, and Tao Yaoyao understood that the call was made by Li Chengxin on purpose, so she turned on the loudspeaker.

On the other end of the phone was Li Chengxin's deliberately urging voice.

"Tao Yaoyao, what are you doing?! Come and move the corpse!"

Tao Yaoyao pretended to nod and bow, "I know the curator, I'll go now. Yang Chengjin, I'm sorry I'm busy."

Just when she closed the phone interface, her expression changed, and she held up her phone and stood there motionless.

Slowly, her eyes turned red, she was surprised and delighted, and unbelievable.

It's just that she is so wronged at this moment.

Why, why only this?She really wanted to go to the virtual world and give him a hug.

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