
This is the most famous garden in the imperial capital.

It is not so much a garden as it is a manor.It's just that all kinds of flowers are planted in this manor.

The group of villas in the center of the garden are all houses with small attics.

And here is the recording venue of House of Flowers.

Today Wen Qiao is dressed like a flower elf, extremely cute and playful.Her long hair was braided into two braids and she was wearing a green gauze dress.She wears a circle of small pearls around her neck, her hair is braided with broken pearls, and the makeup on her face is also shiny.With her petite and well-proportioned figure, she looks extremely cute and playful.

Fang Ruhua is taking a gentle route, wearing a white dress dyed green, her hair is also braided, but there is only one braid, wearing jade bracelets, pearl necklaces, and light makeup, she looks gentle and elegant stand up.

There are two other people participating in the show with the two of them. These two people are the male and female protagonists of the popular drama recently.This drama is a small sweet youth drama, it can be said that it is very happy to sprinkle sugar, the audience said that it is too sweet, it is so sweet, because the two are also wearing very youthful couple outfits, quite high school students the taste of.

Although these two people were not as good-looking as Wen Qiao and Fang Ruhua, they both looked fresh and full of youth.Moreover, the two are now in the business period, and the interaction is extremely sweet.It compares Fang Ruhua and Wen Qiao a lot.

Because of the sudden rainfall recorded today, only some indoor interactions can be recorded.

On a whim, the host asked them to form two pairs to arrange flowers. Since that pair was the hero and heroine, Wen Qiao and Fang Ruhua naturally formed a group.

During this period, the two had no unnecessary communication, and even Fang Ruhua didn't dare to look Wen Qiao squarely.

Fang Ruhua's actions made Wen Qiao wonder. In the past, Fang Ruhua was either acting hypocritically or scolding her when he came up, but the current state really confuses her.

Wen Qiao could only think wildly, she shouldn't be messing around, she always felt that Fang Ruhua was full of bad things in her heart.

Although there was little communication, at least the two of them didn't have a cold face, they both smiled at each other, but the interaction was really a little bit less, and it always felt that the two were fake.

The host is also unbelievable, the host is also a little bit knowledgable, knowing that these two are the relationship between the aunt and the niece, but how can they even interact so well, the wealthy are really messed up.The host laments that your circle is really chaotic.

But the final product is astounding.Although Wen Qiao and Fang Ruhua had little interaction, the final work was very beautiful.

Probably the taste of the rich and powerful is very good, or this is the tacit understanding between the little aunt and niece.

The host couldn't help but slander.

Fang Ruhua didn't dare to say more and see more.

Although she wanted to mess with wen qiao a while ago, she is cowardly again now.

As soon as Fang Ruhua saw Wen Qiao, she could think of Ji Rufeng. At that time, she really wanted to mess with Ji Rufeng, but she didn't expect that Ji Rufeng would really disappear. This was the first time she did such a thing.He was also very scared in his heart, afraid that Wen Qiao would find out.

To put it bluntly, Fang Ruhua didn't think that it would really kill people.

In addition, Fang Shian has been acting as a demon recently, Fang Ruhua has to be more honest, fearing that she will be found out, and it will be over.

Before the recording was finished, Wen Qiao received a call from Leng Yixuan, saying that he was coming to pick her up.

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