Krypton Gold rewarded a demon president

Chapter 56 She Was Born to Love Showing

Tao Yaoyao just entered the funeral home, and found that Li Chengxin, the curator Li, had returned.

And his wife Shen Bizhu also followed, Tao Yaoyao looked at her stomach and frowned.

Li Chengxin's face was still a little weak, "She insists on following, I can't help it."

Shen Bizhu hugged her belly and said with a laugh: "The due date is still one month away, it's fine. You are busy, I'll just take a look at it."

Tao Yaoyao looked at this amiable woman, "Last time I asked my sister to pay homage to a Buddhist temple, can you go?"

Li Chengxin shook his head, "After I rested for a few days, she stayed with me for a few days, but she refused to listen. A pregnant woman still insists on coming to a funeral home."

But Li Chengxin couldn't resist her, he couldn't stand the woman crying at all.

Tao Yaoyao took Shen Bizhu's hand, "Is there anything wrong with my sister?"

Shen Bizhu smiled and said, "No, I'm in good health, and I'm a black belt in Taekwondo!"

Tao Yaoyao looked at her stomach, but didn't look any further.

After all, it's impolite for her to stare at people's stomachs all the time, and she can't say anything.

Your fetus is unknown.

Thinking that Li Chengxin treated her kindly on weekdays, she thought about meeting the two masters, black and white, to find a way next time.

Hei Wuchang's words just now lingered in her ears, she shook her head and concentrated on carrying the corpse for cremation.

Just carrying it, Liuli ran out by herself.

"Sister, I feel something is wrong."

After finishing speaking, she pointed to Shen Bizhu not far away.

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but sweat, "Yes, the fetus on her body is very strange."

Liuli looked at her, "Sister, it's a ghost. This ghost is so powerful that it can directly get into the fetus in her stomach."

Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't deal with it. If I shot, the fetus itself would die. I asked her to go to the Buddhist temple just to force her out. But this stomach is the biggest layer Guarantee. Buddhism will not harm other people's lives, including the fetus that is possessed."

Liuli was worried, "As time goes on, this fetus will become weaker and weaker, and will be replaced by that ghost."

"Well, I'll talk about it next time I see the master. Fortunately, Shen Bizhu is full of heaven, and she has a lucky appearance. The horoscope looks quite strong, and Li Chengxin has accumulated a lot of merits on weekdays. For a while, this ghost can't completely replace it. .”

Liuli looked at the busy Tao Yaoyao, and thoughtfully said: "Sister, I can actually help you transport these corpses."

Tao Yaoyao pointed to the bottle with one finger, "No need, I'm not tired, you can come in and practice by yourself."

Liuli looked outside the house, "Sister, your big brother Jinwu is here, I'll go back to the bottle first."

Jin Haoyue came over in a mighty manner, and the surrounding employees didn't seem to see him.

"Take me to see Rui'er, right now."

Tao Yaoyao raised a finger and said with a smile: "1000 yuan."

Jin Haoyue replied easily, "No problem, transfer now."

Tao Yaoyao was delighted to see the money received in the mobile bank.I thought to myself that I recognized this big brother, and I went to see Zhuo Qihua by myself, and someone would reimburse me.

"I want to work, and I have to go to the virtual world for two or three hours and then I have to come back. Don't get out of your body, you will stay longer."

Jin Haoyue immediately frowned, "Then I can only watch, it's really annoying. If I get out of my body, I can only hug for a while."

Tao Yaoyao patted him on the shoulder empathetically, "I understand everything, I understand it too well, I can't even kiss our Ahua now!"

However, in the next second, Zhuo Qihua appeared in front of her.

In an instant, he kissed her lips for four seconds.

At the end of five seconds, Zhuo Qihua returned to the virtual world.

Tao Yaoyao felt a little guilty, "Eh, the slap in the face came so fast."

She even forgot that Zhuo Qihua could come to the real world to find her, even though it was only for five seconds.

Jin Haoyue didn't really dislike it, but she felt envious.

Tao Yaoyao understood that Zhuo Qihua had just appeared, and he was telling herself that he missed her.

She took Jin Haoyue to a deserted place, opened the software and came to the virtual world.

As soon as she entered, she saw a dumbfounded scene.

Zhuo Qihua actually held Jin Haoyue in his arms.

And he smiled and closed his eyes, "I knew Taotao would come to see me soon, why did you become taller?"

In the next second, he pushed Jin Haoyue away in disgust, "You can't see clearly even if you hug someone."

Tao Yaoyao looked at Zhuo Qihua with a displeased face, and he also looked a little embarrassed.

"I'm used to you being the only one here, so I hugged you without even looking at it."

He Xinrui floated out all of a sudden, "Haoyue!"

But she missed it, and then she remembered that she couldn't touch him at all.

Jin Haoyue immediately started preparing to leave her body, but was stopped by He Xinrui.

"No, I wish I could see you more."

Zhuo Qihua grabbed Tao Yaoyao's little hand, "Shall we go in?"

She stretched out her finger and pointed to his body, "Turn around and squat down."

Zhuo Qihua didn't realize it yet, but he did it anyway.

Tao Yaoyao threw herself on his back all at once, although she was light and light, she couldn't hold her back with great strength.With this sudden strength, Zhuo Qihua couldn't help supporting the weight of the two with both hands on the ground.

But in the next second, he pretended that nothing had happened, put his hands on her short legs and stood up.

Tao Yaoyao moved her body, resting her head on his cheek, whispering something in his ear.

"You came to kiss me just now, and I was taken aback. Before you could react, you disappeared. Next time, let's go to the real world together when we are ready together."

Zhuo Qihua had a clingy tone, "I miss you so much, I can't stand it."

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but find it funny watching him utter these sassy words in a serious manner.

At first glance, she really thought he was a domineering president, but she was very happy with this contrasting personality.

Maybe it's because she likes to show off by nature?
As soon as he entered the bedroom, Zhuo Qihua put her on the edge of the desk, skillfully took out a section of plastic wrap and covered the lower half of her face.

He bowed his body and kissed him accurately, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being overwhelmed by his enthusiasm, her back was tilted and hung in the air.

Zhuo Qihua came to his senses, supported her back with one hand, and then kissed her neck.

Tao Yaoyao half pushed and shoved, "Don't, I have to go back to work in two hours, so it will be obvious that I have to gossip again."

However, Zhuo Qihua raised his head, with a harmless expression, his eyes were almost watering.

"Can't we kiss?"

How could Tao Yaoyao hold back, and pushed his head back.

"Kiss, kiss!"

Zhuo Qihua raised his head again with a tender look on his face.

"Taotao, can you go on strike? I really want you to stay a little longer. The three months I promised me last time have not been fulfilled yet."

Tao Yaoyao thought that Li Chengxin had also returned, and when she was about to agree, her expression became solemn.

Something must have happened to Shen Bizhu in the funeral home!

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