As deep as you are as hell

Chapter 43: Zhu Qianqian also joined Yuanshui Group

I thought that Jin Ye would come back soon after going out for a while, but I curled up on the sofa until he took a nap, and I didn't wait until he came back to continue watching the football game with me.

Sleepiness swept up like a rising tide of sea water, and when my eyelids were up and down, the piercing cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Xi's voice sounded exasperated: "Chen Jiao, you'd better come back! No, why don't you come back at all, pack up your bags and leave!"

The moment she hung up the phone angrily, I was still in a fog, completely clueless.

I persevered in calling back, and after hanging up countless calls, Lin Xi finally chose to answer.

The other end of the phone was very quiet, I could even hear Lin Xi's peaceful breathing.She seemed to have returned to the cold tone of the robot again, and the gaffe just now was gone.

I was the first to speak: "It's not too late to scold me after you tell me what happened, and I believe that as Mr. Chu's personal secretary, you have seen big storms and faced various emergencies, and you should understand that scolding is the most ineffective the wrist of."

Hit the snake and hit seven inches.

In fact, I can also guess why Lin Xi was so angry just now, but the first scene that came to my mind was the scene of me asking for leave with Chu Ting that afternoon.

I swear that I can balance these two things well, and work and friends will not delay both.

Chu Ting tapped the table with one hand, and when he spoke again, he said in a slightly mocking tone, "Is Jin Ye so important to you? In other words, do you really only consider him a friend? Yes How could I have forgotten the confession between Jin Ye and you."

When Jin Ye confessed his love to me, I hadn't divorced Qin Lang yet.

And that time Jin Ye's tone was too casual, and he acted as if he was okay when I rejected him, which made me think that he was really just making fun of me at that time.

But how did Chu Ting know about this?
The sarcasm in his eyes was so strong that he didn't even look up at me after signing his name on my leave slip.

"Anyway, you are in Cao Ying and your heart is in Han. But Chen Jiao, don't forget Yuanshui's assessment system. I still say that, we in Yuanshui will never support idlers. And I gave you a chance to be promoted, it was you Give it up and don't want it."

But now, Lin Xi told me that the Dinghui Group rushed two days before the press conference and released the rumor that Huamao accepted their investment.

Huamao immediately chose to refute the rumors, but found that Dinghui Group had hung up the investment agreement behind.

Zhong Rong and Gu Peicheng rushed back to Gu's house overnight, caught in a dilemma, faced with enemies from both sides, already a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, unable to protect themselves.

The news conference of Dinghui preempted the press conference. If it is held normally, netizens and stockholders will blame Huamao for its profit-seeking and breach of trust.

Businessmen are profit shooters, but for a company, integrity is far more important than financial profit.

And now Yuanshui and Huamao have signed a confidentiality agreement long ago, and they will not announce the investment news until the press conference, so that it is not right to issue a statement now, nor is it right to let the public opinion ferment, and it will be a difficult situation to ride a tiger.

"Then how does the president feel now?" I asked Lin Xi cautiously, in fact, I was afraid that I would receive a dismissal letter from Yuanshui Group in the next second.

"The president is already calling a meeting with the company's public relations department."

I don't know where I got the courage to ask Lin Xi if he could hand over the phone to Chu Ting. I want to have a few words with Chu Ting in person.

Lin Xi's tone dropped to freezing point.

"Because of your dereliction of duty, this matter that was originally a certainty has gone so wrong. You have used the president's hard work as a stone for water, and made you make wedding dresses for others. Do you feel so sorry? Always still..."

Her tone suddenly took a 180-degree turn, with a bit of docile respect.

Although I could only vaguely hear their conversation, the images had automatically played out in my mind.


"Give me your phone."

"But the president..."

"give me."


After a moment of silence, the other end of the phone was still very quiet. I picked up the phone case and didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Playing dumb fans with me, do you think I can understand what you mean without talking?"

I seem to hear the sound of a lighter being pressed.When I thought that Chu Ting might be smoking because he was distracted by the trouble I caused, my heart sank like a boulder for no reason.

"Mr. Chu, I am incapable of handling this matter." I admitted my mistake honestly.

"When are you coming back?"


"If you want to apologize, come to me tomorrow and tell me in person." His voice suddenly became somewhat inexplicably hoarse.

Just before the call was about to hang up, I suddenly asked, "Mr. Chu, are you willing to believe me?"

As soon as the phone was hung up, Jin Ye happened to come in from the door.I don't know if it was my illusion, but I always felt that there was a bit of hostility in his eyes, but after seeing me, he returned to normal emotions.

I noticed that there was a red mark on his forehead, and it felt like someone had punched his forehead hard.

But Jin Ye explained that it was because he accidentally knocked into the corner of the wall.

I hurriedly told him that I had some problems at work, and I was going back to City A tonight.

He couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes: "Tomorrow is a local festival, and Border Trade Street is very lively... Can't we just stay another day?"

But I still took the latest flight that night and flew back to City A.

The office building in Yuanshui is still brightly lit at twelve o'clock at night, and the blue lattice rooms seem to hide countless violent lions.

"If the decimal point is wrong, it's wrong. Don't be lazy if you recalculate!"

"It's an investment contract agreement, not a project shareholding cooperation agreement. Who made such a big oolong?!"

"Where is the operating data of Huamao in the early stage? Can you give me the data of the gross profit rate in the past three years?"

Brother Xu slammed a stack of documents on the table, and the entire project department fell silent.

Everyone was silent for a while, then quickly took away the materials they submitted, and returned to their seats to push the version and re-edit it.

As soon as Brother Xu turned his head, he saw me pulling the suitcase.

His face was still flushed, obviously very angry.

When Chu Ting took me on a business trip back then, only the manager and brother Xu knew about the entire project department.But after returning to the company, I didn't take the initiative to ask these seniors for advice or share the situation. As for the big problem now, Brother Xu wanted to wipe my ass, but he didn't know how to start.

People from the public relations department were dragged by Chu Ting to hold a meeting on the 26th floor. The employees of the project department sighed and re-drafted the investment agreement.

Brother Xu grabbed my wrist and took me to a place with few people.

He has a cropped cropped head and looks dull in a pair of large black-rimmed glasses.But his ability to work is really impossible to fault.

"At the beginning, where did you choose to connect with the person in charge of Huamao? Are there any other idlers waiting there?" He tried his best to calm down, suppressing the urge to reprimand me.

I hesitated for a while, and said softly: "Actually, colleagues in the project department don't have to stay and work overtime. I can solve the troubles I caused by myself."

"Oh, how do you solve it? Don't you know how much you weigh yourself?"

When the piercing female voice sounded, I still thought that I had heard it wrong.

Why did Zhu Qianqian appear in Yuanshui again?Shouldn't she still be in the hospital?
Or when did Yuanshui's threshold become so low that even people like Zhu Qianqian were recruited?

For a moment, there was lightning and thunder in my mind, and I quickly understood what Chu Ting said before.

"Besides, I gave you the chance to be promoted, but you gave it up to me." So that's what it meant?
As long as I make mistakes in my work, as long as I slap my ass and leave, Zhu Qianqian can take over my position at any time, just like the days when I was working in the bank?
Brother Xu's short-term protection is well-known in the company, and his finger almost poked Zhu Qianqian's forehead.

"Who do you think you are? You can scold Chen Jiao casually? Her ability is much superior to yours, but you don't know where you are in the group?"

Although Chu Ting's attitude towards me was ambiguous and entangled, almost everyone in the company acquiesced that he was my backer.

And Zhu Qianqian's background can probably only be described as tofu mixed with shallots.

Zhu Qianqian nodded and bowed: "Yes, yes, I just accidentally lost control just now, I'm sorry!"

I was a little happy to see her deflated, and I even wanted to say something brave.

With Brother Xu present, how could Zhu Qianqian dare to stay longer, so she had no choice but to leave in despair.

Brother Xu glanced over, and I quickly turned my expression back to serious, and brought the topic back on track: "I don't want my colleagues in the project department to work overtime, because this is a mess I made by myself..."

"But the project has always been in the same spirit, and you have never heard of the principle that if one prospers and the other loses, you haven't heard of it?" He patted my shoulder meaningfully, "If you really don't want to trouble everyone, next time you will take out your ten Treat each project with equal energy. I believe in the vision of the president, you are not a person in the pool, and you will not stay in the small place of the project department forever."

The next day is Tuesday. According to the normal plan, I should go to Gu Peicheng and his wife to check the details of the agreement again today, and go to the scene to confirm and guarantee that there will be no mistakes on the part of the organizer of the press conference.

But the Dinghui Group's tactic disrupted all my arrangements.

But none of my phone calls to Zhong Rong was answered.Now I don't know what's going on with the Gu family.

Yuanshui Group's 26th floor was lit all night last night, and in the end they only drafted a statement at the press conference.

This is to hold a press conference normally according to the worst plan, and put most of the responsibility on Huamao's swaying left and right and the infirmity of choosing a partner.

But in this way, regardless of the personal relationship between Gu Peisheng and Chu Ting, it will be difficult for the two companies to have any chance to cooperate in the future.

I came to Chu Ting's office with a stack of documents, and Lin Xilian glanced at me several times.

Chu Ting seemed to have not slept all night, his lower eyelids were covered with dense red bloodshot eyes, and there was a patch of indigo daisy under his eyes.

When he saw me, he seemed to be stunned for a moment. Of course, he didn't have a good look at me.

"I thought you handed in your resignation letter today."

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