Wen Qiao covered her mouth with her hands, her lips trembling uncontrollably.

"Why don't you write me a song?"

In the recording studio, Wen Qiao sat on the sofa with her mouth pouted, and said very dissatisfied.

The girl's little face was full of dissatisfaction.He looked to the other side with some jealousy.

Ji Rufeng held the new song written for the singer in his hand and rubbed his hair.

this aunt
Where did he not write to her...
"Okay, okay, didn't you write a song for you when you participated in the audition?" Ji Rufeng went straight to Wen Qiao and said dotingly.

Wen Qiao pursed her lips, glanced at the recording studio, and sighed, "Is that still a thing? I'm not prepared at all!"

It wasn't written for her at all, it was just for the audition.

big liar!
Seeing this, Ji Rufeng hurried over, sat on Wen Qiao's left side, put his hands on her shoulders, and squeezed her shoulders pretending to be flattering.

Also hammered.

"I'll write to you in a few days!" Ji Rufeng vowed.

Wen Qiao glanced at him, "Humph."

"Since you said it so sincerely, then I will show you a few days of mercy." Wen Qiao picked up the milk on the table and tried to unscrew it, but found that it couldn't be unscrewed, so he handed the drink to Ji Rufeng .

Ji Rufeng immediately understood, took it, unscrewed it, and handed it to Wen Qiao.

After the memories were over, Wen Qiao still couldn't accept the reality that Ji Rufeng was not around.

"Auntie, that's all." Wen Qiao said in a low voice, feeling a little depressed.

Ji's mother took the box and found that Wen Qiao didn't let go. "Qiao Qiao?" Wen Qiao finally realized, "Ah, Auntie, I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay, take a good rest." Ji's mother comforted.

In the end, Ji's mother still gave Wen Qiao the key.

"I believe Rufeng thinks the same way. After all, you don't have a place to live yet. If you rent a house by yourself, you might as well continue to live in this house." Ji's mother tried to persuade her.

Wen Qiao finally accepted the key.He said that he would send money to Ji's mother on a regular basis.

Ji's mother couldn't refuse, so she finally agreed.

It was already dark after all the formalities were completed.

Wen Qiao returned to the residence, and the things inside were already different from before.His stuff is gone, only his stuff is left.

The room on the right is empty, with a few clothes left.Ji's mother didn't take it away, saying that it was too much to let go, and let herself watch and deal with it.

Wen Qiao didn't throw them away, but let them stay in their place.

What if he comes back?

It would be nice if that was the case.

Wen Qiao turned on the phone and found a bunch of missed calls and text messages on it.

Finally, she called Murong Ting.

After a few beeps, it was convenient to connect.

"Boss, it's me, Wen Qiao." Wen Qiao lowered her eyes, sat up straight, and said slowly, she was a little nervous.

Murong Ting stood up and left his chair, looked out of the window, and saw the neon lights below.

"What's the matter, it's the first time for you to call me so late." The man's mature and steady voice undoubtedly added a little peace of mind to Wen Qiao's heart.

He knew about Ji Rufeng's car accident early in the morning.

That young man was outstandingly talented and a caring person by Wen Qiao's side. He never expected to encounter such an accident.

Wen Qiao said, "I want to quit the showbiz." This was the result of her deliberation.

Not only for himself, but also for Ji Rufeng.If he is still there, he must be supporting him.

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