As deep as you are as hell

Chapter 114: My mother told me the truth about my father's death

Of course, there is another possibility.It's just that Chu Manyin has a high position and power. How can ordinary people like us get in touch with his circle of life and pry into any private information about him?

I remembered the box of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes thrown in the trash can when I was a child, and I was in a daze for a moment, unable to tell whether the scene was my absurd dream or a fragment of my forgotten memory.

"Mom." I haven't called my mother by this name for a long time. "Now the Chen family is left with only our mother and daughter to depend on each other. Don't you really plan to talk to me about these things?"

I know my mother's character and personality, she will definitely not be the kind of person who hates the house and the black.She has been teaching for many years, and many of her students are surnamed Chu. Why haven't you seen her lose her temper with those children?

I thought carefully about my mother's expression when she saw Chu Ting for the first time.The surprise and panic in her eyes at that time were more like seeing a familiar person!
"Did you see the shadow of Chu Manyin in Chu Ting?" I also suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness in my heart.

The wall lights were mottled, and the dim light enveloped the mother.A lot of gray hair has grown from her sideburns, and the look on her face is tired, showing a rare old look.

I am most afraid of my mother's silence. A heart is like fifteen buckets fetching water, up and down.

But the mother turned around and took out a stack of case reports from the drawer. Reading glasses were placed on the bridge of her nose, slowly softening her temperament a bit.

"I didn't want to explain these words to you so clearly. But I'm not in good health recently. I'm really afraid that if I let go, no one will want to clear your father's innocence."

The case report was handed over to me, and the three big characters of "coronary heart disease" made my eyes hurt.

"When you were young, you always used the phrase 'Dad is a great hero', but after the car accident, all kinds of slander and dirty water came. After all, who would care about the reputation of a dead person?"

So they began to say, how could Chen Zemin be considered a good official?
The "Operation Thunder" he carried out to uproot so many so-called "cancers" was just to eliminate dissidents so that his official career would be prosperous and smooth.And the practical things he has done for the people are gradually forgotten, and his subordinates can only remember his hot temper.

"So, do you think that your father's life has been quite a failure? But I'm just an ordinary woman with little knowledge and ability. I can bring you up and watch you get married. It's extremely difficult. As for repaying your father's innocence, it's impossible."

My mother spent most of her life guarding the small county town, but she watched me turn around and walk into that colorful world exclusive to the rich and powerful.

"And why is my attitude towards Chu Ting so strange? In fact, you guessed it pretty well." As soon as I brought Chu Ting in front of her that night, she felt that Chu Ting's eyebrows and eyes were very familiar!

How could there be two people who look so alike!Chu Ting and Chu Slowin seem to be carved out of the same mold!

"The police called me that night and told me that there was an accident at the entrance of the alley." My mother's shoulders trembled, and she couldn't help her emotions when she thought about that incident back then.

At that time, the cordon had been pulled up, blocking the crowd of onlookers taking pictures.The police were collecting evidence, and the rain was pouring down.

As soon as the mother went to the scene, she was frightened by the large blood clots pouring out. She glanced into the crowd in a panic, and met the eyes of a little boy.

He was standing in the corner, and suddenly he grinned at her!And his white hands were still stained with dark red blood!

On the second day after the accident happened, after the mother came back from the funeral home, she didn't go home immediately, but went directly to knock on the door of the neighbor's house next door. The boy saved me once in an earthquake, but we don't even know who he was or who he was.

After knocking on the door for a long time, my mother waited until the sky was filled with burning clouds, but she couldn't wait for anyone to open the door.

The passing neighbors kindly told her that the family moved out early this morning, saying that they were frightened by the car accident yesterday, so they packed up their things and moved out overnight.

The mother's words also gradually became agitated, her chest heaving up and down: "I don't believe that such a coincidence really happened! Your father's death back then must have something to do with their family! Thanks to your father's death, he still thought they were That family is pitiful, the orphan and widow moved here, and advised me to visit the house more often.”

But the neighbors in the neighborhood also said that the woman was not serious, she dared to blatantly bring the man into the house during the day, and she didn't care if the child was present.

I fell silent for a while, listening to my mother say to me earnestly: "I asked you to keep a distance from Chu Ting, and if you can break it off, don't get involved so deeply... I am also for your own good."

Her face suddenly turned pale, she stared at my lower abdomen, and silently calculated the month of my pregnancy: "Did you give birth to the child?"

Is that child less than a month old?
No wonder she felt that I had lost so much weight when she saw me this time.

"Chu Ting doesn't want to accept you? You come back because you think the baby in your womb is unknown?" The mother was a little anxious, and her speech became very fast.

I pressed her hand, trying to keep my mother from getting excited.But I don't know how to explain these things to her.

"The child belongs to Chu Ting. He was the one who had sex with me in the hotel."

"But I didn't take good care of the child. I fell and the child could not be kept..."

I slowly took off the mask, revealing the hideous scars on my face.I also lifted up the sleeves of my clothes, revealing the injuries I had suffered a few days ago.

I calmly narrated what happened to me these days, but my mother listened to me, the circles of my eyes turned red uncontrollably, and all the veins on my hands also popped up.

"I'll go to him to settle the score!" Mother stood up suddenly, rushed into the kitchen and came back, holding a shiny silver kitchen knife in her hand.

I stopped my mother: "Mom, what are you doing?!"

I also felt uncomfortable, especially after knowing that Chu Ting might have something to do with my father's events back then, my heart was full of lumps.

I snatched the kitchen knife from her and kicked it under the sofa. I hugged my mother and said, "Mom, trust me, I will be able to handle this matter. I won't let myself, let alone Make dad feel wronged."

If Chu Ting is really involved in his father's death, even if I risk my life, I won't make Chu Ting feel better!

My mother was lying in my arms, covering her face and weeping bitterly. The crying was suppressed and subtle, but it was like long needles piercing my heart.

After this night, my mother and I were reconciled.

She no longer frowns coldly at me, nor reprimands me all the time, but clings to me instead.

After I stayed with her for two days, my mother began to drive me back to City A.

"What are you doing here all the time? You're not used to living here. Every time, don't you dislike the smell of fish and shrimp on both sides of the alley?"

"And I'm an old man, don't I know how to take care of myself? Even if you are really worried about me, don't you still have a neighbor, Aunt Cheng?" During the days when I didn't return to Yancheng, Cheng Yuanqing was always there to help me. our home.

My words were a little muffled, and I threw myself into my mother's arms, clinging to her arms like a child and acting like a baby: "But after I returned to City A this time, I don't know when I will be back. Why don't you let me accompany you a little longer?" Are you two days?"

After spending a few more days with my mother, I can let go and boldly do what I want to do.

My mother poked the tip of my nose, but didn't notice the strange emotion in me: "When you want to come back, isn't it up to you? If you stay with me, then you don't need to work in City A?"

She still doesn't know that I have lost my job long ago, and I can't even support myself.

I continued coquettishly: "Maybe I can really resign right away, I'll just stay by your side, eat yours, drink yours and use yours, can't I eat my old age?"

My mother caught something wrong from my words: "Girl, you don't want to do anything, do you? Let me tell you, we won't take that courtyard house if we can't get it back. Don't confront Chu Ting head-on..."

I smiled: "Mom, what are you talking about? I have no money, no power, and no power. What should I use to fight Chu Ting? Isn't this equivalent to hitting a rock with an egg?"

Mother didn't believe it or not: "Are you serious?"

I nodded, patted my chest and reassured my mother.But she still didn't let me stay. I took the bus that night and went back to City A overnight.

The streets are full of traffic and colorful neon lights.I was carrying my bag and was about to find some change. When I went to a public phone booth to call Zhongrong, I saw a bulging envelope.

The seal was torn off, revealing the end of a wad of red banknotes.

Mother’s handwriting is beautiful and grand: “This time when you came back, Mom took a look at your bag on her own initiative, and only found a piece of 50 yuan in your wallet. Mom was wondering if you were short of money recently, and it happened that Mom I still have some spare money on hand, and I don’t need it myself, so you can use it for emergencies.”

Judging by the thickness of this banknote, it is at least 5000 yuan.

It was as if dense electric currents were flowing through my whole body, and my eye sockets turned red instantly, and I squatted on the ground helplessly, with my head deeply buried in my knees.

"Chen Jiao? Why are you squatting here?" Someone patted my shoulder, and then slowly bent down.

When I looked up, I saw that it was Tan Xiaoyi, and quickly wiped away my tears, and smiled uglier than crying: "Sister, I'm just tired of walking and squatting here to rest."

A tissue was stuffed into my hand: "They all called me sister and lied to me."

She helped me up and sat down on a bench in the park beside me.

"I looked at that person's back from a distance and saw that it was you. When I stepped forward, I found that it was really you. Just looking at you like this, could it be possible that you were bullied again?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, then I won't force you. It just so happens that I have something to ask you, and I'm worrying about how I can contact you since you don't have a mobile phone."

She took out a credit card from her wallet, it was platinum, and she looked very tall: "Didn't you ask me to return the [-] to that man a few days ago? I went to the company several times before I reached the door." I was immediately kicked out by the security guards, and I was worrying about how to return the money."

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