Zhan Hanjue walked in front, and Stina followed nervously with her bag.

Fuck, I'm going to that horrible place on the second floor again.

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

On the second floor, Zhan Hanjue deliberately slowed down, with one hand in his pocket and a slight smile on his face. Stina didn't look around and could only follow behind Zhan Hanjue.


When Stina heard the scream, she threw her hand away in fright, and the object fell to the ground in an instant.

Zhan Hanjue smiled happily, he didn't expect that this woman, who was usually like a tigress, would be afraid sometimes.

It's very happy to think about it, it's been a long time since he laughed so unscrupulously.

Stina opened her eyes suddenly, but caught Zhan Hanjue's smile in her eyes.

His smile is like a spring breeze. When he doesn't smile, he is very serious and without any emotion. When he smiles, he is very warm, without the feeling of facial paralysis.

"Master Zhan, you look so pretty when you smile!"

This is what Stina said from the bottom of her heart. A real man should smile more and not keep a straight face all day long.

"Did I laugh? Your focus shifts so quickly."

Zhan Hanjue quickly put away his smile and said solemnly, continuing to move forward.

"Zhan Hanjue, your uncle actually frightened me!"

It was only then that Stina realized that the terrifying scream just now was made by Zhan Hanjue to scare her on purpose.

Stina was actually fascinated by his smile, and forgot what she was afraid of.

If Zhan Hanjue hadn't deliberately reminded her, she would have been immersed in that springy smile all the time.

Unable to react, she saw the gloomy surroundings again, the dark walls, dim yellow lights, and a portrait of Mona Lisa hanging in the middle.

She closed her eyes tightly and didn't dare to open them again. She picked up the bag on the ground again and walked forward like a blind man.

After Zhan Hanjue deliberately finished her off, he naturally ignored her feelings, no matter how much she scolded him, he pretended not to hear.

Does this dog man have a strong taste?Don't let the room be so gloomy, otherwise she will fall into the hands of this dog man for the rest of her life.

Stina has been afraid of the dark since she was a child, because she experienced an accident when she was five years old, and since then she has been afraid of the dark and crowds.

There is inexplicable fear and anxiety in her heart, so she is unwilling to go to crowded places and can only stay at home.

She never turns off the lights even when she goes to bed at night, and once she turns off the lights, she can't fall asleep.

"Here we go, madwoman."

Zhan Hanjue stopped, turned his head and saw Stina with eyes tightly closed, blindly approaching him slowly, groping wantonly at him.

"Crazy woman, what are you doing?"

Zhan Hanjue slapped Stina's fumbling hands away in disgust, roaring.

"It's here! Then open the door and let me in!"

Stina was still uneasy, and finally reached the door, but this man didn't open the door first, but blocked the door.


"Are you afraid of the dark? Or are you afraid of my decoration style?"

Zhan Hanjue was still at the door, smiling sinisterly.

"Well! Yes! So every time I come to your second floor, I feel uneasy and almost suffocate."

Stina doesn't want to hide it anymore, after all, there is still a long way to go to spend with this dog man in the future, maybe he will reform for me again?

"Then there is no way, if you don't like it, try to like it, just accept it slowly!"

After Zhan Hanjue finished speaking, he opened the door and walked in first, after Stina walked in.

"Wow, your room..."

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