Luo Xiaowan didn't stay long and returned home soon.

To her surprise, the lights at home were always on, Xie Muchen's car was parked in the garage in the garden, and the housekeeper was washing the car in nylon clothes.

"Is Muchen back?" Luo Xiaowan asked.It's too ambiguous to be called dear, and Mr. Xie is too ostentatious. It seems more appropriate to say "Mu Chen".

"Yes, Mr. Chen said to wash the car, and he will go back to the company to work overtime later." The housekeeper turned off the water spray gun in his hand and replied.

"I still have to go back, so why come back..." Luo Xiaowan suddenly recalled, the voice of talking to herself became smaller and smaller, she stopped talking, and then thought for a moment: "Okay, sorry for your trouble, he is resting in the bedroom ?"

"You're welcome, Mr. Chen is waiting for you in the lobby." The housekeeper greeted and continued to work.

Luo Xiaowan gently pushed the door open, and just about to speak, she saw Xie Muchen in a dark suit, sitting on the sofa and falling asleep with his head up, his hands crossed together, his bones were distinct, and he was so thin that it made people feel distressed , All of his hands were extinguished cigarette butts.She approached and looked at him as if he was a little haggard, and his eyes were a little pale. The food was already set on the dining table, and he was waiting for her to come home for dinner.

Luo Xiaowan couldn't bear it, she went upstairs carefully and took a blanket down, just about to cover him up, when he suddenly opened his eyes, the sharp corners of which were still hazy, and looked at her, but he actually avoided it.Xiaowan held the blanket in her hand and said, "Why don't you go to bed and rest for a while, I'll call you when you go to the company."

Xie Muchen rubbed his eyebrows, stood up with support, he couldn't stand for a long time, his eyes were sleepy, like a conditioned reflex, he took Luo Xiaowan's wrist and sat down at the dining table, lit the candle again, he cast a glance For the food, the weak candlelight reflected the fragility in his eyes, but he still smiled slightly: "The food is getting cold, I'll go and heat it up."

"No need." Luo Xiaowan saw him getting up in a hurry, she quickly reached out her hand to stop him, and directly held his cold and bony hand, a burst of cold swept her whole body: "I want to discuss something with you."

Xie Muchen's body trembled, followed Luo Xiaowan's trend and sat back, took a sip of the lemonade on the table, looked at Luo Xiaowan sleepily, and thought about it: "Oh, okay, is there not enough money? "But he was choked by the lemonade he had just entered, with tears in his eyes, coughing badly, and immediately took out his mobile phone in a panic: "The company just received an order these days, and I'm still busy. I'll call my dad Just say, don't worry."

"No, that's not what I meant," Luo Xiaowan hurriedly pulled out a tissue to wipe the corners of Xie Muchen's mouth, watching Xie Muchen slowly put down his phone, his eyes were red from the lemonade, and he crossed his legs and sat across from him without saying anything. Swipe the card across the tidy table and send it to Xie Muchen: "I used a little money to pay the medical expenses for a child, but don't worry, I will return the money to you soon, this one first for you."

Xie Muchen cast a glance at it, but did not move it.

"Oh, good." He turned his face to the side, took out the cigarette again, opened the mouth of the cigarette with one hand, picked it up with two white fingers, and put it into the mouth with ease, his face was cold and pale, no emotion could be seen, and the fire was slightly lit , spit out smoke.

"Does your knee still hurt?" Luo Xiaowan asked while holding a dish for Xie Muchen.

"It's much better. If you don't want to eat, you can rest. I will go back to the company in the evening and come back later." He tilted his head and looked out of the window. Little sigh.He wanted to open his mouth to say something more, wanted to say that he wanted to see her more, but he just couldn't say it.

Luo Xiaowan reached out and took his other cold hand, squatted in front of him, took his hand and stroked her face, rubbed his cold hand, pursed her lips and smiled, her long hair ran across Xie Muchen's cold fingers Sharp, she raised her eyes and looked at Xie Muchen: "Smoking less, let's eat first. I won't go to work tomorrow, and I will go to the company with you to work overtime tonight."

Xie Muchen blew out puffs of willow-like smoke: "No." On the surface he refused, although his eyes were as indifferent as ever, his pupils couldn't stop trembling, and the bottom of his hand was holding Luo Xiaowan's hand very tightly.

"Brother Chen, I can help you sort out the information and bring some tea. Besides, how can the president's wife always make the president work overtime alone?" Passing his thin face with a clear jaw line, he left with a wink: "Brother Haochen, I'm going to change clothes, you eat quickly."

"Chen, brother Chen?" Xie Muchen took an ashtray on the table, and reached out to light the cigarette in his hand.His face turned red, he sniffed his nose, he was like a child angry, and the corners of his mouth raised, he deliberately avoided the broccoli, and stuffed other vegetables into his mouth: "Really, it's been so long, why are you talking to me just now?" It's the same as when you're in love, childish!"

"Bring them a few cups of coffee, it's all very hard." Luo Xiaowan tied up her long hair, tied up a high ponytail, and changed into a white gauze dress. It was cold at night, and she also brought a pink dress. Jacket, sitting on Xie Muchen's co-pilot, holding the window, looking at the coffee shop on the side through the glass, and then turned to look at Xie Muchen who was concentrating on driving: "Brother Chen?"

"Ah? Okay." Xie Muchen agreed and stopped by the side of the road.

"Yes..." Luo Xiaowan didn't know how many people there were, she was at a loss, she stepped back, untied Mu Chen's sleeve as if asking for help, and turned to look at his eyebrows.

Xie Muchen smiled knowingly, stretched out his hand to embrace Luo Xiaowan, and hugged her gently in his arms. With the other hand, he found out the payment code: "I want fifty cups of latte, take it away. I also want a cup of crispy milk tea. Send the latte to Jie's Company, and take the milk tea away now, thank you."

Xie Muchen took the milk tea, put a straw on it and brought it to Luo Xiaowan's mouth. The fragrance of milk overflowed and attracted Luo Xiaowan all at once. Taking a sip of the milk tea by herself, she glanced at Luo Xiaowan blushing, and led her out of the coffee shop.

"I, I want to drink too." Luo Xiaowan got into the co-pilot, but the whole car was filled with the sweet smell of milk tea. Luo Xiaowan looked eagerly at Xie Muchen who was still drinking milk tea. The milk tea will be seen soon It's over.

"Then come here." He took another sip and swallowed it.

She waved her big hand to signal Luo Xiaowan to come closer, holding the mouth of the milk tea straw as if tempting Luo Xiaowan to take a sip. Luo Xiaowan wanted to try it, but her mouth followed the straw, and what she got was not a straw. Instead, she was blocked by soft and delicate lips, still lingering with the fragrance of milk and the smell of crispy waves, a big hand caressed her side face, and her lips and teeth seemed to surround her.

"Huh?!" She left abruptly, looking at Xie Muchen with a face full of shock: "Ah!?" She couldn't believe it and suppressed a smile, covering her mouth with a blushing face: "Rogue!"

"My wife, how come you become a rascal after just one kiss?" Unexpectedly, Xie Muchen suppressed his laughter again, attracting another burst of blush.

"I, this, you, oh, my God." Luo Xiaowan blushed and lowered her head, speaking incoherently.

"Haha, well, I won't tease you anymore, let's try it." Xie Muchen took out the tissue paper on the car and handed it to Luo Xiaowan's mouth to wipe the milk tea on her mouth, then handed the milk tea in Luo Xiaowan's hand, Turning the car key with the other hand, starting the car, putting it in gear and stepping on the gas pedal, the corners of his mouth could not come down for a long time.

Luo Xiaowan took the milk tea suspiciously, the scent of Xie Muchen was still lingering in her mouth, she took a sip carefully imitating Xie Muchen's appearance, the milky fragrance was full, the taste was rich, and it was accompanied by tender and crispy bobo.

"Wow, this is delicious." Luo Xiaowan said after drinking the last sip of milk tea.

"Yes, you will definitely like it." Xie Muchen smiled, turned the steering wheel for the last time, and drove the car into the underground garage.

When getting out of the car and walking towards the elevator, Xie Muchen walked slowly, took her hand and said: "If you are tired, don't force yourself, you can rest in my office for a while, and I can take you back, you know?"

"Okay." Luo Xiaowan said in a low voice on purpose, pulling Xie Muchen's suit sleeve with one hand, while looking up at his perfect profile, Xie Muchen's eyes slanted, and his eyes were full of the youthful appearance of that man.

Xie Muchen really didn't hear clearly, he continued to walk, bent slightly, trying to get closer to hear what Luo Xiaowan said, but who knew that she spoke in a softer voice, she didn't even have a breath, just opened her eyes Opening her mouth, she couldn't even hear herself: "Okay."

"What?" Xie Muchen was puzzled, and finally stopped walking, stood in front of Luo Xiaowan, looked down at the little guy, curled his lips, squatted down to get close to her mouth, as if he knew what he said .


Luo Xiaowan was so quick that she caught his cold and pale face with one mouthful, and then didn't give him a chance to breathe and react, leaving only a face full of milky fragrance, blushing like a thief towards the elevator entrance. run away.

"Childish ghost." His face was flushed red, the corners of his mouth were upturned, looking at Luo Xiaowan's distant figure, his handsome and cold face was stubbornly turned to one side, his hands were put into his trouser pockets, he was stepping on his leather shoes, his face was full of doting Drowning generally followed.

"Time is tight and the task is heavy. This is the coffee that Madam invited you to. Work overtime seriously!" Everyone cheered and claimed Muchen's coffee one after another. Luo Xiaowan stood obediently behind Jie Muchen, helping the staff distribute the coffee, Xie Muchen commanded with a serious face, but he still showed satisfaction: "Hurry up, make the watch today and give it to Manager Li, Xiao Wang, don't forget to check the materials and your manuscript!"

Luo Xiaowan's appearance still aroused the envious eyes of a group of small employees.

"President is so happy today!"

"The two of them are really sweet."

"I always thought that the president's wife should be as fierce as last time."

"No, look how happy the CEO is today, the braids are all up to the sky." Several people laughed and said.

"Yes, yes, it must be Madam who is here. I won't be the only single dog left in the world!"

Xie Muchen heard it, and his face tightened: "What is it! Still chatting, has the notice sheet been printed?" He glanced at the watch on the wall again: "If you can't give it to me before ten o'clock, first deduct half a month's salary, and then you Get beaten!" Several people knew Xie Muchen's usual style, but they still looked at each other and left.

His face was full of spring breeze, his eyes turned soft, he put his arms around Luo Xiaowan's shoulders, surrounded Luo Xiaowan full of magnetism, and he said word by word: "Go, overtime, work."

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