As deep as you are as hell

Chapter 167: Suspicious Voice Recorder

"Get to the point." I reminded.

"Although the president of the Black Rock Group is still very optimistic about your ability, he tried his best to give you a chance to make up for your mistakes at the regular meeting, but... the resolution passed by the top management still removes you from the position of chairman and demotes you to a project manager. In addition, they will send someone from London to take over the position of chairman, and it should be here in two days."

The so-called cold tea is nothing more than that.

It's just that my eyelids twitched violently, always feeling like a disaster is imminent.

Tang Shangque looked at me, as if afraid that I would get angry.

But I just asked calmly: "Do you know who the person sent by the headquarters is?"

Mingshun Venture Capital was founded by me anyway, and I can't believe it, and I'm not reconciled to handing it over to the people at the Black Rock Group.

Shaking his head, Tang Shangque's tone was full of hesitation: "I heard that she seems to be a woman, and she is also a native of City A. I also heard that she used to study some kind of administrative management, but it doesn't match venture capital at all."

As if thinking of something, he suddenly made up his mind and said, "If you, chairman, leave the company, then I will definitely pack up and leave with you. Or whichever department you transfer to, I will follow you to that department."

The corners of my lips curled into an arc, and my knuckles touched the table unconsciously, making a "tuk-tuk" sound: "You will go wherever I go? Tang Shangque, have you ever wondered whether I am worth your following? You are now the backbone of the company, if you run away with me, aren't you afraid of giving me the notoriety of 'digging the wall' again?"

I thought clearly in my heart, I haven't known Tang Shangque for a long time, why should he be so devoted to me?
And in the days to come, what am I facing?
Why should I drag irrelevant people into this muddy water again?

Tang Shangque's face was a little helpless, but it was because he couldn't refute the second half of the sentence, as if he was frightened.

He is obviously in his 20s, and he has been in the industry for some years, but his heart is sometimes as honest and hot as a child.I can't help shaking my head and sighing.

Pulling out a document from the briefcase, I asked him what he thought of the cooperation with the Dingtong Group.

The initial olive branch was thrown by us, and they waited for the limelight to pass and then carefully chose to cooperate with us. It stands to reason that it is correct.It's just that my mood has changed, and I even feel that this project is not enough to start so many project funds.

Tang Shangque thought about it: "Although Dingtong Group didn't make trouble this time, the attitude of sitting on the sidelines also made me worry. Whether they can really become a good partner..."

Venture capital companies are not doing charity, why spend so much money to raise an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf?

"This time the hot search clarified the incident, the second Weibo big V's testimony was the child he invited." The words were rough and reasonable, I stated the facts calmly, "And at the press conference, he would be with Tong Shan Mr. Mo from the capital is walking together, and he also wants to persuade Mr. Mo to stop thinking about Dingtong Group and find another project to invest in."

And why do I know such details?

Thanks to another anonymous email, but the effect of not being anonymous is not very important. The moment I received the email, I knew it was from Chu Ting.

Even the first person who jumped out to testify for me, I knew he had deliberately arranged it.

I can't refuse this kindness, I can only accept it.

"So, they made up their minds to cooperate with us at the time of the press conference? But why didn't they respond when we emailed them at the beginning?"

I glanced at the tanager, "Do you think it's formal enough to send an email?"

Tang Shangque was thoughtful, then nodded: "It is indeed reasonable to say so. What is the current attitude of the chairman?"

"This project is entrusted to you." I can trust him, "but remember, you must not expose this matter to the public."

This should be the last project I can work on.

Cooperating with the company with Ding is also related to whether I can make a good turnaround.

As for Lichen Company, I was completely offended, so I didn't place any more hopes on it.

After chatting with Tang Shangque about some things, I left the company and returned to the courtyard.

The bricks, tiles, plants and trees here are all too familiar to me, but they feel extremely strange in an instant.

The vegetation in the yard is full of vitality, and the wisteria is covered with wooden frames, pouring down like a water curtain.And the garden was full of my favorite daisies and violets.

There is no accumulation of dead branches and leaves in the corridor, no cobwebs in the room, and it is clean and dust-free inside and out.It's just... there is no sign of people living here.

Doubts arose in my mind: Did the aunt I hired to clean regularly not move away or... Soon, I shook my head again, thinking what does this matter have to do with Chu Ting?
The high heels stepped on the bluestone floor tiles, making a crisp sound.

I stopped, staring at the toe of the shoe in a daze.

This small courtyard once held so many vivid, happy, and sad memories of my childhood, but now it stands here, and every corner is full of melancholy.

But at the moment, I am a little confused. I have been going around for most of my life, but I don't know what I have been chasing.

It seems that I have never gained much love and warmth. This road poured with blood is full of hatred and distorted anger at a glance.

When I was tired from walking, I sat on the swing in the garden to rest.

The wind in May was still cold, and dense goose bumps appeared on my arms.

Here, Chu Ting once hugged me in his arms, and wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes with rough fingertips... In every corner of this city, I always think of him unconsciously.

But I will also think of the bloody car accident at the alley, my father’s death, and the box of warm osmanthus cakes that were thrown in the trash can... Love and hate are intertwined, so I am the only one trapped in the memory , unable to get away for a long time.

Perhaps it was because I was too tired these days, I took a nap and fell asleep with my eyes closed.

When I opened my eyes, my pupils flooded with brilliant sunset glow.

I rubbed my pantothenic acid-numbed ankle, and was about to stand up, but the heel of my high-heeled shoes tilted to the side, and I clearly heard a "click" sound from the bones.

The fleeting time is not good.

I sighed in my heart, but the pain spread from my ankle to my whole body, and the neck of my ankle was already red and swollen, as if I had been stung by a bee.

I tried to take a few steps forward, and my ankle twisted again, adding to the injury.

"Miss Sofia?" A deep voice came from behind me.

After parting, I never thought we would meet again so soon.

And as soon as I met his deep eyes, a surge of acid surged from the tip of my nose.

It's like a child suddenly saw a close person after wrestling, and couldn't help but open his hands and beg for a hug.

I hurriedly drove away these unrealistic thoughts in my mind, suppressed the strangeness in my voice, and greeted Chu Ting lightly: "What a coincidence, I met you here."

"Coincidental?" He emphasized his voice, obviously wondering why I appeared here.

This time I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it away. I even felt that Chu Ting would ask me in the next sentence: "You are Chen Jiao, right?"

I turned my face away, but Chu Ting didn't ask me why I appeared in the courtyard, but instead asked, "Did you twist your foot?"

"Hmm." I snorted in a nasal voice, neither light nor heavy.

"Where are you going back? How are you going to go back?"

Chu Ting came here today because he thought that if Zhao Qingyun wanted to live in a courtyard house, he would have to send someone to clean the house in advance, and make up for missing furniture in time.

But he didn't expect to meet me here.

Everything seems to have an answer in the dark.

Some things, it seems, do not need words to confirm.

I reported the address of the villa, but I also worried about how to get back. I drove when I came, and now I have a sprained ankle, but I can’t really bite the bullet and step on the gas pedal to drive home, right?

And what is the reason for the smile in Chu Ting's eyes?Does he really want to see me embarrassing?
But the next moment, he squatted down in front of me, leaving his broad back to me: "Come on, my young lady."

There was a touch of helplessness in his tone, but more of it was inexplicable pampering.My heart is itchy like being brushed by a feather.

I tried to be brave: "Who needs you to carry it? I can walk by myself... Hiss."

The red and swollen ankle couldn't wait to hit my face, and every step I took was painful.

Chu Ting laughed, and couldn't help saying that he carried me on his back.

One foot deep, one foot shallow.A long road, we walk slowly.

It's just that for some reason, my eyes were filled with hot tears, and each drop fell on Chu Ting's clothes, blooming little flowers.

But Chu Ting didn't say anything.He is never silent.

Fearing that I would be cold, Chu Ting let me put the suit jacket on my shoulders again.I found a hard object in his pocket and took it out. It was a recording pen.

"This is?" I asked Chu Ting hesitantly and awkwardly, thinking that he had discovered the recording pen I left in Yu's house.

Chu Ting's expression changed, and he quickly grabbed the recording pen from my palm. After four years, it was the first time I saw him so nervous.

His expression then returned to normal: "Nothing."

He didn't want to say more, and I wisely stopped asking.In terms of knowing people's winks, I have always been impeccable.

When sending me to the villa, Chu Ting bought me medicine for bruises and sprains, but I insisted on taking medicine for myself.

Although I was about to grin my teeth in pain, but fortunately I could still keep my face calm.

For a moment, I wished that there was such a person who could understand what I was thinking with just my eyes and small movements. In front of him, I didn't need to pretend, and I didn't worry about him pulling me down from the altar and becoming a layman.

Chu Ting didn't seem to have any plans to leave yet, so he opened up the chatterbox and asked me what I'm up to lately, and whether I was frightened when he grabbed my ankle yesterday.

I answered some questions selectively, raised my eyes and looked at Chu Ting seriously.

I was thinking, why did Ji Jiayan come to see me after so many months, just to remind me to stay away from Chu Ting?And Chu Ting suffered such a serious injury recently, why have I never heard him complain about pain?
The willingness to inquire represents the desire to get to know this person in depth.

I stopped when the time came, and was just a quiet listener until I heard Chu Ting ask me a question before.

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